“a c ollabor ative appr oac h to le ar ning” Our M Miss ssion T o pro vide le a rning o ppo rtunitie s fo r profe ssiona l de ve lopme nt a nd pe rsona l a dva nc e me nt .
Personal/ C Comm mmun unity y Rewards L iving in a rura l c o mmunity yo u a re limite d to a dva nc ing yo urse lf to a hig he r le ve l o f le a rning tha t is a va ila b le in a c ity. L HL C is de dic a te d to pro viding e duc a tio na l o ppo rtunitie s fo r Bruc e a nd Huro n c o untie s. Affo rda b le a nd a c c e ssib le lo c a l tra ining Oppo rtunitie s fo r e nha nc ing skills a nd pe rso na l g ro wth thro ug h a wide ra ng e o f le a rning o ppo rtunitie s E xpa nde d e mplo yme nt o ppo rtunitie s due to a mo re hig hly skille d wo rkfo rc e Po te ntia l to re ta in yo uth if tra ining is a va ila b le lo c a lly Po te ntia l fo r e c o no mic de ve lo pme nt
Trai ainin ing o opportu tunitie ities Pe rso na l Suppo rt Wo rke r Offic e Administra tive Assista nt Pro je c t Ma na g e me nt He a lthc a re Offic e Assista nt Busine ss Mic ro c o mpute r Applic a tio n Co urse (Wo rd , E xc e l a nd Po we r Po int) P6 Prima ve ra Sc he duling tra ining Risk Ma na g e me nt tra ining www.la ke huronle a rning .c a
Collaborat ative e L a ke Huro n L e a rning , Adult L e a rning , Co nta c t No rth a nd vpi a re wo rking to g e the r to c re a te a susta ina b le c o mmunity thro ug h e duc a tio na l o ppo rtunitie s a nd e mplo yme nt se rvic e s. At this time L HL C is the o nly c o lla b o ra tive in Bruc e Co unty, ma king this a unique o ppo rtunity.
The Adult Learning Centre focus on: • Employment Skills and Training • GED (General Education Development Certificate) • Math, Aptitude Training • Digital and Online Learning
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vpi Inc. : Your Bruce County Employment Ontario Service Provider
Provide no cost funded program & services to clients and employers Assist eligible job seekers to find employment in Canada Range of services that vpi Inc., delivers: Job Search / Career Decision Making Job Matching Placement & Incentives Resources and Information, Workshops Job Retention Current Employment Ontario funded programs incentives/ supports APPRENTICESHIP Self Employment Benefits (SEB) Job Creation Partnership (JCP) Second Career (SC) Youth Employment Fund (YEF) Summer Jobs Service (SJS) Canada Ontario Job Grant (COJG)
vpi Inc. www.vpi-inc.com www.211ontario.ca Contact us: 1-855-260-4900 or 519-881-4900 Apply to advertised jobs: jobswalkerton@vpi-inc.com Visit us on Facebook: vpiwalkerton 200 McNab St. Flr. 2 Walkerton ON PO Box 730
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