opportuniti ties and c challenges rhode e island s focus

Opportuniti ties and C Challenges Rhode e Islands Focus t s to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Opportuniti ties and C Challenges Rhode e Islands Focus t s to Inc ncrea ease Di se Diver ersi sity a and nd Meet De Demand i in n STEAM Fiel elds Rhode I e Island nds A Attainm nmen ent Resul ults by s by Race

  1. Opportuniti ties and C Challenges Rhode e Island’s Focus t s to Inc ncrea ease Di se Diver ersi sity a and nd Meet De Demand i in n STEAM Fiel elds

  2. Rhode I e Island’ nd’s A Attainm nmen ent Resul ults by s by Race & & Ethni hnicity State a and nd Regio iona nal l Comparison Source: Lumina Foundation, Stronger Nation Report (2018)

  3. Rho hode I e Island’s s Colleg ege B e Boun und S Seni eniors- Acade demic I Inter eres ests & & Plans ns Intended major 2009 2012 2016 Architecture and Related Services 128 137 84 Biological and Biomedical Sciences 301 416 447 Business Management, Marketing 743 736 817 Computer & Information Systems 119 128 204 Engineering 388 483 594 Engineering Technologies 74 77 82 Health Professions & Related Clinical Services 983 1287 1070 Natural Resources & Conservation 41 33 36 Physical Sciences 62 106 101 Visual & Performing Arts 431 461 408 Degree Level Certificate program 72 62 25 Associate Degree 55 89 47 Bachelor's Degree 2026 2369 1858 Undecided 1720 1969 2247 Source: College Board, College-Bound Seniors Report 2009-2016

  4. Employability ty R Ready I In STEAM AM

  5. Rhode I Island’s E Education a and J Job G Growth De Deman ands

  6. Rhode Island’s STEAM S Skill Gap

  7. Learning for Life and Work Report of the Commission on Higher Education & Employability Governor Gina Raimondo, Chair  New England higher education institutions, along with their respective system, coordinating and/or governing boards should make increased graduate employability a strategic priority.  New England higher education institutions should work to define and embed employability across the institution and undertake formal employability audits to assess strategic investments and effectiveness in embedding employability across the institution.  New England states should consider specific employability-related equity strategies to support student success- particularly for underrepresented populations, who are at risk of not completing postsecondary credentials.


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