of non proteolytic c bot toxin a suitable critical

of non-proteolytic C. bot toxin, a suitable Critical Control Point - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Vitsab International AB When refrigeration is the sole barrier to outgrowth of non-proteolytic C. bot toxin, a suitable Critical Control Point (CCP) is the use of a properly calibrated Time Temperature Indicator (TTI) on each ROP/MAP package

  1. Vitsab International AB When refrigeration is the sole barrier to outgrowth of non-proteolytic C. bot toxin, a suitable Critical Control Point (CCP) is the use of a properly calibrated Time Temperature Indicator (TTI) on each ROP/MAP package of fresh seafood Jeff Desrosiers Vitsab International AB 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 1

  2. Vitsab International AB Why is there a concern from packaging to consumption? Retailer Harvester Cold Chain Consumer Food Service Processor of Restaurant Distributor Distribution 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 2

  3. Vitsab International AB There is a direct relationship with temperatures above 38 ºF / 3.3 ºC and C bot toxin growth. This is why we need to monitor time and temperature. 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 3

  4. Vitsab International AB Temperature recorders and data loggers • They can be too expensive to use on each ROP/MAP package of fresh seafood • They require downloading and analysing the data 30 S F 20 Temperature °C 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Hours Fig. 6 Logged temperature profile of air shipment 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 4

  5. Vitsab International AB Temperature indicating labels • Inexpensive • Easy to understand by simply looking at them Types: Types Indication CTI Critical Temperature indicators Temperature above a set temperature CTTI Critical Time-Temperature Integrators Temp. Integration start above a set temperature TTI Full History Time-Temperature Integrators Temp. Integration starts at activation 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 5

  6. Vitsab International AB An ideal TTI should have the following properties : • Respond only to time-temperature changes. • The response should be irreversible and easy to measure. • Calibrated to C Bot Toxin growth for ROP/MAP fresh seafood • Reliable with consistent response to temperature conditions. • Low cost. • Small and easy to integrate into food packaging. • Long shelf life before activation plus easy to activate. • Resistant to normal mechanical abuses and response cannot be tampered. • Nontoxic due to its close proximity to food product. • Easy to read by human eye by personnel or consumers . From: Taoukis P.S. and Labuza T.P. 2003. Time-Temperature Indicators (TTI). In: Novel Food Packaging Techniques . R. Ahvenainen , ed. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK and CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton FL, USA, 2003; 103-126. 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 6

  7. Vitsab International AB Time Temperature Integrators (TTIs) are simple, inexpensive devices that can show an easily measurable, time and temperature dependent change that cumulatively indicates the time-temperature history of the product from the point of manufacture to the consumer, allowing the location and the improvement of the critical points of the chill chain Photo- Diffusion based chromic Polymer based Microbial Enzymatic 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 7

  8. Vitsab International AB FDA Import Alert 16-125 of packed fresh seafood to USA Requiring HACCP program with special attention towards temperature monitoring and control throughout the shipment 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 8

  9. Vitsab International AB Time and temperatures conditions for toxin formation of Clostridium botulinum 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 9

  10. Vitsab International AB Adaptation of Vitsab TTI-formulation to Clostridium botulinum toxin formation 20 15 Skinner and Larkin boundary Time, days 10 Area of toxin formed 5 No toxin formed 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Temp. °C 10 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx

  11. Vitsab International AB Vitsab TTI or Smart Label Active Expired Activation 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 11

  12. Vitsab International AB This picture helps shows the size of each TTI 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 12

  13. Vitsab International AB Jeff Desrosiers VITSAB International AB www.Vitsab.com jeff.Desrosiers@Vitsab.com +1 (207) 210-1753 Thank you to NFI for this WebEx series FDA for hosting on their WebEx platform Everyone in attendance Any Questions? 10/12/2017 NFI WebEx 13

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