Per ersonalized sonalized Patient ient Da Data and Beha ehavioral vioral Nudge dges s to Im Impr prove e Adher herence ence to Chr hronic onic Cardio diovascular ascular Med edication ications (The he Nudge dge St Study udy) Upd pdat ates es Michae hael Ho, MD, PhD & Sheana na Bull, PhD, MPH Un Univer ersity sity of Color orado do Anschutz chutz Medical ical Campu mpus NIH Collabor aborat atory Grand Rounds nds
Study Findings Milestones WHAT IS A NUDGE? • A small change in choice framing or choice architecture • Example: “Putting the fruit at eye level counts as a nudge. Banning junk food does not.” • Strategic reminder that can potentially help people adopt healthy behaviors • Nobel prize winning economists have shown this can work to improve nutrition, physical activity and other behaviors
TYPES OF NUDGES EMPLOYED IN THIS STUDY Study Findings Milestones • Social Norms: Others like you are performing this behavior • Examples —testimonials ” People like Joseph have had success in remembering to pick up his meds by making it a habit to drive by his pharmacy on the way home from work” • Behavioral Commitments: Making a stated intention to take action • Example-- ” Will you mention to a family member your intention to refill your medications today?” • Narrative stories: Evoking emotional connection • Example —” Marta has committed to her daughter that she will stay on top of her refills so she’ll be around longer for her grandkids !”
CELLPHONE USE IS IS UBIQUITOUS CELLPHONE USE IS UBIQUITOUS Cellphone Ownership in the US Rural Less than 30k/yr Less than HS Hispanic Black White Age 65+ All adults 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
CELLPHONE USE IS IS UBIQUITOUS CELLPHONE USE IS UBIQUITOUS Cellphone Ownership in the US Rural Less than 30k/yr Less than HS Hispanic Black White Age 65+ All adults 88% of US cellphones have unlimited text messaging 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Study Findings Milestones MEDICATION NONADHERENCE • Up to 50% of patients do not take their CV medications as prescribed • Nonadherence associated with increased CV events • Prior attempts to improve adherence are costly, time consuming and have inconsistent benefit
Study Findings Milestones STUDY OBJECTIVES • Conduct a pragmatic patient-level randomized intervention across 3 HCS to improve adherence to chronic CV medications. • Primary outcome: Medication adherence defined by the proportion of days covered (PDC) using pharmacy refill data. • Secondary outcomes: • Intermediate clinical measures (e.g., BP control) • CV clinical events (e.g., hospitalizations) • Healthcare utilization • Costs
Study Findings Milestones STUDY SETTING Denver Health Clinics VA Eastern Colorado HCS Clinics UCHealth Clinics
Study Findings Milestones PATIENT POPULATION ■ Adult patients diagnosed with ≥ 1 condition of interest and prescribed ≥ 1 medication of interest ■ English or Spanish-speaking
Study Findings Milestones OPT-OUT STUDY DESIGN Identify patients with CV disease and prescribed medication Send opt-out packets to eligible patients Patients who do not return opt-out form are eligible for enrollment Monitor for gaps with medication refills
Study Findings Milestones INTERVENTION ARMS 7 day gap between medication refills Optimized Texts + Usual Care Optimized Texts Generic Texts AI Chat Bot [Name] What [Name] problems do Congrats! you have You are due You’ve filled getting refills? for a refill on meds on time Text your meds at least 60% of 1=transport the time. Make 2=cost 3=time it 100%! 2, 3
Study Findings Milestones YEAR 1 OBJECTIVES Aim 1: Develop message library and chat bot content library Aim 2: Determine the potential population eligible for the intervention across the 3 HCS Aim 3 : Conduct a pilot study of the intervention
SAMPLE MESSAGES SENT Introd roduct ction on #A #AHA19 19
SAMPLE MESSAGES SENT Introd roduct ction on Generic ric Nudge #A #AHA19 19
SAMPLE MESSAGES SENT Introd roduct ction on Generic ric Nudge Tempora rary ry opt-out out #A #AHA19 19
SAMPLE MESSAGES SENT Introd roduct ction on Generic ric Nudge Tempora rary ry opt-out out Study y opt-out #A #AHA19 19
SAMPLE MESSAGES SENT Optimized imized Nudge #A #AHA19 19
SAMPLE MESSAGES SENT Chatbo bot t Nudge #A #AHA19 19
N of f 1 interviews PATIENT FEEDBACK ABOUT MESSAGES Progress & Findings • “I like that the messages put the ownership on self.” • “I like the ones that relate to a hospital stay. I’ve been in the hospital and once you have done that you will want to avoid it in the future. It’s good motivation for me to stay out of the hospital.” • “The message validates my feelings that it is hard to take meds. Realizing a break down in your body, the meds are the confirmation of that.” • “This message makes me smile. It lightens it up and this can be a serious topic so it is nice to smile.”
