No. of Presentation Theme/ Date Time Hall Name Paper Title Presentations Type Sub-Theme ORAL PRESENTATIONS Oxy Fuel Combustion Technology development- a promising attempt in 20-Feb-19 14:45 - 16:30 Plenary Hall 1 Oral Sub-Theme A1 Indian context Fixed and M oving Electrode Electrostatic Precipitator: Finding A Feasible 2 Oral Sub-Theme A1 Solution To Achieve New Emission Norms Development of Coal – to – Liquid (CTL) Pilot Plant for Indirect Liquefaction 3 Oral Sub-Theme A1 of Coal in India Conceptual Integrated M ild/ Partial Gasification Combined Cycle (IM PGC) 4 Oral Technology for Utilizing Low-Rank Coals and/ or Retrofitting Conventional Sub-Theme A1 Pulverized Coal Power Plants 5 Oral High Ash Indian Coals: Gasification Strategy Sub-Theme A1 6 Oral An efficient process to ameliorate the quality of low grade coals Sub-Theme A1 20-Feb-19 14:45 - 16:30 Hall No.: 5 1 Oral ENERGY M ANAGEM ENT PROCESS AND PRACTICES AT RINL Sub-Theme D6 2 Oral Inclusion of Environmental Cess in Coal Pricing: A Broad Framework Sub-Theme D6 3 Oral Coal M ining Research Overview at CSIRO Sub-Theme D6 4 Oral Evacuating Coal & Ash: Augmenting Sustainability for Thermal Power Plants Sub-Theme D6 5 Oral Energy Conservation Initiatives in Indian M ining Sector Sub-Theme D6 20-Feb-19 14:45 - 16:30 Hall No.: 6 1 Oral A review on 222Rn exposure of the miners in underground mines Sub-Theme C1 BIOPOLLUTANTS AND HUM AN HEALTH IN AND AROUND COALFIELDS OF 2 Oral Sub-Theme C1 DHANBAD, INDIA. Dust issues and control measures in fully mechanised underground 3 Oral Sub-Theme C1 metalliferous mines Environmental issues from coal mining activities in Assam: a case study in 4 Oral Sub-Theme C1 Ledo colliery EM ISSION FACTOR FOR ELECTRIC SHOVEL & HYDRAULIC SHOVEL IN COAL 5 Oral Sub-Theme C1 M INES
No. of Presentation Theme/ Date Time Hall Name Paper Title Presentations Type Sub-Theme ORAL PRESENTATIONS 20-Feb-19 16:30 - 17:45 Plenary Hall 1 Oral Bigdata – A Transforming Technology for M ining Industries Sub-Theme D1 CHARACTERIZATION OF ROOF ROCKS USING SEISM IC REFRACTION 2 Oral TECHNIQUE FOR IM PROVED SUPPORT DESIGN IN UNDERGROUND COAL Sub-Theme D1 M INES 3 Oral NM DC Limited “ Eco- Friendly M iner” - A Case Study of Donimalai Complex Sub-Theme D1 Identification of parameters responsible for detoriation in climatic 4 Oral conditions in underground coal mines with multiseam workings and its Sub-Theme D1 remedies – A case study 5 Oral M echanized depillaring of a thick and deep-seated coal seam: a case study Sub-Theme D1 Physico-Chemical Characterization of Surface and ground water of the 20-Feb-19 16:30 - 17:45 Hall No.: 5 1 Oral Sub-Theme C7 Sukinda Chromite M ining Area, Odisha, India and its management Scavenging of organic pollutants from aqueous waste using activated carbon 2 Oral Sub-Theme C7 prepared from corncob and magnetic activated carbon. 3 Oral Assessment of M ine Water Inflow and Aquifer Inteference Sub-Theme C7 4 Oral Study on arsenic removal using Fe (II) oxidizing Ralstonia sp. Sub-Theme C7 Adsorptive removal of dye from aqueous waste by mixed iron oxide 5 Oral Sub-Theme C7 activated carbon nanocomposites A comparative study on the statistical optimization of the synthesis of 1 Oral activated carbon from Limonia acidissima shell activated with ZnCl2 & Sub-Theme C4 20-Feb-19 16:30 - 17:45 Hall No.: 6 H3PO4 2 Oral Bulk Fly Ash Utilization - R&D Initiatives at NTPC LTD Sub-Theme C4 Effect of Fly Ash Filling on Ground Water Quality in Indian Scenario: an 3 Oral Sub-Theme C4 Overview and Case Studies 4 Oral Emerging Trends in Fly Ash Utilization Sub-Theme C4 Feasibility Studies on Utilization of Solid Waste in Separation of Carbon 5 Oral Sub-Theme C4 dioxide (CO2) from Blast Furnace Gas Utilization of fly ash in agro-forestry and wasteland/ mine soil reclamation: A 6 Oral Sub-Theme C4 Review
