on the analytic class number formula for selberg zeta

On the analytic class number formula for Selberg zeta functions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction Arithmetic RiemannRoch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives On the analytic class number formula for Selberg zeta functions Gerard Freixas i Montplet C.N.R.S. Institut de Math ematiques de

  1. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives On the analytic class number formula for Selberg zeta functions Gerard Freixas i Montplet C.N.R.S. – Institut de Math´ ematiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche Shimura varieties and hyperbolicity of moduli spaces UQAM, Montr´ eal, May 2018 1 / 38

  2. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives Dedekind zeta function Let K / Q a number field and ζ K ( s ) its Dedekind zeta function: � � � 1 − ( N p ) − s � − 1 . 1 ζ K ( s ) = ( N a ) s = 0 � = a ⊆O K p ⊂O K maximal ideal ◮ Absolute convergence for Re( s ) > 1 and meromorphic continuation to C . ◮ Simple pole at s = 1. ◮ Functional equation. ◮ Riemann hypothesis. 2 / 38

  3. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives Analytic class number formula Theorem The residue of ζ K ( s ) at s = 1 is given by h K R K Res s =1 ζ K ( s ) = 2 r 1 (2 π ) r 2 � , w K | ∆ K / Q | where ◮ r 1 (resp. r 2 ) number of real (resp. complex) embeddings of K. ◮ h K = # Cl ( K ) is the class number. ◮ R K is the regulator. ◮ w K = # O K , tors . ◮ ∆ K / Q is the absolute discriminant. 3 / 38

  4. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives Selberg zeta function The Selberg zeta function is a dynamical zeta function. Primitive closed geodesics play the role of prime numbers. ◮ Γ ⊂ PSL 2 ( R ) fuchsian group of the first kind. ◮ Γ acts on the upper half plane H by isometries, with respect to the hyperbolic metric. ◮ Y := Γ \ H has the structure of a Riemann surface. ◮ Y becomes compact after adding finitely many cusps. ◮ Correspondences: closed geodesics in Y ↔ free homotopy classes of curves ↔ conjugacy classes of hyperbolic elements in Γ 4 / 38

  5. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives Definition (Selberg zeta function of Γ) The Selberg zeta function is defined by the absolutely convergent double product � 1 − e − ( s + k ) ℓ ( γ ) � ∞ � � Z ( s , Γ) = , Re( s ) > 1 , γ k =0 where ◮ γ runs over oriented primitive closed geodesics. ◮ ℓ ( γ ) is the length of γ . 5 / 38

  6. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives Introduced by Selberg in connection with the trace formula, applied to a suitable test function h (resolvent trace formula). For Γ co-compact and torsion free, it reads: � + ∞ � h ( t k ) =vol hyp (Γ \ H ) h ( r ) tanh( π r ) dr 4 π −∞ k ∞ � � ℓ ( γ ) / 2 � + h ( k ℓ ( γ )) sinh( ℓ ( γ ) / 2) , γ k =1 where: k form the spectrum of − y 2 � � ∂ x 2 + ∂ 2 ∂ 2 ◮ the λ k = 1 4 + t 2 . ∂ y 2 ◮ � h is the Fourier transform of h . ◮ “curiosity”: appearance of the � A genus... 6 / 38

  7. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives Example For Γ = PSL 2 ( Z ), Sarnak shows: ∞ � � (1 − ε − 2( s + k ) ) h ( d ) , Z ( s , PSL 2 ( Z )) = d d > 0 k =0 d ≡ 0 or 1 (4) where: ◮ ε d > 1 is the fundamental solution of the Pell equation x 2 − dy 2 = 4. ◮ h ( d ) is the class number of binary integral quadratic forms of discriminant d . 7 / 38

  8. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives The Selberg zeta has some analogies with the Dedekind zeta: ◮ meromorphic extension to C (trace formula). ◮ functional equation. ◮ simple zero at s = 1. ◮ for Γ co-compact (also PSL 2 ( Z )), the non-trivial zeroes are located on Re( s ) = 1 2 , and correspond to the (discrete) spectrum of the hyperbolic Laplacian � ∂ 2 � ∂ x 2 + ∂ 2 ∆ hyp = − y 2 . ∂ y 2 8 / 38

  9. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives The Selberg zeta has some analogies with the Dedekind zeta: ◮ meromorphic extension to C (trace formula). ◮ functional equation. ◮ simple zero at s = 1. ◮ for Γ co-compact (also PSL 2 ( Z )), the non-trivial zeroes are located on Re( s ) = 1 2 , and correspond to the (discrete) spectrum of the hyperbolic Laplacian � ∂ 2 � ∂ x 2 + ∂ 2 ∆ hyp = − y 2 . ∂ y 2 Missing: ◮ Analytic class number formula: expression for Z ′ (1 , Γ)? 8 / 38

