ove nilsson ove nilsson

Ove Nilsson Ove Nilsson Ume, Sweden Ume, Sweden Chairman and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ove Nilsson Ove Nilsson Ume, Sweden Ume, Sweden Chairman and Scientific Director of Ume Chairman and Scientific Director of Ume Plant Science Centre, SLU Plant Science Centre, SLU Why Forest Biotechnology ? Swedish exports and

  1. Ove Nilsson Ove Nilsson Umeå, Sweden Umeå, Sweden Chairman and Scientific Director of Umeå Chairman and Scientific Director of Umeå Plant Science Centre, SLU Plant Science Centre, SLU

  2. Why Forest Biotechnology ?

  3. Swedish exports and imports of some product groups 2004 Billion SEK 0 40 80 120 160 Forest industry products Cars, car parts Electronic goods,computers Other engineering products Energy goods Iron-ore, iron and steel Pharmaceutical products Exports Other chemical products Imports Dramatically increased pressure on forest production due to: Increase in world’s population (+ 3-4 billion people). These people need wood for heating, paper and construction materials. Conversion from a society based on fossil fuels to a society based on energy and materials derived from renewable sources: wood fibers. Big challenge for forest industry that needs to secure its supply of wood for pulp and paper and construction materials

  4. The Agricultural Development 10 000 years ago Domestication Domestication Breeding Breeding revolution revolution 1995 Management Management Biotech Biotech revolution revolution Today

  5. Traditional breeding has improved our crops tremendously! Corn - Indian corn - Teosinte


  7. Forestry Lags Behind! 10 000 years ago Domestication Domestication Management Management Breeding Breeding 1995 revolution revolution Biotech Biotech revolution revolution Today

  8. Umeå Plant Science Center A centre of excellence for plant research but also an innovation platform for Swedish forest industry !

  9. An excellent base for comparative biology !

  10. Chailakyan, 1936

  11. 2005: The signal molecule controlling flowering found! Huang, T., Böhlenius, H., Eriksson, S., Parçy, F., Nilsson, O. 2005. Science 309: 1694-1696

  12. lowe ring Sig na l ( „ F lorig e n “ ) T he Mole c ula r Ba sis for the F F D Pro te in + F D F T Pro te in CONS T ANS RNA Pro te in F T RNA CONS T ANS Pro te in F T RNA Abe e t al., 2005 Wig g e e t al., 2005 Huang e t al., 2005

  13. The FT gene controls flowering of trees! Böhlenius, H., Huang, T., Charbonnel-Campaa, L., Brunner, A.M., Jansson, S., Strauss, S.H., Nilsson, O. 2006. Science Flowers on 4 week old shoots

  14. Normal flowering time 10-15 years Normal inflorescences formed (4 months)

  15. Normal flowers formed

  16. 35S::FT inhibits short day-induced bud set FT WT LD 32 days 64 days SD + 5 days 5 ° C SD

  17. Seasonal regulation of PtFT1 30 ye aro ld Po pulus tre mula g ro wing in Ume å (64 ° N) 21 hrs c ritic al dayle ng th?

  18. The phase of CO mRNA oscillation predicts the critical daylength (21 hrs) (19 hrs) (17 hrs) (15 hrs) Böhlenius, H., Huang, T., Charbonnel-Campaa, L., Brunner, A.M., Jansson, S., Strauss, S.H., Nilsson, O. 2006. Science

  19. Seedling growth and vigour Breeding Basic research Fibre modifications Transgenics Clonal forestry


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