Opportunities in H2020 ‘Secure Societies’ Michael Murphy PhD Enterprise Ireland ‘Secure Societies’ Delegate & Contact Point 12 th Dec 2016
My Role • Represent the Irish position on civil Security R&D to the European Commission in the context of Horizon 2020 ‘Secure Societies’ • Promote the H2020 ‘Secure Societies’ (and latterly the ICT) programme on the island of Ireland • Work to develop industrial activity around civil security in Ireland
Irish Security Research Network (serenity) • The ‘serenity’ network was founded in 2004 – it covers the island of Ireland • The network has approaching 1100 participants, about one third of whom are from industry with the remainder being academics, civil/public servants, end-users (An Garda Siochana, Police Service of Northern Ireland, Forensics Science NI, InvestNI, Defence Forces Ireland) and selected non-Irish organisations overseas
Irish Security Research Guide
FP7\H2020 Funding to RoI as a Percentage of the available EC Budget 3.47% 3.00% 2.60% 1.80% 1.58% 1.37% 1.25% 0.74% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Summary Outcomes for Ireland from the 2015 H2020 ‘Secure Societies’ Call • Overall highlights are: – RoI won 3% of the overall budget – RoI won 9% of the EC ‘Fight against Crime & Terrorism’ (FCT) budget – RoI won 3 from 45, i.e. 6.7%, of winning proposals from across Europe • RoI had three winning coordinators in 2015: – Michael Madden of NUIG on CBRN Forensics – Anne Holohan of TCD on Training Curricula/Gaming for Overseas Missions – Brian Lee of AIT on Risk Management through Cyber Situational Awareness
Wins for Ireland in Disaster Resilient Societies (DRS) 2015 (i) Mapping Interoperable EU Public Protection & Disaster Relief Broadband Communication Applications and Technology (BROADMAP) - An Garda Siochana €123,500 http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/203296_en.html (ii) Smart Resilience Indicators for Smart Critical Infrastructures (SmartResilience) - Applied Intelligence Analytics €202,875 & Cork City Council €95,427 http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/202702_en.html (iii) Securing Critical Energy Infrastructures (SUCCESS) - ESB €321,875 http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/203300_en.html
Wins for Ireland in Fight against Crime & Terrorism (FCT) 2015 (i) Analysis System for Gathered Raw Data (ASGARD) - DCU €550,375 - IBM €474,625 - UCD €310,283 http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/203297_en.html (ii) Remotely Operated CBRNe Scene Assessment Forensic Examination (ROCSAFE) - NUIG €926,402 - Scorpion Networks €287,500 - HSE €89,566 - Defence Forces Ireland €90,000 - UCC Tyndall €375,731 - Reamda €438,750 http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/203295_en.html (iii) Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities (DANTE) – United Technologies Research Centre €252,131 http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/202691_en.html
Wins for Ireland in Border & External Security (BES) 2015 Gaming for Peace (GAP) - TCD €677,250 - Future Analytics Consulting €55,435 - Haunted Planet €350,333 - NUIM €119,462 http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/202705_en.html
Wins for Ireland in Digital Security (DS) 2015 (i) Proactive Risk Management through Improved Cyber Situational Awareness (PROTECTIVE) -Athlone IT €755,937 -Email Laundry / Clean Communications €287,218 http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/202674_en.html (ii) Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cybersecurity (CANVAS) -DCU €114,500 http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/202697_en.html
Wins for Ireland in H2020 ‘Secure Societies’ 2015
Wins for Ireland in H2020 ‘Secure Societies’ 2015
The 2017 Call and Beyond
CRITICAL INFRASTUCTURE PROTECTION • CIP-01-2016-2017: Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of the combination of physical and cyber threats to the critical infrastructure of Europe (IA)
DISASTER-RESILIENCE: SAFEGUARDING AND SECURING SOCIETY • SEC-04-DRS-2017: Broadband communication systems (PCP) • SEC-05-2016-2017: Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) cluster (RIA)