  10. � � Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives If Γ is co-compact and torsion free: d’Hoker–Phong, Sarnak � det ∆ hyp Z ′ (1 , Γ) � trace formula Gillet–Soul´ e Arithmetic Riemann–Roch (cohomological side) where det ∆ hyp is the zeta regularized determinant of the Laplacian ∆ hyp . 9 / 38

  11. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives The Grothendieck–Riemann–Roch theorem Let f : X → Y be a projective morphism of smooth, complex algebraic varieties and E a vector bundle on X . Grothendieck–Riemann–Roch is the relation of characteristic classes: ch( Rf ∗ E ) = f ∗ (ch( E ) td( T • in CH • ( Y ) Q . X / Y )) In particular, if Y = Spec C (Hirzebruch–Riemann–Roch): � � ( − 1) p dim H p ( X , E ) = χ ( X , E ) = ch( E ) td( T X ) ∈ Z . X p 10 / 38

  12. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives The Riemann–Roch theorem in Arakelov geometry ◮ π : X → Spec Z a regular projective arithmetic variety. ◮ E = ( E , h ) a C ∞ hermitian vector bundle. ◮ ω a K¨ ahler metric on X ( C ), invariant under F ∞ . ◮ A 0 , p ( X ( C ) , E C ) carries a hermitian L 2 scalar product. ◮ ∆ 0 , p Laplacian acting on A 0 , p ( X ( C ) , E C ). ∂ ◮ Flat base change, Dolbeault isomorphism and Hodge theory give H p ( X , E ) C ≃ H 0 , p ∂ ( X ( C ) , E C ) ≃ ker ∆ 0 , p ⊂ A 0 , p ( X ( C ) , E C ) . ∂ Hence H p ( X , E ) C inherits the L 2 scalar product. 11 / 38

  13. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives The arithmetic Riemann–Roch theorem of Gillet–Soul´ e computes the arithmetic degree of the cohomology : � ( − 1) p log # H p ( X , E ) tor � deg H • ( X , E ) L 2 = � ( − 1) p log vol( H p ( X , E ) free , h L 2 ) , − p corrected by the holomorphic analytic torsion : � ( − 1) p p log det ∆ 0 , p T = T ( E C , h , ω ) = ∂ . p Hence it catches the whole spectrum of the Laplacians: harmonic forms and non-trival eigenvalues. 12 / 38

  14. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives There is a theory of arithmetic characteristic classes for hermitian vector bundles, or more generally finite complexes of those. They simultaneously refine the characteristic classes in CH • ( X ) Q and the Chern–Weil representatives of their de Rham realizations in H • dR ( X ( C ) , C ). • ( X ) Q . They land in the arithmetic Chow groups � CH For instance: ◮ � ch( E ) arithmetic Chern class. ◮ � td( T • X / Z , ω ) arithmetic Todd genus of the tangent complex. 13 / 38

  15. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives There is a morphism � top ( X ) X : � � R CH � [ � ′ n P · P , g ] ✤ � � ′ n P log # k ( P ) + 1 X ( C ) g , 2 where P denotes a closed point in X with residue field k ( P ), and g is a top degree current on X ( C ). 14 / 38

  16. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives Theorem (Gillet–Soul´ e) There is an equality of real numbers � deg H • ( X , E ) L 2 − 1 � ch( E ) � � td( T • 2 T = X / Z , ω ) X � − 1 ch( E C ) td( T X C ) R ( T X C ) , 2 X ( C ) where R is the R-genus of Gillet–Soul´ e. The R -genus is the additive characteristic class determined by the power series: � � x m � ζ ′ ( − m ) + ζ ( − m )(1 + 1 2 + . . . + 1 R ( x ) = m ) m ! . m ≥ 1 odd 15 / 38

  17. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives ◮ There is a generalization to projective morphisms between arithmetic varieties. It holds in any degree. It involves the holomorphic analytic torsion forms of Bismut–K¨ ohler (Gillet–R¨ ossler–Soul´ e, Burgos–F.–Litcanu). ◮ The arithmetic Riemann–Roch theorem refines the Grothendieck–Riemann–Roch theorem in the context of arithmetic varieties. ◮ One of the key points of the proof is the behaviour of holomorphic analytic torsion with respect to closed embeddings (Bismut–Lebeau). 16 / 38

  18. Introduction Arithmetic Riemann–Roch Analytic class number formula for Selberg zetas Perspectives ◮ There is a generalization to projective morphisms between arithmetic varieties. It holds in any degree. It involves the holomorphic analytic torsion forms of Bismut–K¨ ohler (Gillet–R¨ ossler–Soul´ e, Burgos–F.–Litcanu). ◮ The arithmetic Riemann–Roch theorem refines the Grothendieck–Riemann–Roch theorem in the context of arithmetic varieties. ◮ One of the key points of the proof is the behaviour of holomorphic analytic torsion with respect to closed embeddings (Bismut–Lebeau). ◮ All the terms are difficult to compute! 16 / 38


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