on the bicategory of operads and analytic functors

On the bicategory of operads and analytic functors Nicola Gambino - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

On the bicategory of operads and analytic functors Nicola Gambino University of Leeds Joint work with Andr e Joyal Cambridge, Category Theory 2014 1 Reference N. Gambino and A. Joyal On operads, bimodules and analytic functors ArXiv,

  1. On the bicategory of operads and analytic functors Nicola Gambino University of Leeds Joint work with Andr´ e Joyal Cambridge, Category Theory 2014 1

  2. Reference N. Gambino and A. Joyal On operads, bimodules and analytic functors ArXiv, 2014 2

  3. Main result Let V be a symmetric monoidal closed presentable category. Theorem. The bicategory Opd V that has ◮ 0-cells = operads (= symmetric many-sorted V -operads) ◮ 1-cells = operad bimodules ◮ 2-cells = operad bimodule maps is cartesian closed. Note. For operads A and B , we have Alg ( B A ) = Opd V [ A, B ] . Alg ( A ⊓ B ) = Alg ( A ) × Alg ( B ) , 3

  4. Plan of the talk 1. Symmetric sequences and operads 2. Bicategories of bimodules 3. A universal property of the bimodule construction 4. Proof of the main theorem 4

  5. 1. Symmetric sequences and operads 5

  6. Single-sorted symmetric sequences Let S be the category of finite cardinals and permutations. Definition. A single-sorted symmetric sequence is a functor F : S → V F [ n ] n �→ For F : S → V , we define the single-sorted analytic functor F ♯ : V → V by letting F [ n ] ⊗ Σ n T n . � F ♯ ( T ) = n ∈ N 6

  7. Single-sorted operads Recall that: 1. The functor category [ S , V ] admits a monoidal structure such that G ♯ ◦ F ♯ , ∼ ( G ◦ F ) ♯ = I ♯ ∼ Id V = 2. Monoids in [ S , V ] are exactly single-sorted operads. See [Kelly 1972] and [Joyal 1984]. 7

  8. Symmetric sequences For a set X , let S ( X ) be the category with ◮ objects: ( x 1 , . . . , x n ), where n ∈ N , x i ∈ X for 1 ≤ i ≤ n ◮ morphisms: σ : ( x 1 , . . . , x n ) → ( x ′ 1 , . . . , x ′ n ) is σ ∈ Σ n such that x ′ i = x σ ( i ) . Definition. Let X and Y be sets. A symmetric sequence indexed by X and Y is a functor S ( X ) op × Y F : → V ( x 1 , . . . , x n , y ) �→ F [ x 1 , . . . , x n ; y ] Note. For X = Y = 1 we get single-sorted symmetric sequences. 8

  9. Analytic functors Let F : S ( X ) op × Y → V be a symmetric sequence. We define the analytic functor F ♯ : V X → V Y by letting � ( x 1 ,...,x n ) ∈ S ( X ) F ♯ ( T, y ) = F [ x 1 , . . . , x n ; y ] ⊗ T ( x 1 ) ⊗ . . . T ( x n ) for T ∈ V X , y ∈ Y . Note. For X = Y = 1, we get single-sorted analytic functors. 9

  10. The bicategory of symmetric sequences The bicategory Sym V has ◮ 0-cells = sets ◮ 1-cells = symmetric sequences, i.e. F : S ( X ) op × Y → V ◮ 2-cells = natural transformations. Note. Composition and identities in Sym V are defined so that ( G ◦ F ) ♯ ∼ = G ♯ ◦ F ♯ (Id X ) ♯ ∼ = Id V X 10

  11. Monads in a bicategory Let E be a bicategory. Recall that a monad on X ∈ E consists of ◮ A : X → X ◮ µ : A ◦ A ⇒ A ◮ η : 1 X ⇒ A subject to associativity and unit axioms. Examples. ◮ monads in Ab = monoids in Ab = commutative rings ◮ monads in Mat V = small V -categories ◮ monads in Sym V = (symmetric, many-sorted) V -operads 11

  12. An analogy Mat V Sym V Matrix Symmetric sequence F : S ( X ) op × Y → V F : X × Y → V Linear functor Analytic functor Category Operad Bimodule/profunctor/distributor Operad bimodule 12

  13. Categorical symmetric sequences The bicategory CatSym V has ◮ 0-cells = small V -categories ◮ 1-cells = V -functors F : S ( X ) op ⊗ Y → V , where S ( X ) = free symmetric monoidal V -category on X . ◮ 2-cells = V -natural transformations Note. We have Sym V ⊆ CatSym V . 13

