openstack horizon train

OpenStack Horizon: Train Project overview and update Project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

06.11.2019 OpenStack Horizon: Train Project overview and update Project Update, Open Infrastructure Summit Shanghai Akihiro Motoki / IRC: amotoki at / Ivan Kolodyazhny / e0ne at /

  1. 06.11.2019 OpenStack Horizon: Train Project overview and update Project Update, Open Infrastructure Summit Shanghai Akihiro Motoki / IRC: amotoki at / Ivan Kolodyazhny / e0ne at /

  2. What is OpenStack Dashboard? Project mission: To provide an extensible unified web based user interface for all OpenStack services. Train release statistics: ● 44 contributors from 29 companies over the world ● 200+ commits ● 1000+ reviews ● ~30 plugins to manage OpenStack services

  3. New features & enhancements for Train ➡ Allow to change password when expired or required to be changed for a first use ➡ Mutli-attached volume support ➡ Kubernetes configuration generation • useful when keystone is used for kubernetes IdP ➡ Django 2.2 support • Some horizon plugins does not work with Django 2.2 as of Train release ➡ Define configurations in a single place • See openstack_dashboard/ for all possible configurations Train release notes:

  4. Deprecations and removals in Train ➡ We cleaned up a lot :-) ➡ Removals • Cinder consistency group (in favor of Cinder Generic Group) • Keystone v2 API support • ENABLE_FLAVOR_EDIT support • This deleted and then created flavors and was confusing ➡ Deprecations • No new deprecations • Glance v1 API support

  5. Expectations in Ussuri ➡ Drop python 2.7 support ➡ Complete Django 2.2 support in horizon and plugins ➡ Drop Django 1.11 support in horizon and plugins ➡ Support latest policy features like system scope and reader role ➡ ini-based-configuration ➡ Improvements on error message ➡ Closing feature gaps Ussuri PTG etherpad:

  6. Django and python and Horizon ➡ Django 1.1 (LTS) • The last version with python2.7 • Primary Django version in Horizon train release ➡ Django 2.0 (short-time and already EOL) • Work only with python3 • Experimental support in Horizon train release ➡ Django 2.2 (LTS) • Only with python3 • Will be the primary Django in Horizon ussuri • Horizon plugins will support Django 2.2 in Ussuri

  7. How to give feedback ➡ • Please, use [horizon] tag to get more attention from the Horizon team ➡ #openstack-horizon channel in IRC • we covered several time zones, so you ca get response fast ➡ Bring your topic to the weekly meeting • Each Wednesday at 15:00 UTC in #openstack-meeting-alt channel ➡ Feel free to send us e-mails if you have any feedback or question ➡ Bug Tracker:

  8. How to contribute We need your help! Any contributors are welcome! You don’t need knowledge on both JavaScript and python. Especially we lost most JavaScript developers. JS developers would be welcome.

  9. THANKS. Questions? openstack @OpenStack openstack OpenStackFoundation


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