overlay content routing test over koren

OverlayContentRouting TestoverKOREN Yi, Dong-Hoon 2012. 10. 29 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

APII Workshop 2012 OverlayContentRouting TestoverKOREN Yi, Dong-Hoon 2012. 10. 29 Contents 1 Background 2 Network Value-Up! Smart Network 3 Overlay Content Routing Test over KOREN 4 Summary & Discussion Background 1-1

  1. APII Workshop 2012 Overlay�Content�Routing Test�over�KOREN� Yi, Dong-Hoon 2012. 10. 29

  2. Contents 1 Background 2 Network Value-Up! Smart Network 3 Overlay Content Routing Test over KOREN 4 Summary & Discussion

  3. Background 1-1 Paradigm Shift form WWW to MMM (Mobile Multi-Media) Trend on Internet Consumer Traffic l Mobile Global Consumer IP Traffic (Cisco VNI`12) - Broadband�mobile�access�network PB/month 12,000 - High�performed�Smart�Phone,�Tablet�PC� 8,000 - VM,�Cloud�computing�&�services Mobile Data 4,000 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 l Multi-Media Contents PB/month 90,000 - VOD,�Real-time�Streaming,�IPTV Voice over IP (VoIP) - SNS,�Personal�broadcasting Online gaming 60,000 Web, email, and data Internet video 30,000 File sharing 0 2013 2014 2015 2016

  4. Background 1-2 ISP’s Crisis? or Chance? Subscriber Demand = ‘Freemium’ Service l P2P-based CDN solution P2P CDN Traffic (Cloud & Data Center World`10) Gbps - Low-cost�P2P�content�delivery 900 - Using�subscriber’s�line 600 - Multi-flow�unfairness�issues 300 0 2009.3 2009.6 2009.9 2009.12 2010.3 l ISP’s Stance KT IDC, KIX Traffic (KT`10) Gbps 1500 - Non-profitable�burden KORNET - Increasing�KIX�traffic�&�cost 1000 IDC - Congestion,�Bed�effect�on�QoS KIX 500 - Potential�profit�source 0 2006 2007 2008 2009

  5. Background 1-3 Content-Centric, Smart Delivery Network From Dumb to Smart Pipe l Mitigating traffic burden - Traffic�localization�(ALTO,�P4P) - Reduce�duplicated�delivery l Guaranteeing user QoE - Content�caching�&�delivery l Global-wide premium CDN - Telco�CDN�alliance�&�collaboration - Service�delivery�platform

  6. Background 1-4 Legacy CDN vs. Telco CDN + Smart Network

  7. Smart Network 2-1 The First Step towards Open Network Eco-System

  8. Smart Network 2-2 Definition OpenEco network infrastructure based on proximity & open API for next generation business model which is co-working between KT and other internet key players

  9. Smart Network 2-3 Service Delivery Platform focusing on Content Delivery From Dumb to Smart Pipe Smart Network SDN (Service Delivery Platform) SDP is providing Open API, for the simplification of each Smart Network is similar to SDP , because they are service delivery and for the combination between providing Open API for the common Infra. Service layer and Resource layer, But, SN provides smart content delivery feature by Open API: Open Application Program interface, which storing, forwarding of each contents with network is provided by SDP to Service developer. information. Open API Content store & SDP Delivery

  10. Smart Network 2-4 Standardization & Industrial Efforts Standardization l IETF ALTO (Application Level Traffic Optimization) WG l IEEE NGSON (Next Generation Service Overlay Network) – IP-based Overlay Framework l ITU-T SG 13 – DSN (Distributed Service Networking) Vendors l Service Routing - Cisco (w/ CANVAS Project), Alcatel-Lucent l ISP manageable P2P - Huawei l Smart Cache - Juniper (+ Media flow controller), Verivue (w/ Google-Verizon Project)

  11. Smart Network 2-5 Components for Overlay Content Routing Delivery optimization Smart Gateway (Network�proximity,�Topology,�Traffic) Content Routing�­ Search,�Manage Smart Content�Delivery�­ Streaming Node Content�in�network�caching Proving open�network�resources Smart API as�a�service� Get�proximity�info DHT Content routing

  12. Smart Gateway 2-6 Definition & Structure l Determine optimal delivery route (use proximity & topology info.) l Internetworking via heterogeneous network (build overlay network) - Service�routing,�ranking�computation�&�policy - Routing�(IGP/BGP)�info.�gathering�&�analyzing�(IS-IS�CLI,�TFTP,�Quagga) - SN�monitoring - DHT�management�daemon,�ALTO�API�(proximity�info.)

