OECD PaRIS Patient-reported Indicators Survey Progress and Next Steps EU-Bridge Health Meeting 22 September 2017 Jillian.Oderkirk@oecd.org
OECD Policy Forum and Ministerial, January 2017 Strategic direction --- People-centred health services modernise delivery build knowledge & capacity systematise patient- reported measurement Ministers • Recommended the development of internationally comparable PROMs and PREMS • Called on the OECD to lead this effort www.oecd.org/health/ministerial/
What is the state of play? PROMs covering elective surgery, cancer care, mental health – specific diseases/conditions Diverse instruments and collection methods (paper, electronic, telephone…) in use System-wide implementation is rare Impetus predominantly ground-up (clinician-led) - principal uses at clinical level Lack of PROMs for the fastest growing area of health care need (and spending): primary care for complex, chronic diseases and disability. 3
PaRIS 2-pronged approach Addressing critical gaps in the measurement of patient-reported indicators New survey of patients of primary Multiple long-term conditions/ health care physicians complex patients With international partners & Patient-reported outcomes & providers & patients experiences Accelerate and standardise work Cáncer, hip and knee OA, already underway (then AMI, stroke, mental health,…) Supporting national health systems to collect patient-reported indicators in a comparable way 4
Condition-specific indicators Breast Cancer and hip and knee OA recommended by Health Care Quality Indicators (HCQI) Expert Group at their meeting May 2017 Establish two small, time-limited panels of country experts to consider the most appropriate PROMs and PREMs in more detail including • Data availability and clinical and systems use of data • Potential for mapping among question sets in use • Feasibility of piloting international benchmarking Potentially begin data collection in pilot countries in 2018-19 Collaboration with ICHOM • Strong clinical representation in ‘standard sets’ development • Robust methodology, validation and risk adjustment Health professional input within the panels of experts
New Survey - Indicators for complex patients/multiple long-term conditions • First international survey of health care outcomes and experiences of patients with multiple long-term conditions/complex patients • Focus on Patients in Primary Health Care: o Coverage of patients with multiple long-term conditions in a range of health states o Relate characteristics of primary health care services to the outcomes and experiences of patients o New insights regarding the orientation of PHC services for optimal health.
Task Force to develop the survey plan 1) Propose a survey design including: o Sampling strategy o Survey content themes and questions o Data collection strategy 2) Develop a multi-year plan of key activities including: o Translation o Content testing o Sampling frames and selection o Questionnaire design/CAI o Field operations o Data processing and weighting 3) Describe the anticipated costs : o Costs associated with contracted services o National survey implementation costs
Task Force Milestones December 2017 • Interim Report submitted to the HC o Initial recommendations re: survey content and design May 2018 • Full proposal for the implementation of the survey submitted to the Health Committee • Describes the steps and timeline for pilots and the full survey
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