on the finitary infinite ramsey s theorem

On the finitary infinite Ramseys theorem Florian Pelupessy Tohoku - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

On the finitary infinite Ramseys theorem Florian Pelupessy Tohoku University CTFM, Tokyo, 8 September 2015 Overview: 1 Motivation 2 finitary Ramsey 3 Inserting the parameter in finitary Ramsey 4 Some logical strengths for

  1. On the “finitary” infinite Ramsey’s theorem Florian Pelupessy Tohoku University CTFM, Tokyo, 8 September 2015

  2. Overview: 1 Motivation 2 “finitary” Ramsey 3 Inserting the parameter in “finitary” Ramsey 4 Some logical strengths for different values

  3. Motivation

  4. Motivation From the study of first order concrete mathematical incomplete- ness there is the phenomenon of the phase transition : Given some T � ϕ , examine the parametrised version ϕ f . Classify parameter values f according to the provability of ϕ f . Results in this programme follow certain heuristics.

  5. Motivation From the study of first order concrete mathematical incomplete- ness there is the phenomenon of the phase transition : Given some T � ϕ , examine the parametrised version ϕ f . Classify parameter values f according to the provability of ϕ f . Results in this programme follow certain heuristics. Question: Do we have something similar in Reverse Mathemat- ics?

  6. Remarks Instead of unprovability we will examine equivalences .

  7. Remarks Instead of unprovability we will examine equivalences . Theorems examined in reverse mathematics have no obvious parametrisation.

  8. The “finitary” infinite Ramsey’s theorem

  9. “finitary” Ramsey The “finitary” pigeonhole principle was introduced by Tao, ex- amined by Gaspar and Kohlenbach. We examine the generalisation to Ramsey’s theorem.

  10. “finitary” Ramsey Definition ( AS ) F : { (codes of) finite sets } → N is asymptotically stable if for every sequence X 1 , X 2 , . . . of finite sets there is i such that F ( X i ) = F ( X j ) for all j > i .

  11. “finitary” Ramsey Definition ( AS ) F : { (codes of) finite sets } → N is asymptotically stable if for every sequence X 1 , X 2 , . . . of finite sets there is i such that F ( X i ) = F ( X j ) for all j > i . Definition 1 [ X ] d = set of d -element subsets of X 2 [ a , b ] d = [ { a , . . . , b } ] d 3 For C : [ X ] d → [0 , c ] a set H ⊆ X is C -homogeneous if C restricted to [ H ] d is constant.

  12. “finitary” Ramsey Definition ( RT k d ) For every C : N d → [0 , k ] there exists infinite C -homogeneous H ⊆ N .

  13. “finitary” Ramsey Definition ( RT k d ) For every C : N d → [0 , k ] there exists infinite C -homogeneous H ⊆ N . Definition ( FRT k d ) For every F ∈ AS there exists R such that for all C : [0 , R ] d → [0 , k ] there exists C -homogeneous H of size > F ( H ).

  14. “finitary” Ramsey Definition ( RT k d ) For every C : N d → [0 , k ] there exists infinite C -homogeneous H ⊆ N . Definition ( FRT k d ) For every F ∈ AS there exists R such that for all C : [0 , R ] d → [0 , k ] there exists C -homogeneous H of size > F ( H ). Theorem WKL 0 ⊢ FRT k d ↔ RT k d .

  15. Inserting the parameter

  16. Inserting the parameter: We can use subsets of AS as parameter values: Definition ( FRT k d ( G )) For every F ∈ G there exists R such that for all C : [0 , R ] d → [0 , k ] there exists C -homogeneous H of size > F ( H ).

  17. Some values: Definition ( CF ) Constant functions

  18. Some values: Definition ( CF ) Constant functions Definition ( UI ) { F ∈ AS : ∃ m ∀ X . F ( X ) ≤ max { min X , m }}

  19. Some values: Definition ( CF ) Constant functions Definition ( UI ) { F ∈ AS : ∃ m ∀ X . F ( X ) ≤ max { min X , m }} Definition ( MD ) { F ∈ AS : min X = min Y → F ( X ) = F ( Y ) }

  20. Some logical strengths for different values

  21. Strengths for values FRT ( CF ) is the finite Ramsey’s theorem, which is known to be provable in RCA 0 .

  22. Strengths for values FRT ( CF ) is the finite Ramsey’s theorem, which is known to be provable in RCA 0 . FRT ( UI ) is equivalent to the Paris–Harrington principle, which is known to be equivalent to 1- Con ( I Σ d ) when the dimension is fixed to d + 1.

  23. Strengths for values Definition 1 WO ( α ) is the statement “ α is well-founded”. 2 ω 0 = 1 and ω n +1 = ω ω n .

  24. Strengths for values Definition 1 WO ( α ) is the statement “ α is well-founded”. 2 ω 0 = 1 and ω n +1 = ω ω n . Theorem RCA 0 ⊢ FRT d ( MD ) ↔ WO ( ω d )

  25. Summary RCA 0 proves the following: FRT ↔ RT FRT k RT k ← d for ( d > 2) d FRT k RT k → d d FRT ( MD ) ↔ AR ↔ WO ( ε 0 ) FRT d +1 ( MD ) ↔ ↔ WO ( ω d +1 ) AR d FRT ( UI ) ↔ 1-consistency of PA FRT d +1 ( UI ) ↔ 1-consistency of I Σ d FRT ( CF ) Furthermore, WKL 0 ⊢ RT k d → FRT k d .

  26. � Thank you for listening. ペルペッシ ー フロリャン florian.pelupessy@operamail.com pelupessy.github.io


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