overview of network codes

- Overview of Network Codes Jan Ingwersen ENTSOG ENTSOG Total - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brussels, December 2015 UNECE Gas Centre Task Force on Gas Market and Regulation - Overview of Network Codes Jan Ingwersen ENTSOG ENTSOG Total natural gas demand in Europe: 460 bcm Share of natural gas in EU energy mix: 23 % Direct

  1. Brussels, December 2015 UNECE Gas Centre Task Force on Gas Market and Regulation - Overview of Network Codes Jan Ingwersen ENTSOG

  2. ENTSOG Total natural gas demand in Europe: 460 bcm Share of natural gas in EU energy mix: 23 % Direct employed Length of high- staff: pressure 50,000 pipeline network: 250,000 km

  3. ENTSOGs Tasks • Pan-European Network Codes cross-border/market integration issues Network Code development: 12 months Prepare Interactive Project Prepare ACER Preparatory work launch Comitology draft code Consultation planning final code review development document • Pan-European Ten-Year Network Development Plan (‘TYNDP’) • Regular gas supply/demand outlooks on the European market • Develop common operational tools (CNOTs): network security and reliability • Providing information/data (Transparency Platform, maps)

  4. Network Codes: Where we are now ? 2014 2015 2016 2017 01.07.2016 Implementation Implementation of most CMP/ Firm day-ahead Use-It-or-Loose-It CMP-rules : October 2013 Transparency 01.11.2015 CAM Implementation 01.10.2015 01.10.2016 Delayed Balancing End Implementation Implementation Q1/Q2 2016 (estimate) Inter- Endorsement Implementation operability 01.10.2017 (estimate) Tariffs Development Implementation Endorsement 01.10.2017 (estimate) Incremental Implementation Development Endorsement Capacity 4

  5. What will Network Codes achieve? (1) 5

  6. What will Network Codes achieve? (2) 6

  7. CAM CAM – Status on Implementation & Platform Usage  Usage of booking platforms and standard product range in early implementation has further increased during 2015

  8. BAL - Status on Implementation Implemented by 1 Oct. 2015 (10 Member States including LU)* Implemented by 1 October 2015 including trading platform. Additional balancing platform in place. (1 Member State)* Implemented by 1 Oct 2016 (5 Member States) Implemented by 16 April 2019 (8 Member States including Estonia) 3  Increase in interim measures compared to last year (9 respondents vs. 8 in 2014).  11 Member States (61.0% of total consumption [5,101,286 GWh/y]**) reported that BAL NC has been implemented by 1 Oct. 2015.*  16 countries (87.5% of total consumption [5,101,286 GWh/y]**) reported to implement the BAL NC by 1 Oct. 2016.* *Germany (16% of consumptions) reported to implement BAL NC provisions by 1 Oct. 2015. In addition to the trading platform, Germany has one interim measure for balancing platform applying for 5 years in case the locational products needed are not sufficiently offered on the trading platform. ** Total consumption of 23 Member States (incl. Luxembourg) applying BAL NC.

  9. Tariff Network Code : Some Main Points Tariff setting Ex-post year Binding tariffs Fixed tariffs Non-physical Multiplier cap backhaul Network Volume risk in high Code on Transmission and dedicated transit countries Tariff services definition Structures Publication requirements Multi-TSO Benchmarking systems Cost allocation Transitional and methodologies mitigating measures Incremental 9

  10. Development of Resubmitted TAR NC ACER Reasoned Opinion TAR NC submitted within within prescribed timescales prescribed timescales 26 th March 2015 26 th December 2014 EC ACER Stakeholders TAR NC resubmitted within expected timescales 31 st July 10

  11. TAR NC Expected Timeline (December 2015) October 2016 2015 ISC by EC: Madrid Forum June January-February EC/MS 14-15 Oct Informal MSs 1 st Comitology 2 nd Comitology Public Informal MSs Meeting 20 Oct meeting information meeting meeting ACER ACER Does Not (28-29 April) session 15 Dec (10-11 March) (End June?) GWG Recommend Draft 8/10 BoR (TBD) 13/10 Internal EC processes ENTSOG EC-ACER-ENTSOG Pre-Comitology Comitology Amendments Trilateral Meetings to Phase Phase Phase amend text ENTSOG BOA GA GA GA BOA BOA BOA BOA BOA BOA BOA BOA GA 26/11 16/12 6/4 8/6 10/2 16/6 5/11 14/1 17/3 1/10 20/4 20/10 19/5 GIE Conference 9-10 June TAR WG 1/3 3/5 17/11 27/10 5/4 31/5 8/12 12/1 26/1 28/6 or 10/5 11

  12. Activities in the Phases of Network Codes Entry-into- Application Force Date Date Phases of the Network Codes Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Development Implementation Operation Implementation of ACER FG NCs being applied the Network Codes in practical operation NRAs ensuring ENTSOG consistency with NC Draft national rules ACER Opinion & 1. Monitoring by ACER & ENTSOG Recommendation 2. Functionality: Process to check & ensure that the Comitology NCs are working properly 12

  13. Functionality Process ACER/ENTSOG Coordination Team • Establish & maintain bulletin board • Step 1. Collect issues Collect and clarify the issues • Status of issues on bulleting board A/E Coordination Team • Categorization: + Stakeholders • Focus on regional (between several MS) and European (majority of MS) issues Step 2. Categorize issues • National (within one MS) issues to be referred to national level • High/ Medium/ Low priority • Prioritised issues to responsible WG / TF Respective • Elaborate on possible solutions WG (ENTSOG) • Conduct stakeholder workshops + TF (ACER) • Identify preferred solutions + Stakeholders Step 3. Develop solutions • Obtain ACER and ENTSOG approval as well as stakeholder support • Publish a recommendation 13

  14. Thank You for Your Attention Jan Ingwersen Business Area Manager - Market ENTSOG -- European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, B-1000 Brussels EML: Jan.Ingwersen@entsog.eu WWW: www.entsog.eu


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