Oral Health in Oral Health in Massachusetts Massachusetts Catherine Hayes, DMD, Dr.Med.Sc. Catherine Hayes, DMD, Dr.Med.Sc. Professor and Chair Professor and Chair Department of Public Health and Department of Public Health and Community Service Community Service Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Surgeon General's Report on Surgeon General's Report on Oral Health – – May, 2000 May, 2000 Oral Health Focused on the relationship between oral Focused on the relationship between oral health and overall good health throughout health and overall good health throughout life life Identified a "silent epidemic" of dental and Identified a "silent epidemic" of dental and oral diseases that burdens some population oral diseases that burdens some population groups groups Significant disparity between racial and Significant disparity between racial and socioeconomic groups in regards to oral socioeconomic groups in regards to oral health and ensuing overall health issues health and ensuing overall health issues
Surgeon General’ ’s Report s Report Surgeon General Lack of awareness of the importance of Lack of awareness of the importance of oral health among the public oral health among the public The association between oral health The association between oral health problems and other health problems problems and other health problems Mouth as a mirror for general health Mouth as a mirror for general health and well- -being being and well National Call for Action National Call for Action The Surgeon General called for The Surgeon General called for action to promote access to oral to promote access to oral action health care for all Americans, health care for all Americans, especially the disadvantaged and especially the disadvantaged and minority children found to be at minority children found to be at greatest risk for severe medical greatest risk for severe medical complications resulting from complications resulting from minimal oral care and treatment minimal oral care and treatment
National Call for Action National Call for Action Change Perceptions of Oral Health Change Perceptions of Oral Health Overcome Barriers by Replicating Overcome Barriers by Replicating Effective Programs Effective Programs Build Science Base and Accelerate Build Science Base and Accelerate Transfer Transfer Increase Oral Heath Workforce Diversity, Increase Oral Heath Workforce Diversity, Capacity and Flexibility Capacity and Flexibility Increase Collaborations Increase Collaborations Massachusetts Oral Health Report Massachusetts Oral Health Report October 2006 October 2006 Many Massachusetts residents lack easy Many Massachusetts residents lack easy access to routine dental care access to routine dental care Profound impacts on overall health and Profound impacts on overall health and social functioning social functioning The greatest barriers to access to dental The greatest barriers to access to dental care are experienced by minorities, the care are experienced by minorities, the poor, the uninsured, and persons in poor, the uninsured, and persons in relatively poor health relatively poor health
Massachusetts Oral Health Report - - Massachusetts Oral Health Report 2006 2006 Access to dental care may also be Access to dental care may also be powerfully impacted by powerfully impacted by – the availability of dentists – the availability of dentists – the geographic distribution of dentists – the geographic distribution of dentists – number and distribution of dentists who – number and distribution of dentists who accept MassHealth(Medicaid) accept MassHealth(Medicaid) Massachusetts Oral Health Report - - Massachusetts Oral Health Report 2006 2006 Many rural areas of Massachusetts lack easy access Many rural areas of Massachusetts lack easy access to dental care providers. to dental care providers. 30% of cities/towns in Massachusetts don 30% of cities/towns in Massachusetts don’ ’t have t have enough dentists to care for the people who live enough dentists to care for the people who live there. there. 69 cities/towns in Massachusetts have NO dentist. 69 cities/towns in Massachusetts have NO dentist. 58% of cities/towns in Massachusetts have no dental 58% of cities/towns in Massachusetts have no dental specialists. specialists.
Massachusetts Oral Health Report - - Massachusetts Oral Health Report 2006 2006 65% of cities/towns in Massachusetts have 65% of cities/towns in Massachusetts have no pediatric dentist. no pediatric dentist. More than 50% of cities/towns in More than 50% of cities/towns in Massachusetts have no dentist that accepts Massachusetts have no dentist that accepts MassHealth (Medicaid). MassHealth (Medicaid). The majority of MassHealth dentists in The majority of MassHealth dentists in Massachusetts are clustered in urban areas. Massachusetts are clustered in urban areas. The Oral Health of The Oral Health of Massachusetts Children - - 2008 2008 Massachusetts Children Overall we have made some progress in improving oral Overall we have made some progress in improving oral health, on average, by reducing caries experience, health, on average, by reducing caries experience, percent of children with untreated decay and the number percent of children with untreated decay and the number of children who have received dental sealants. of children who have received dental sealants. Dental disease continues to be a significant health issue Dental disease continues to be a significant health issue for many children at an unacceptable level for such a for many children at an unacceptable level for such a preventable disease. preventable disease. Significant disparities also exist along race and ethnicity, Significant disparities also exist along race and ethnicity, income status, and where children live. income status, and where children live.
Dental Disease is a Serious Health Dental Disease is a Serious Health Issue for Massachusetts Children Issue for Massachusetts Children Percent (and number) of children 50% 41% 40% 29,114 34% 24,575 28% 30% History of cavities 19,130 Untreated cavities 17% 20% 15% 12,375 11% 9,942 10% 7,949 0% Kindergarten 3rd Grade 6th Grade Significant Disparities in Disease Experience Significant Disparities in Disease Experience Children Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Children Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Percent of children with one or more teeth with untreated cavities or with a dental filling 41% 34% 28% MA Average
Significant Disparities In Untreated Cavities Significant Disparities In Untreated Cavities Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Children Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Children Percent of children with untreated cavities 17% 15% 11% MA Average More Untreated Decay More Untreated Decay Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Children Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Children Mean number of teeth with untreated decay among children with untreated decay 4 3 3.0 3.0 2.9 Non-Hispanic White 2.5 2.7 2.6 Non-Hispanic Black 2.2 2.3 2 2.2 2.1 1.9 2.1 Non-Hispanic Other 1.9 1.8 1.8 Hispanic 1 MA Average 0 Kindergarten 3rd Grade 6th Grade
One in Ten Racial and Ethnic Minority One in Ten Racial and Ethnic Minority Children Suffer Oral Pain Children Suffer Oral Pain Percent of children whose parents reported child was currently having pain in teeth or mouth 5% 5% 4% MA Average Fewer Racial and Ethnic Minority Children Fewer Racial and Ethnic Minority Children Receive Preventive Treatment (Sealants) Receive Preventive Treatment (Sealants) Percent of children with one or more dental sealants 52% 46% MA Average
Key Findings Key Findings Dental disease is a significant health issue for Dental disease is a significant health issue for children in Massachusetts children in Massachusetts – – Most common chronic childhood disease Most common chronic childhood disease – Affects many children before kindergarten Affects many children before kindergarten – – – Many school children are in pain Many school children are in pain Significant oral health disparities Significant oral health disparities – – Racial and ethnic minority children Racial and ethnic minority children – – Children from low Children from low- -income families income families – Across counties Across counties – For more information on the For more information on the Massachusetts Oral Health Survey: Massachusetts Oral Health Survey: www.catalystinstitute.org www.catalystinstitute.org
MassHealth Program MassHealth Program Percent of MassHealth Children Percent of MassHealth Children Who Received a Clinical Dental Examination Who Received a Clinical Dental Examination 60% % 4 . 9 % 4 4 50% . 5 4 % 8 . 9 3 40% % 0 % FY2006 . 7 0 3 . 7 % 2 30% 0 FY2007 . 4 % 2 % 4 . FY2008 % 7 9 . 1 7 8 . 1 5 20% 1 10% 0% Periodic oral examination Comprenhensive oral Total number of exams evaluation
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