  13. Smart Node 2-7 Definition & Structure l Network entity for delivery content and distributing, caching, exchanging - Dynamic�caching,�content�search�(DHT),�streaming�(Live/VOD)�

  14. Overlay Content Routing 2-8 + Service-based Request Routing

  15. DNS-based Request Routing Ref.

  16. Ref. Service-based Request Routing

  17. Overlay Content Routing Test 3-1 Objectives KOREN�Testbed 22�generic�servers SG�Functions Domain�routing�info.�ALTO SG/SN�Interworking�Func. Join/Leave,�Redirection,�Search,,� Concurrent�session SN�Functions DHT�content�routing,�caching End-user Emulation Vmware (Xen Server) User�QoE Resp.�time,�DL�speed,�Buffering Traffic�Localization Traffic�reduction�between�POPs

  18. Overlay Content Routing Test 3-2 KOREN TESTBED Setup KOREN TESTBED l Server - Seoul�(5):�xxx.xxx.xxx.116�~�120 - Daejeon (5):�xxx.xxx.xxx.211�~�215 - Gwangju (6):�xxx.xxx.xxx.69�~�74 - Pusan (6):�xxx.xxx.xxx.117�~�122 l Setup - CentOS 6.3 - XEN�Server

  19. Overlay Content Routing Test 3-3 KOREN TESTBED Setup Local (Lab.) TESTBED

  20. Overlay Content Routing Test 3-4 KOREN TESTBED Setup Traffic Monitoring l Cacti - RRD-tool�based�graphing - Monitoring�traffic�each�links - Flow�route Origin Server l Test VOD Contents - HTTP�adaptive�streaming - 500k,�1M,�2M,�8M�bitrate

  21. Overlay Content Routing Test 3-5 KOREN TESTBED Setup SG, SN Log/DB Data Indexing l Status Monitoring - Define�log�data�&�format - Export�DB�data� - Integrate�&�Manipulate�data� l Splunk - Logging�data�indexing - Visualization

  22. Overlay Content Routing Test 3-6 Define Test Items & Scenarios Smart Gateway Domainmonitoring (ranking info.), SG/SNmonitoring (leave, Join) (SG) Servicerouting (DNS interworking), ALTO (routing info. gathering/managing) Smart Node Contents caching (caching algo., statistics, prefetching,), Content routing (DHT routing (SN) node & info. management, …), Content delivery (VOD/Live, format, …) Provisioning (delivery service, channel, server, VOD manifest management, …) Interworking Performance/fault/usage management (SNMP MIB Trap..) SG/SN Concurrent session, response time (request, search) , service throughput, Performance cache hit ratio, … QoE, Traffic Response time, download speed, buffering, Traffic ratio between SNs, OAM Recovery time, …

  23. Partial Results 3-7 NS Simulation ALTO File Size 20MB # of Seeder 1 # of Peer 100/200/300/400 # of tracker peer 50 KT internal (100 Mbps) BW Global ISP – KT (10Mbps) Other ISP – KT (20Mbps) Choking interval 0~10 sec

  24. Partial Results 3-8 NS Simulation ALTO GB 25 l Total Traffic volume 20 15 - ~ 30% reduction per each link 10 5 0 100 200 300 400 # of Peer Without ALTO ALTO Sec l Download time 250 - ~ 61% time enhancement 200 150 100 50 0 100 200 300 400 # of Peer without ALTO ALTO

  25. Partial Results 3-9 Lab. Testbed Smart Gateway Response 12000 l Concurrent session 10000 8000 - 6.7% loss at 250 request/sec 6000 4000 2000 0 10 100 200 250 500 Request/sec l Response time msec 2500 - For service redirection 2000 - 2 sec at 500 request/sec 1500 1000 500 0 10 100 200 250 500 750 Request/sec

  26. Partial Results 3-10 Lab. Testbed Smart Node l Video segment download time - Under backbone congestion - 32 TS video segments - 1) From origin server - 2) form Smart node (w/o cache) - 3) form Smart node (w/ cache) 6.00 l SN regulate DL speed 4.00 2.00 0.00 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 SN w/o cache SN w/ cache Origin server

  27. Partial Results 3-11 Benchmark Test l Service Routing Capacity - Concurrent Session w/ CPU loads l Streaming Capacity - HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) - 20Gbps (10Gx2) interface: max 15Gbps: 2Mbps (10,000 session), 8Mbps (2,500 session) l User side QoS - Average response time of each video file segments, download speed

  28. Summary & Discussion 4 l Smart Network is… - A service delivery platform focusing on content delivery - First step towards Open Network Eco-System where KT and other internet key players can collaborate l We will … - T est & verify the functions and performance of Smart N/W on KOREN testbed - Deploy Smart N/W for pilot service (5~10% of traffic coverage, collaborate with major CPs) - Consider several issues such as placement of SG • Management, Backup • Data exchange between SGs • Frequent data exchange between SG & SNs

  29. KT R&D Laboratory, Smart Network Strategy Team Dong-Hoon Yi (donghoon.yi@kt.com)


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