DETERMINE THE POTENTIAL POPULATION ELIGIBLE Nudge Aims for Year 1 FOR THE INTERVENTION ACROSS THE 3 HCS • Retrospectively identified patients who would potentially be eligible to be enrolled at each HCS
DETERMINE THE POTENTIAL POPULATION ELIGIBLE Nudge Aims for Year 1 FOR THE INTERVENTION ACROSS THE 3 HCS • Retrospectively identified patients who would potentially be eligible to be enrolled at each HCS • Number of patients with at least 1 CV condition and 1 medication class prescribed • DH: 12,493 • VA: 4,062 • UCH: 1,082
DETERMINE THE POTENTIAL POPULATION ELIGIBLE Nudge Aims for Year 1 FOR THE INTERVENTION ACROSS THE 3 HCS • Retrospectively identified patients who would potentially be eligible to be enrolled at each HCS • Number of patients with at least 1 CV condition and 1 medication class prescribed • DH: 12,493 • VA: 4,062 • UCH: 1,082
GAPS IN MEDICATION REFILLS GAPS IN IN MEDICATION REFILLS Number of patients with a 7-day refill gap: DH: 10,284 VA: 2,859 UCH: 821
CONDUCT A PILOT STUDY OF THE INTERVENTION Opt-out packets were sent to 400 total patients meeting inclusion criteria (200 patients per each HCS) Packet included an information sheet, opt-out sheet, self-addressed and stamped envelope Two-week deadline to return opt-out form
CONDUCT A PILOT STUDY OF THE INTERVENTION Opt-out packets were sent to 400 total patients meeting inclusion criteria (200 patients per each HCS) Packet included an information sheet, opt-out sheet, self-addressed and stamped envelope Two-week deadline to return opt-out form Total packets Signed & returned an opt-out Packets returned by sent forms USPS Denver Health 200 13 (6.5%) 6 (3.0%) VA 200 37 (18.5%) 0 Total 400 50 (12.5%) 6 (2.6%)
FOLLOWED PATIENTS FOR 7-DAY GAP Characteristics of eligible patients in the pilot study Not Enrolled Enrolled p Total N 79 207 DEMOGRAHPICS Age - Mean (SD) 62.1 (10.9) 61.7 (11.9) 0.810 Male 64.6% (51) 69.1% (143) 0.481 Race 0.050 American Indian, Alaska 1.3% (1) 0% (0) Native Asian 0% (0) 0% (0) Black, African American 24.0% (19) 19.3% (40) Native Hawaiian, Pacific 2.5% (2) 0% (0) Islander White 63.3% (50) 72.5% (150) Multiple/Missing 3.8% (3) 2.9% (6) Hispanic 32.9% (26) 44.9% (93) 0.081 QUALIFYING CONDITIONS AF 6.3% (5) 8.7% (18) 0.631 CAD 13.9% (11) 20.3% (42) 0.238 Diabetes 38.0% (30) 58.0% (120) 0.003 Hyperlipidemia 32.9% (26) 42.5% (88) 0.177 Hypertension 87.3% (69) 78.7% (163) 0.128
FOLLOWED PATIENTS FOR 7-DAY GAP Characteristics of eligible patients in the pilot study Not Enrolled Enrolled p Total N 79 207 DEMOGRAHPICS Age - Mean (SD) 62.1 (10.9) 61.7 (11.9) 0.810 Male 64.6% (51) 69.1% (143) 0.481 Race 0.050 American Indian, Alaska 1.3% (1) 0% (0) Native Asian 0% (0) 0% (0) Black, African American 24.0% (19) 19.3% (40) Native Hawaiian, Pacific 2.5% (2) 0% (0) Islander White 63.3% (50) 72.5% (150) Multiple/Missing 3.8% (3) 2.9% (6) Hispanic 32.9% (26) 44.9% (93) 0.081 QUALIFYING CONDITIONS AF 6.3% (5) 8.7% (18) 0.631 CAD 13.9% (11) 20.3% (42) 0.238 Diabetes 38.0% (30) 58.0% (120) 0.003 Hyperlipidemia 32.9% (26) 42.5% (88) 0.177 Hypertension 87.3% (69) 78.7% (163) 0.128
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