FIGHT AGAINST CRIME AND TERRORISM I SEC-07-FCT-2016-2017: Human Factor for the Prevention, Investigation, and Mitigation of criminal and terrorist acts (RIA): (note that only 2-3 of the following sub-topics is open in 2017 and it’s not yet known which ones) – Sub-topic 1. New methods for the protection of crowds during mass gatherings – Sub-topic 2. New methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate cybercriminal behaviours – Sub-topic 3. New methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate corruption and financial crime to fight the infiltration of organised crime in the European Union (licit) economy – Sub-topic 4. New methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate high impact petty crimes – Sub-topic 5. New methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate high impact domestic violence
FIGHT AGAINST CRIME AND TERRORISM II • SEC-09-FCT-2017: Toolkits integrating tools and techniques for forensic laboratories (PCP) • SEC-10-FCT-2017: Integration of detection capabilities and data fusion with utility providers' networks (IA) • SEC-12-FCT-2016-2017: Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation in the context of fight against crime and terrorism (RIA): (note that only 2 of the following sub-topics is open in 2017 and it’s not yet known which) – Sub-topic 1. cyber-crime: virtual/crypto currencies de- anonymisation/tracing/impairing where they support underground markets in the darknet – Sub-topic 2. detection and neutralization of rogue/suspicious light drone/UAV flying over restricted areas, and involving as beneficiaries, where appropriate, the operators of infrastructure – Sub-topic 3. video analysis in the context of legal investigation – Sub-topic 4. Others
BORDER SECURITY AND EXTERNAL SECURITY • SEC-13-BES-2017: Next generation of information systems to support EU external policies (PCP) • SEC-15-BES-2017: Risk-based screening at border crossing (IA) • SEC-16-BES-2017: Through-foliage detection, including in the outermost regions of the EU (RIA) • SEC-17-BES-2017: Architectures and organizations, big data and data analytics for customs risk management of the international goods supply chain trade movements (RIA) • SEC-18-BES-2017: Acceptance of "no gate crossing point solution" (RIA)
GENERAL MATTERS SEC-21-GM-2016-2017: Pan European Networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of security (CSA)
DIGITAL SECURITY • DS-06-2017: Cybersecurity PPP: Cryptography (RIA) • DS-07-2017: Cybersecurity PPP: Addressing Advanced Cyber Security Threats and Threat Actors – Strand 1: Situational Awareness (RIA) – Strand 2: Simulation Environments, Training (IA) • DS-08-2017: Cybersecurity PPP: Privacy, Data Protection, Digital Identities (IA) – Strand 1: Privacy-enhancing Technologies (PET) – Strand 2: General Data Protection Regulation in Practice – Strand 3: Secure Digital Identities • SME Instrument & Fast Track to Innovation - Pilot
DIGITAL SECURITY – THE PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP The EC has established a Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Cybersecurity with a budget of ~€450M - inter alia the PPP will influence the Digital Security content of the 2018-2020 Work Programme
DIGITAL SECURITY – PPP Clustering Priorities 4 main thrusts: 1. Developing a European Ecosystem for the Cybersecurity Market and Digital Society 2. Applying cybersecurity technologies and infrastructures for protecting vital societal services and the economy 3. Developing European trustworthy cyber solutions for supporting the European cybersecurity strategies (and policies) 4. Increase European excellence and competitiveness on cybersecurity 8 main thematic priority areas (practically the full spectrum of needs, clustered in main areas): – Education and training – Certification, standardisation, Go To Market, SMEs growth – Demonstrations for the society, economy, industry and vital services – Collaborative intelligence to manage cyber threats and risks – Remove trust barriers for data-driven applications and services – Maintain a secure and trusted ICT infrastructure in the long-term – Intelligent approaches to eliminate security vulnerabilities in systems, services and applications – From security components to security services
Conclusions • The Irish Security Research Network (serenity) is deep rooted within Ireland’s security ecosystem and aside from highlighting European funding opportunities it contributes to security related industrial development in Ireland • Ireland had a good year in 2015 – RoI won 3% of the overall budget – RoI won 9% of the EC ‘Fight against Crime & Terrorism’ (FCT) budget – RoI won 3 from 45, i.e. 6.7%, of winning proposals from across Europe Attend the SMIG meeting (probably Feb 2 nd /3 rd ) and talk to me •
Thank you Michael Murphy Enterprise Ireland Eastpoint Business Park Dublin 3 Phone: +353 1 727 2516 Mobile: +353 86 816 2588 Email: michael.murphy@enterprise-ireland.com
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