  14. Theorem 1. The bicategory CatSym V is cartesian closed. Proof. Enriched version of main result in [FGHW 2008]. ◮ Products: X ⊓ Y = def X ⊔ Y , ◮ Exponentials: [ X , Y ] = def S ( X ) op ⊗ Y . 14

  15. 2. Bicategories of bimodules 15

  16. Bimodules Let E be a bicategory. Let A : X → X and B : Y → Y be monads in E . Definition. A ( B, A ) -bimodule consists of ◮ M : X → Y ◮ a left B -action λ : B ◦ M ⇒ M ◮ a right A -action ρ : M ◦ A ⇒ M . subject to a commutation condition. Examples. ◮ bimodules in Ab = ring bimodules ◮ bimodules in Mat V = bimodules/profunctors/distributors ◮ bimodules in Sym V = operad bimodules 16

  17. Bicategories with local reflexive coequalizers Definition. We say that a bicategory E has local reflexive coequalizers if (i) the hom-categories E [ X, Y ] have reflexive coequalizers, (ii) the composition functors preserve reflexive coequalizers in each variable. Examples. ◮ ( Ab , ⊗ , Z ) ◮ Mat V ◮ Sym V and CatSym V 17

  18. � The bicategory of bimodules The bicategory Bim( E ) has ◮ 0-cells = ( X, A ), where X ∈ E and A : X → X monad ◮ 1-cells = bimodules ◮ 2-cells = bimodule morphisms Composition: for M : ( X, A ) → ( Y, B ) , N : ( Y, B ) → ( Z, C ), N ◦ B M : ( X, A ) → ( Z, C ) is given by N ◦ λ � N ◦ B M . N ◦ B ◦ M � N ◦ M ρ ◦ M Identities: Id ( X,A ) : ( X, A ) → ( X, A ) is A : X → X . 18

  19. Examples 1. The bicategory of ring bimodules Bim( Ab ) ◮ 0-cells = rings ◮ 1-cells = ring bimodules ◮ 2-cells = bimodule maps 2. The bicategory of bimodules/profunctors/distributors Bim( Mat V ) ◮ 0-cells = small V -categories ◮ 1-cells = V -functors X op ⊗ Y → V ◮ 2-cells = V -natural transformations. 19

  20. 3. The bicategory of operads Opd V = def Bim( Sym V ) ◮ 0-cells = V -operads ◮ 1-cells = operad bimodules ◮ 2-cells = operad bimodule maps. Note. The composition operation of Opd V obtained in this way generalizes Rezk’s circle-over construction. Remark. For an operad bimodule F : ( X, A ) → ( Y, B ), we define the analytic functor F ♯ : Alg ( A ) Alg ( B ) → M �→ F ◦ A M These include restriction and extension functors. 20

  21. Cartesian closed bicategories of bimodules Theorem 2. Let E be a bicategory with local reflexive coequalizers. If E is cartesian closed, then so is Bim( E ). Idea. ◮ Products ( X, A ) × ( Y, B ) = ( X × Y, A × B ) ◮ Exponentials � � � � ( X, A ) , ( Y, B ) = [ X, Y ] , [ A, B ] Note. The proof uses a homomorphism Mnd( E ) → Bim( E ) , where Mnd( E ) is Street’s bicategory of monads. 21

  22. 3. A universal property of the bimodule construction 22

  23. � � Eilenberg-Moore completions Let E be a bicategory with local reflexive coequalizers. The bicategory Bim( E ) is the Eilenberg-Moore completion of E as a bicategory with local reflexive coequalizers: J E � Bim( E ) E F ♯ F F Note. ◮ This was proved independently by Garner and Shulman, extending work of Carboni, Kasangian and Walters. ◮ Different universal property from the Eilenberg-Moore completion studied by Lack and Street. 23

  24. Theorem 3. The inclusion Bim( Sym V ) ⊆ Bim( CatSym V ) is an equivalence. Idea. Every 0-cell of CatSym V is an Eilenberg-Moore object for a monad in Sym V . 24

  25. 4. Proof of the main theorem 25

  26. � � � Theorem. The bicategory Opd V is cartesian closed. Proof. Recall � CatSym V Sym V ❴ ❴ � Bim( CatSym V ) Opd V � Theorem 1 says that CatSym V is cartesian closed. So, by Theorem 2, Bim( CatSym V ) is cartesian closed. But, Theorem 3 says Opd V = Bim( Sym V ) ≃ Bim( CatSym V ) . 26


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