Organa sensoria 2. Auris 3. Cutis M.Petrova
2. auris, is, f = Gr. -OT- (o)
auris externa - outer ear auricula, ae, f = pinna - auricle, outer portion of ear 1. a. helix, icis, f - gr. spiral, volute ; the prominent rim of the auricle b. antihelix - the inner curved rim c. scapha, ae, f - gr. light boat, skiff ; the curved depression separating the helix and antihelix d. concha auriculae - concha gr. mussel , large sea- shell ; the large hollow, or floor of the auricle, e. tragus, i, m - gr. he-goat; so called for the tuft of hair which grows there, which resembles a goat's beard.- projection anterior to the external opening of the ear f. antitragus - projection opposite the tragus g. lobulus auriculae - the lowest fleshy part of the auricle 2. meatus acusticus externus - the passage/ear canal from the auricle to the tympanic membrane tympanum , i, m = -TYMPAN- (o) 3.
auris media - middle ear 1. membrana tympani = tympanica - tympanic membrane 2. cavitas (cavum) tympani - tympanic cavity 3. tuba auditiva (Eustachii) dextra / sinistra - auditory tube (*Eustachian tube - after the name of the Italian anatomist Bartolomeo Eustachio 1514 – 1574) 4. ossicula auditus (auditoria) - auditory ossicles a. malleus, i, m - hammer-shaped bone, or club * named so by the Ital. anatomist Achillini (1463-1512), as it appears to strike the tympanic membrane like a hammer b. incus, udis, f - anvil-shaped bone; * term, introduced by Andreas Vesalius to describe the bone which is struck by the hammer c. stapes, edis, m - stirrup-shaped bone; *so called because the bone is shaped like a stirrup (loop shaped device attached to each side of the saddle to support the rider’s foot)– this was an invented Modern Latin word for "stirrup", for which there was no classical Latin word, as the ancients did not use stirrups
auris media = gr. -TYMPAN- (o) * used for the whole middle ear, and also a term-element precisely for the eardrum tympanum 1. membrana tympani = tympanica - 1. -MYRING- (o) *myring-o-tomia - tympanic membrane Surgical puncture/incision of the tympanic membrane, as for the removal of fluid or the 2. cavitas (cavum) tympani - tympanic drainage of pus . cavity 2. -TYMPAN- (o) *tympan-o-plastica - 3. tuba auditiva (Eustachii) dextra / surgical repair/reconstruction of tympanic sinistra cavity=middle ear 4. ossicula auditus (auditoria) - auditory 3. -SALPING- (o), ...SALPINX = ossicles OTOSALPING- / -OTOSALPINX a. malleus, i, m 4. - b. incus, udis, f a. MALLE- (o) c. stapes, edis, m b. INCUD- (o) c. STAPED- (o) staped-o-plastica - surgical reconstruction of ● stapes - the stirrup bone staped-ectomia - surgical removal of stirrup ● bone
labyrinthus osseus - bony labyrinth 1. auris interna - inner ear = - a. vestibulum - lat. literally an entrance hall - the central LABYRINTH- (o) area of the bony labyrinth b. canales semicirculares - 3 semicircular canals/ ducts (lateralis/anterior/posterior) c. cochlea - * gr. κοχλίας (kokhlias), meaning 'spiral, snail shell- spiral shell-shaped organ responsible for the sense of hearing labyrinthus membranaceus - membranous labyrinth 2. - a collection of fluid filled tubes and chambers, lodged within the bony labyrinth a. labyrinthus vestibularis - vestibular labyrinth i. sacculus - lat. small bag ; the smaller of the two membranous sacs in the vestibule of the labyrinth ii. utriculus -* lat. small sac, pouch ; the larger of the two membranous sacs in the vestibule of the labyrinth b. labyrinthus cochlearis - cochlear labyrinth i. ductus cochlearis - cochlear duct ii. organum spirale (Cortii)- organ of Corti - the organ lying against the basilar membrane in the cochlear duct, containing special sensory receptors for hearing
Otology - terms denoting ear и hearing Lat. auris, is, f = gr. OT- (o) ● Lat. auditus, us, m = gr. ACUS- / -ACUSIS / ACUSTIC- (adjectives) ● otorhinolaryngologia - the combined specialties of diseases of the ear, nose, ● pharynx, and larynx ot-algia - pain in the ear; earache ● ot-o-scopia - instrumental examination of the ear canal using otoscope ● ot-o-rrhoea - a discharge/secretion from the ear ● ot-o-rrhagia - bleeding from the ear ● ot-o-sclerosis - abnormal bone growth inside the ear. It's a fairly common cause ● of hearing deficiency (hyp-acusis) or total loss of hearing audi-o-metria - testing of hearing by means of an audiometer. ● an-acusis = lat. surditas, f- absence of the ability to perceive sound; deafness ● presby-acusis - loss of hearing associated with aging ● par-acusis - disturbance or impairment of hearing; paracusis of Willis - the ability to ● hear better in noise
