nys grid and opportunites for liberal arts colleges

NYS Grid and opportunites for liberal arts colleges Brian S. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NYS Grid and opportunites for liberal arts colleges Brian S. Macherone, Director Anne P. Shelton, Systems Analyst University at Albany, Research IT Group First, A litle about the UAlbany Research IT Group Anne and I are two of the four core

  1. NYS Grid and opportunites for liberal arts colleges Brian S. Macherone, Director Anne P. Shelton, Systems Analyst University at Albany, Research IT Group

  2. First, A litle about the UAlbany Research IT Group Anne and I are two of the four core members of the University at Albany’s Research Informaton Technology Group. We report to the CIO and the Vice President for Research. Our organizaton was conceived in 2003 and formally created in February of 2004. Our Charter: IT SERVICES & RESOURCES FOR GRANT-SEEKING AND FUNDED RESEARCHERS Supportng the entre research IT life-cycle , in four phases:

  3. UAlbany, Research IT Group Phase 1, Early in the process, pre-grant • Serve as a resource during grant discovery • Provide IT consultng • Assist in IT impact assessment • Oversee integraton into existng infrastructure • Explore cost reducton and/or increased functonality through synergy • Serve as external IT interface coordinaton resource • Administer internal research IT grants for discovery assistance

  4. UAlbany, Research IT Group Phase 2, Facilites setup and confguraton • Manage the coordinaton of IT resources • Assist in sofware acquisiton, licensing, portng, integraton • Serve as IT interface to physical renovatons • Administer hiring and/or training of IT cognizant individuals • Facilitate establishment of collaboratve interfaces • Provide system setup, integraton and testng

  5. UAlbany, Research IT Group Phase 3, Producton environment • Full service systems management • Ongoing sofware consultng, portng • Integraton and collaboraton support • IT human resource management • Administer regular IT re-assessment and adjustment

  6. UAlbany, Research IT Group Phase 4, End of grant decommissioning • Re-applicaton of human resources • Sunset systems, sofware, IT infrastructure • Post-grant support evaluaton • Recycling of central research IT resources into discovery or other grants “Turning math into heat since 2004…” To contact us: email: ritgroup@albany.edu Telephone: 519-442-3440

  7. About NYSGrid In July of 2006, Cornell University's Vice Provost for Research organized a workshop focusing on cyberinfrastructure and data-driven science. Cornell invited researchers, technical staf, and research administrators from higher educaton insttutons throughout New York State to atend. Discussions centered on exchanging experiences, requirements, and botlenecks to implementng various aspects of cyberinfrastructure. At the workshop's conclusion, atendees commited to working together to help develop New York State cyberinfrastructure and the statewide collaboraton, NYSGrid, was born. htp://www.nysgrid.org

  8. Organizaton NYSGrid is an initatve of NYSERNet and is led by a Steering Commitee consistng of representatves from insttutons across the state. A Program Manager was appointed in Fall 2007 to coordinate NYSGrid actvites. The NYSGrid Council consists of representatves from all NYSGrid members: Council members are the liaison to researchers and administrators at their sites. Several working groups have been established to focus on specifc aspects of implementng a statewide grid. Several of the working groups established during NYSGrid's frst year have been merged with other groups. The current working groups are the Technical Working Group, User Services, Educaton, and Outreach, Middleware Developers.

  9. Steering Commitee The Steering Commitee is charged with providing oversight of the emerging Cyberinfrastructure Initatve in New York State. The members of the commitee currently consist of the following: James Davenport, Brookhaven , jdaven@bnl.gov Thomas Furlani, Bufalo, furlani@ccr.bufalo.edu Christne Haile, Albany, Chair , chaile@albany.edu Gurcharan Khanna, RIT, gurcharan.khanna@rit.edu Tim Lance, NYSERNet, tl@nysernet.org David Lifa, Cornell, lifa@cac.cornell.edu Mark Shephard, RPI, shephm@rpi.edu Heather Stewart, NYU, heather@nyu.edu

