Optimized Control- and Communication- Architecture for highest Performance TwinCAT The eXtreme Fast Real-time Control Software • real-time with MS Windows -> cycle times up to 50µs • standard IEC61131 programming in XFC real-time tasks • standard features of Windows and TwinCAT are XFC compliant
Optimized Control- and Communication- Architecture for highest Performance EtherCAT The eXtreme Fast Control Communication Technology • 1000 distributed digital I/O‘s in 30µs • EtherCAT direct down to the bus terminal, no sub-bus • optimized usage of standard Ethernet NIC‘s, i.e. Intel PC chips set architecture • enhanced real-time features based on Distributed Clocks: • synchronization, time stamping, oversampling
Optimized Control- and Communication- Architecture for highest Performance Bus Terminals The eXtreme Fast I/O Technology • complete I/O product portfolio for all signals • high speed digital and analog I/O’s • time stamping and oversampling terminals for highest time resolution up to 10ns
Optimized Control- and Communication- Architecture for highest Performance IPC The eXtreme Fast Control CPU • Industrial-PCs based on powerful and real-time capable motherboards • compact design optimized for control applications
Fast reaction time required ? Fast I/O Terminals 1µs Ton / Toff Signal Input: EL1202 Output: EL2202 Time minimum reaction time
Exact time resolution or time equidistant reaction required? – Time Stamp Terminals Signal Input: EL1252 Output: EL2252 Time exact reaction time
Fast signal sampling / output of very short pulses required ? Oversampling Terminals Signal Signal Output: EL2262 Time exact output pulses
Fast signal scanning / output of very short pulses required ? Oversampling Terminals Oversampling-Factor = 10 100µs Bus- 10 µs Cycle samples DI DO 50µs EL1262 / EL2262 / EL37xx / EL47xx
XFC Performance Data System Performance cycle time: 100 µs (min. 50 µs) - - I/O reaction time: 85 µs (185 µs) • Distributed Clocks - resolution: 10 ns - accuracy: < 100 ns • Signal Oversampling - sampling rate: 200 kHz (500 kHz) - time resolution: 5 µs (2 µs) - accuracy: < 100 ns • Time Stamping - resolution: 10 ns - accuracy: < 100 ns
I/O Response Time < 100µs I/O Response Time = 100 µs Input Output Input Output Calculation Communi- Communi- Conversion Conversion cation cation
XFC - eXtreme Fast Control Technology
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