Optimising Subsea Assets – From Reservoir to Deck charff I 4S ubsea I Norwep Offshore Wind S eminar Sep 14th 2018 Berit Lid S
Well Risers and Offshore Intervention Flowlines Wind and Drilling
Speaker notes previous slide • 4S ubsea provides technology and services that help operators maintain production from subsea oil and gas fields and offshore wind farms. • We combine our operational experience with digital capabilities to automate engineering processes and help operators reduce risk and cost. • We enable operators to maintain production and increase service life, taking care of subsea installations all the way from the reservoir to deck.
Key customers Clients include all the maj or energy companies, large equipment suppliers, and rig- and FPS O operators. • Aker BP • • Equinor EnQuest • OMV • • Lundin Norway BP • VNG Norge • • ExxonMobil Total • Maersk Oil • • S hell Petrobras • Transocean • • Wintershall One S ubsea
Speaker notes previous slide Today’s technology makes it easy for operators to start monitoring or using the monitored data they already have in a way that helps prevent damage to their equipment. And if damage should still occur it enables us to detect it quickly so that we can manage the situation before it escalates to the point where production needs to be stopped and expensive equipment replaced.
Offshore Wind Projects
Bottom- Floating fixed wind wind turbines turbines
Hywind Experience 2010-18 • S ystem / concept / key driver insight • Marine design • S tructural design • Mooring design • Cable configuration design • Floating substation design for wind park • Global analysis • Marine operations • Commercial More than 10 projects and 50 activities, 20 000 work hours
Bottom-fixed Structures • OC5 participation – phase 3 ongoing • Cable integrity management – movements in monopile • Cable Protection S ystem (CPS ) (Carbon Trust Offshore Wind Accelerator) • NGI collaboration on model for interaction between seabed and structure
SWIM™ For Offshore Wind
10 16 3378 rig days operators rigs
Speaker notes previous slide • S WIM or S ubsea Wellhead Integrity Monitoring enables operators to carry out heavy intervention work on old wells as well as significantly reducing risk and cost when drilling new wells. • The oil and gas industry will rely more on Increased Oil Recovery (IOR) from existing wells going forward. This means doing heavy intervention work on old wells. This again poses a challenge as the wells have not been designed for the loads imposed from repeated rig operations. To add to this problem, the size and weight of modern drilling rigs and equipment has increased significantly. • S WIM is a tool to detect wellhead integrity issues during rig operations early enough, so that it’s possible to take corrective actions before it gets critical. • The solution was first launched early in 2015 and since the start of 2017 it has been used for 3378 rig days in operation on 16 different rigs for 10 different oil companies. In January this year we were awarded a product leadership award by Frost and S ullivan for this solution and j ust recently we have entered master service agreements with both Equinor and Anasuria to provide this as a S aaS , or software as a service solution.
Speaker notes to video on previous slide #2 • Using S WIM, no extra personnel are required on the rig, nor is equipment installed topside. Only three small sensors are placed on the BOP . S ensor data is transferred wirelessly via the ROV . We install our retrofit sensors or use existing ones. • In areas with soft seabed conditions or shallow water- or gas reservoirs, loss of soil support can be challenging. S WIM continuously assesses how deep in the seabed the conductor is getting its support. Mitigating actions such as rock-dumping around the conductor can be made and operator get immediate feedback on the effect of these actions. • Operators get live decision support dashboards where the full load history of the well is accounted for. By measuring the actual loads applied to wells you reduce the need for conservative assumptions, thereby getting the most out of each well slot. They also get load- and operational history of each well and history of which rig was connected to the well, when it was connected and the key properties of the rig at that time.
Speaker notes to video on previous slide #2 • For monopiles used in Offshore Wind, we could measure changes in natural frequency, fatigue, rotation, acceleration, loads, and soil support. The latter is very important, and we are collaboration with NGI on new models to measure the interaction between seabed and structure. • We would use our tried and tested algorithms and machine learning models from S WIM to process available data, and to provide predictive analyses. The effect of mitigating actions is immediately visible on the dashboard. • As with S WIM, we can provide our autonomous retrofit sensors or use existing ones. It’s great making big amounts of data available, but we believe in having good data scientists, domain experts and software people with ability to work with the data, understand the data, to modify the algorithms and models and make real sense of the information.
Know it before it happens – and act accordingly!
Customer Value SWIM™ Equinor Lundin COST SAVING : S aved 4-6 rig days @ COST SAVING : Avoid starting new 400’ US D/ day well slot minimum 10-15 MUS D
Value SWIM™ for Wind beta • Avoid stop in production • Avoid replacement or expensive repair • Lower maintenance costs • Predictive analysis for better decision support – “ know it before it happens” Bottom- • Fix it before it gets big fixed wind turbines • Lifetime extension
Value SWIM™ for Wind beta • Digital cousin => digital twin: Transfer of domain knowledge and machine learning models from 4 years of S WIM™ experience with similar structures and challenges • Better collaboration - everyone shares same the same data and insights Bottom- fixed wind • Easy overview of (few) key turbines parameters
The Common Way Procurement Legal Cont ractor Operat or Operat or Cont ractor st ores Asset Monit oring defines scope request s input collect s dat a and prepares Feedback t o asset Operat or reviews report Engineering Deliver report analysis
The New Way Energy co. Algorit hms Machine learning Collaborat ion
Empower Dat a availability I Dat a analyt ics I Dat a visualisation Improve One team Technology I Algorit hms I S oft ware I Engineering I Dat a S cient ist s I Operat ions Business models S hare insight Reduce risk Collaboration Depart ments I Operat ors I Decision support I Predict ive I Vendors I Indust ry Proact ive Reduce cost Avoid repairs and replacements I Maint ain product ion
Speaker notes previous slide • By presenting results on a web service we get immediate feedback from different users, enabling a dialog between software developers, engineers, data scientists and not at least the operational teams out on the rig. • We empower engineer by making the data available through open API’s in our DataReservoir.io and engineers and data scientists can work with the data using their tools of preference and the powers of cloud computing. • We enable sharing of insight across departments, and between operators, we facilitate sharing of information with vendors when and the industry in general when clients see the value of this. • We reduce cost by preventing the need for repairs and ultimately we avoid stop in operations. • We reduce risk of operations by providing decision support based on predictions, and information deducted from algorithms that cannot be measured directly and we move from a reactive approach to a proactive approach. • S uch collaboration will improve operations, we create an environment where we will come up with new and better technologies, improved algorithms and new business models.
www. 4 subsea.com
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