Оtology. Some pathological conditions Otitis externa - inflammatory disease of the outer ear portion; swimmer’s ear ● cerumen, minis, n - ear wax ● Otitis media acuta: serosa / suppurativa - acute inflammation of the middle ear: serous (causing ● accumulation of exudate) / suppurative (with discharge of pus) Myringitis acuta - Acute inflammation of tympanic membrane ● Otitis interna = Labyrinthitis - inflammation of the inner ear that is often a complication of otitis media ● Tinnitus aurium - a roaring, buzzing or ringing sound in the ears without an external cause ● Nausea, ae, f - gr. nausia, seasickness, naus, ship ; an inclination to vomit ● Vertigo otogenes - sensation of rotation, dizziness; Otogenic (labyrinthine) vertigo-when the ear fails to keep us ● in equilibrium Morbus Meniere - Ménière's disease is a condition characterized by recurrent vertigo (dizziness), hearing loss, ● and tinnitus; named for the French physician Prosper Ménière, who first described the illness in 1861 . It is an abnormality within the inner ear. ● Otosclerosis fenestrae ovalis - otosclerosis of the oval window* (the oval opening in the middle ear) * When the diagnosis phrase has to express a location of particular, more specific ● anatomic structure you need to use Anatomical Latin in Genitivus
3. Cutis
1. epidermis, is, f - outermost layers of the skin cutis, is, f = -DERM-/ DERMAT- (o) a. stratum corneum - Lat. for 'horny layer' the outermost layer of the epidermis. b. stratum lucidum - Lat. for "clear layer"- a thin, clear layer of dead skin cells named for its translucent appearance under a microscope c. stratum granulosum - granular layer d. stratum spinosum - spinous layer/prickle cell layer e. stratum basale - basal layer,also called stratum germinativum 2. dermis - the layer of skin beneath the epidermis a. stratum papillare - papillary region b. stratum reticulare - reticular region c. terminationes nervi - mechanoreceptors (nerve endings) 3. glandulae sudoriferae - sweat glands * sudor, oris, m - sweat 4. glandulae sebaceae - sebaceous gland *sebum - grease; adeps, ipis, mf - fat, lard 5. glandulae mucosae - mucous glands 6. unguis, is, m - nail 7. pilus, i, m - hair
Derrmatologia Basic term-elements 1. epidermis, is, f 1. - a. stratum corneum a. -KERAT- (o) 2. dermis, is, f 2. - 3. sudor, oris, m 3. -HIDR- (o) sweat *HYDR - water! 4. glandulae sudoriferae 4. -HIDR-ADEN- (o) 5. sebum/ adeps, ipis, mf 5. -LIP- (o) / -STEAT- 6. glandulae sebaceae 6. - mucus, i, m 7. 7. -MYX- (o) / -BLENN- (o) 8. glandulae mucosae 8. -MYX-ADEN- (o) 9. unguis, is, m 9. -ONYCH- (o) 10. pilus, i, m 10. -TRICH- (o) / -TRICHIA
Dermatologia- example terms ● еpiderm -o-phytia (*-phytia - used sometimes as = -mycosis - fungal infection) ● dermat-o-mycosis - fungal infection of the skin ● hyper-kerat-osis - hypertrophy of the horny layer of the skin ● dys-kerat-osis - abnormal keratinization occurring prematurely ● lip-oma - a benign fatty tumor usually composed of mature fat cells ● seb-o-rrhoea - excessive secretion of sebum or an alteration in its quality, resulting in an oily coating, crusts, or scales on the skin ● steat-o-rrhoea - 1. overaction of the sebaceous glands 2. excessive discharge of fat in the feces. ● hyper-hidr-osis - abnormally excessive sweating ● hidr-aden-itis - inflammatory disease of sweat glands ● myx-aden-itis - inflammatory disease of mucous glands ● onych-o-mycosis - fungal infection of the fingernails or toenails ● hyper-trich-osis = polytrichia - a condition of excessive hairiness either all over the body or covering a particular part.
Terms - some cutaneous lesions = dermatoses * macula - lat. spot ; flat skin spot *papula - papule; elevated lesion with no visible fluid * nodulus - forms of papules, but are larger and deeper* squama - scale; *crusta - crust, scab *ephelides - freckles *lentigines - small, flat, pigmented spot on the skin *fissura - linear cleavages or gaps in the skin surface *fistula - abnormal opening between one hollow organ and another or between a hollow organ and the surface of the skin, * vesicula - skin blister containing clear fluid * bulla - bigger skin blister containing fluid * pustula - skin blister containing pus *abscessus - a localized collection of pus in a cavity formed by disintegration or necrosis of tissue *cicatrix - scar *keloidum - scar tissue caused by excessive tissue repair in response to trauma or surgical incision.* urtica - lat. nettle plant - pink or white raised areas of skin resembling nettle rash, known as wheals *lichen - various skin diseases characterized by patchy eruptions of small, firm papules. *erythema - skin redness *pruritus - itching
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