OUTSTANDING TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT TECHNICAL SKILLS NATIONAL PROGRAMME Master Technician - lecture notes for L3 Creative Media presentation, storytelling for brands and agencies Created by: Jet Media for City and Islington College January 2019 Managed by
CANDI LECTURE !. Hi iʼm Steve, CD of Jet MediE. Iʼm here to show you our work, how we present ourselves to E client Iʼd like to Eddress these 3 EreEs: Putting pitches together - getting the right info ● PresentEtion / presenting your ideEs. WhEt formEt, how much detEil etc ● Sell yourself From our experience, CommunicEting with the client through E project. ● Iʼll do thEt through E typicEl deck our compEny might use so you cEn see whEt we do. Iʼm going to stress one thing Et this stEge, ElwEys Esk questions, even here right now. The following slides Ere how we tend to go Ebout presenting End whEt strengths to highlight. #. verbElly introduce yourself End your bEckground… $. We like to stErt by showing some engEging imEgery. A showreel reflecting brEnd %. Reinforce whEt wEs in the showreel with brEnds we hEve worked for. Our heritEge &. Coll$bor$tors . Its importEnt to discuss how you work '. Even list whEt you cEn offer. We shEre our workloEd End work Ecross eEch-others projects (. Storytellers . Introduce your speciElist EreEs. We use storytelling Es one of our strengths ). End Edd relevEnt content to suit the client… for exEmple cross plEtform editoriEl - EgEin focused on brEnd *. This is for En event Et ChelseE flower show. Online End experientiEl work !+. Designers . Here we cEn be very specific but I feel sometimes it works with E collEge of imEges. Gin work thru design !!. MEppin & Webb - pitch !#. ExEmple of E cEmpEign pitch for new business. !$. ExEmples of finEl imEges !%. ExEmples of newsletters. Some we shoot Ell imEges, Eton Shirts wEs Ell supplier imEges !&. DigitEl. Discuss scope of work, whEt you cEn do, eg UI UX, front end, bEck-end / Redesigned elements / cross plEtform strengths !'. Film m$kers . Another speciElist EreE. You mEy not hEve live work in your book but E good understEnding of EreEs is worthwhile mentioning
!(. CEr Film. This wEs for E pitch we did to MorgEn cErs. We presented this film Elongside printed mEteriEl End digitEl Essets. Drone + tElking heEds !). Photogr$phy . AgEin, you mEy not hEve Eny live work but is good to see whEt you cEn produce. !*. Advertising End editoriEl content. CD, AD photog. #+. C$se Study 1 . ExplEin brief. Through En Egency. Asked to produce product hero photogrEphy End short films. No brief. Ask lots of questions. Expl$in brief. We pitched the project bEck to the Egency with whEt we thought we should do. We hEve E film mEker in mind so mEnEged to work on some visuEls with his work in mind. #!. One thing I like to estEblish eErly on is usEge. ##. Composition is key in terms of spEce Eround imEge etc #$. Lighting. We worked with some Essets we hEd End mocked us some visuEls. #%. WhEt will they weEr/how will they look #&. Get creEtive concepts signed off End not verbElly signed off. An Eside: we took E month visuElising creEting the look End feel for these films End shot them 1 dEy film End hElf E dEy photogrEphy. #'. StoryboErd End recce #(. StoryboErd End recce #). StoryboErd End recce #*. StoryboErd End recce $+. StoryboErd End recce $!. StoryboErd End recce $#. Restrictions: Mid jEn, short hours light, PeckhEm (request cEme in from brEnd to mEke it look like CEliforniE). $$. This is the style for the films we ended up creEting. BTW we took this onto rEdio. RECAP ON PRESENTATION End pitching bEck to client. $%. C$se Study 2 . We were briefed on this viE emEil. $&. FEirly generic brief document. $'. Products $(. Current cEmpEign which we hEd worked on $). AdditionEl hero imEgery reference. They wEnted to develop the creEtive End use the circles more. $*. Our notes bEck to the client on our thoughts %+. How we mEy wEnt the bEckgrounds to look End be lit %!. Angles %#. Spheres %$. IdeE for moving imEge %%. This is how we intend to show the moving imEge creEtive
%&. MEke these pEges Es literEl Es possible with product, description End outcome. Sketches only. Colour, light etc should be E sepErEte pEge. %'. BEsic EnimEtion feEturing the products - no colour or treEtment. Show products to be used in creEtive. %(. BEsic EnimEtion feEturing the products - no colour or treEtment. Show products to be used in creEtive. %). BEsic EnimEtion feEturing the products - no colour or treEtment. Show products to be used in creEtive. %*. BEsic EnimEtion feEturing the products - no colour or treEtment. Show products to be used in creEtive. &+. BEsic EnimEtion feEturing the products - no colour or treEtment. Show products to be used in creEtive. &!. We presented these ideEs End receives the feedbEck thEt they were not on brEnd. So we Esked for E fEce-to-fEce meeting. &#. We were presented with 5 new sets of products. Turned out they didnʼt hEve the stock behind the other sets. BEsicElly we stErt EgEin. Its our time thEts lost on this job which is fine. We hEdnʼt drEfted in support to work on this Et this stEge. &$. We represented Es sketches only this time -no EnimEtions Es we were very short of time.. &%. Revised drEwings to get signed off &&. Revised drEwings to get signed off &'. We hEd 2 Emends from the client. &(. Second Emend &). Second Emend &*. Once these were represented we got to work on the project. '+. Outcomes '!. Outcomes '#. Outcomes '$. Outcomes '%. Outcomes RECAP ON PRESENTATION End mEnEging clients expectEtions '&. C$se Study 3 . Another beEuty brEnd. why? No Money but good brEnd. Juggle finEnces. Presenting to E brEnd you wEnt to work for. No EgendE. We do this E lot! Non of this is our work. Just observEtions. We hEd presented E generic deck prior to this btw. ''. WhEt is our intent here? '(. We listed whEt we could help them improve upon. Without sounding conceited or thEt they Ere getting it wrong
'). This slide is pretty redundEnt but we wEnted to re Eddress thEt we Ere merely suggesting things '*. SociEl EnimEtion (+. Use beEuty experts End EmbEssEdors or influencers. (!. More upmErket End polished wEy to feEture moving imEge. (#. CreEte E voice End E look for your brEnd ($. Connect u your sociEl chEnnels (%. MEking stEtic into EnimEtion (&. ChEnge it up E bit ('. ExpEnd on current Essets. ((. End with E summEry End En opening for them. From presenting the Ebove, they cEme bEck to us End Esked us to look Et 2 things (). Blog Repositioning. (*. Outcome )+. EmEil cEmpEigns )!. outcome )#. outcome )$. outcome )%. EVENTS. FinElly, PHEW! Intro trEiler for hEir conference. Brief wEs: Needs to be BRITISH! Very little money - gorillE style shoot. Iʼll leEve you with this. Hopefully thEt wEs of some use. ThEnks for your time todEy. I hEve some pitch docs End finished projects here. Iʼm Eround for E little while so pleEse feel free to come End chEt.
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