No. of Presentation Theme/ Date Time Hall Name Paper Title Presentations Type Sub-Theme ORAL PRESENTATIONS Using petrographic information obtained on individual particles for coal 21-Feb-19 11:30 - 12:45 Plenary Hall 1 Oral exploration, fine coal beneficiation, coal utilisation and environmental Sub-Theme A2 applications Rapid, X-ray Tomography Solution for Coal Washability M easurements in 2 Oral Sub-Theme A2 Coal Preparation -an example from a coal sample from W.Bokaro coal field Development of methodology for determination of rare earth element in 3 Oral Sub-Theme A2 Coal ash samples by ICP-M ass Spectrometer Distribution of Rare Earth elements in coal deposits of India: A potential 4 Oral Sub-Theme A2 resources ON-SITE INNOVATION FOR AUTOM ATED M INERALOGY AND THE 5 Oral Sub-Theme A2 EVOLUTION OF PROCESS M INERALOGY Straw-based biochar: carbon stability and effect on soil enzymes and 21-Feb-19 11:30 - 12:45 Hall No.: 5 1 Oral Sub-Theme C2 productivity of rice-wheat cropping system Sunny Days:The Future Of Solar Energy As a Sustainable And Equitable Force 2 Oral Sub-Theme C2 In The World Energy M arket CO2 capture and Food, Fuel & Fertilizer (FFF) production: Three in one 3 Oral Sub-Theme C2 solution by M icroalgae CROP RESIDUE BURNING: IM PACTS ON ENVIRONM ENT AND FEASIBLE 4 Oral Sub-Theme C2 SOLUTIONS FOR RESIDUE M ANAGEM ENT 5 Oral Carbon accumulation index for reclaimed coal mine degraded sites Sub-Theme C2 Optimisation of Haul Road Dimension with lime induced overburden 21-Feb-19 11:30 - 12:45 Hall No.: 6 1 Oral Sub-Theme D1 composite material 2 Oral Ore grindability improvement by microwave pre-treatment Sub-Theme D1 Advancement in M ining Technologies Project Implementation in Amlohri 3 Oral Sub-Theme D1 Area: 4 M T per annum to 14 M T per annum Reduction of LHD M achine Subsystem Breakdowns Using Failure M ode 4 Oral Sub-Theme D1 Effect Analysis (FM EA) Study of Narrow Vein M ining to M inimize the Unplanned Dilution in 5 Oral Sub-Theme D1 Underground M etal M ines - A Case Study
No. of Presentation Theme/ Date Time Hall Name Paper Title Presentations Type Sub-Theme ORAL PRESENTATIONS 21-Feb-19 14:30 - 16:00 Plenary Hall 1 Oral A new trend of using polypropylene reinforced shotcrete Sub-Theme D4 Application of controlled blasting techniques for highwall stability and 2 Oral overbreak control at powerhouse foundation of Koldam Hydro-Electric Sub-Theme D4 Power Project CIM FR contributions to environmental friendly rock excavation techniques 3 Oral Sub-Theme D4 for urban infrastructural projects in India CONTROLLED BLASTING DESIGN AND IM PLEM ENTATION FOR ROCK 4 Oral Sub-Theme D4 EXCAVATION AT POLAVARAM PROJECT LEFT M AIN CANAL EFFECT OF BLAST INDUCED GROUND VIBRATIONS ON GREEN CONCRETE AT 5 Oral Sub-Theme D4 M UM BAI M ETRO RAIL PROJECT 6 Oral Laboratory Investigations on Diamond Core Drilling Operations Sub-Theme D4 Use of Permeable and Impermeable liner system in ash ponds of thermal 21-Feb-19 14:30 - 16:00 Hall No.: 5 1 Oral Sub-Theme C4 power plants Bio-desulfurisation of pet-coke prior to valorisation by accelerated 2 Oral Sub-Theme C4 carbonation A Review of Advances and Trends in Solids Handling for Energy and 3 Oral Sub-Theme C4 Environmental Applications Utilization of fly ash in manufacture of building bricks through 4 Oral Sub-Theme C4 geopolymerization process 5 Oral Utilization Of Blast Furnace Slag in Wastewater Treatment Sub-Theme C4 Laboratory Evaluation of Clinker Stabilized Fly Ash Based Composite 6 Oral Sub-Theme C4 M aterial for Coal M ine Haul Roads IM PACT OF M INING OPERATIONS ON SURROUNDING ENVIRONM ENT AND 21-Feb-19 14:30 - 16:00 Hall No.: 6 1 Oral Sub-Theme C1 STRUCTURAL HEALTH OF M ONUM ENTS Obtaining quantitative information of the coal and non-coal dust 2 Oral Sub-Theme C1 particulates near coal mines and ports Studies On Corrosion Of M ild Steel Under Acidic M ine Water Condition And 3 Oral Sub-Theme C1 Its Prevention Using Different Inhibitors 4 Oral Ecological Restoration of M ined-out Areas in Dry Tropical Environment Sub-Theme C1 Identification of indicator species around coal mining area: A community 5 Oral Sub-Theme C1 level study Copper Based Nano Catalysts Capped with Amines for Electrochemical 6 Oral Sub-Theme C1 Reduction of CO2