Gozzoli, Benozzo Journey of the Magi 1459-1460 in chapel of Medici Palace commissioned by Cosimo
Donatello’s David 1440 Commissioned by Cosimo de’ Medici for courtyard of the new Medici palace
Ghiberti Gates of Paradise 1425-1450
Brunelleschi’s Dome for the Duomo (Cathedral) of Florence completed 1436
Melozzo da Forli : 1477 Pope Sixtus IV della Rovere inaugurating Platina as head of Va tican Library with four of his nephews
Perugino Christ presenting Peter with the Keys of the Kingdom, Sistine Chapel 1482
Leonardo Aerial map of Imola for Cesare Borgia 1502
Berruguete 1474 Federico da Montefeltro Duke of Urbino and his son Condottieri and Humanist (arms & letters)
Milan 1490’s (modern version, never cast due to French invasion of 1499)
Raphael Julius II Della Rovere 1503-1513 The Warrior Pope
Raphael Leo X Giovanni dei Medici
• Michelangelo’s David • Florence 1502
• Michelangelo • Last Judgement • Sistine Chapel • Painted from 1534-1541
Raphael Baldassaare Castiglione 1514
Raphael, School of Athens 1509-1511
Agnolo Bronzino Clement VII
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