  10. Council The Council consists of one representatve per partcipatng insttuton. These members provide liaison between the Steering Commitee and their insttuton. The NYSGrid Council consists of the following members. Albany (SUNY) Brian Macherone bsm@albany.edu Alfred University TBD Binghamton (SUNY) Mark Reed mreed@binghamton.edu Brookhaven Natonal Laboratory David Stampf drs@bnl.gov Bufalo (SUNY) Jorge Jose vpr@research.bufalo.edu Columbia University Alan Crosswell alan@columbia.edu Cornell University Dave Lifa lifa@tc.cornell.edu Cornell University, Weill Medical College TBD Geneseo (SUNY) TBD Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Insttute, inc. Charles M. Weeks, weeks@hwi.bufalo.edu Marist College TBD Memorial Sloan-Ketering Cancer Center TBD New York University (NYU) Randy Wright randy.wright@nyu.edu Niagara University Mary McCourt mpm@niagara.edu Polytechnic University Kurt Becker kbecker@poly.edu Rochester Insttute of Technology (RIT) Guy Johnson Guy.johnson@rit.edu University of Rochester Eric E. Fredericksen eric.fredericksen@rochester.edu Rensselaer Polytechnic Insttute (RPI) Mark D. Miller millem@rpi.edu Stony Brook (SUNY) Alex Mohr amohr@cs.sunysb.edu Syracuse University Paul Gandel pgandel@syr.edu NYSERNet Bill Owens owens@nysernet.org

  11. Technical Working Group This group is concerned with all technical aspects of the working grid , including creatng and maintaining the standards and documentaton necessary for producton sites to pass the validaton suite. The group also focuses on critcal infrastructure, such as the networking required to efciently and efectvely move data on the grid, the integraton of networking, scheduling, computng, instrumentaton, data storage and retrieval, and visualizaton. The group works to identfy critcal internal documentaton needed to maintain a persistent grid and to provide resources to the users. Jon Bednasz is the Chair of the Technical Working Group To post a message to all the list members, send email to nysgrid-tech@ccr.bufalo.

  12. Middleware Developers The goal of this group is to bring together those researchers who are focusing on developing middleware throughout the state. This group will provide opportunites for these individuals, and their groups, to interact. Further, in collaboraton with the User Group and the Technical Working Group, this group will be able to easily work with users and the systems administrators in order to identfy critcal needs and work on developing them and implementng such packages in an efcient and maintainable fashion. This group is led by Kenneth Chiu. The listserve for Middleware is htps://www.cs.binghamton.edu/mailman/listnfo/nysgrid-middleware

  13. Partcipatng Insttutons

  14. Join NYSGrid! NYSGrid members are New York non-proft insttutons that are interested in strengthening the research, educaton, and technology environment of New York State by • collaboratng to help build New York's cyberinfrastructure, • working with researchers to grid-enable their applicatons to take advantage of NYS cyberinfrastructure, • sharing computatonal, data, storage, and visualizaton resources, • engaging in cyberinfrastructure knowledge and technology exchange, • and engaging in educaton and outreach to new communites. All NYSGrid members have support from senior administrators at their insttutons, e.g., the President, Vice Provost for Research, or CIO, for their involvement in the consortum.

  15. UAlbany welcomes you! Christne Haile, the CIO at The University at Albany and the Chair of the NYSGrid steering commitee, welcomes Bard, Colgate, Hamilton, Skidmore, Union, and Vassar Colleges as members of the Teagle Foundaton planning grant to make use of the High performance and High throughput computng facilites at UAlbany and our Research IT group to assist you in joining NYSGrid. We can work with your support staf and researchers to bring their applicatons into a HPC/HTC environment and assist in transitoning their work to the Grid. In additon, we can assist in bringing online local cluster and grid initatves at your partcipatng insttutons or at a central locaton, as well as consult on their design and implementaton. Contact us at ritgroup@albany.edu


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