nuclear physics nuclear reactions

Nuclear Physics & Nuclear Reactions Multiple Choice Practice - PDF document

Slide 1 / 57 Slide 2 / 57 Nuclear Physics & Nuclear Reactions Multiple Choice Practice Problems Slide 3 / 57 Slide 4 / 57 1 The atomic nucleus consists of: 2 The atomic mass number represents the following: Electrons A The total

  1. Slide 1 / 57 Slide 2 / 57 Nuclear Physics & Nuclear Reactions Multiple Choice Practice Problems Slide 3 / 57 Slide 4 / 57 1 The atomic nucleus consists of: 2 The atomic mass number represents the following: Electrons A The total number of electrons in the atom A Protons B The total number of protons in the atom B Protons and electrons C The total number of protons and neutrons in the Protons and neutrons C D atom Neutrons and electrons E The total number of neutrons in the atom D The total number of electrons and protons in the E atom Slide 5 / 57 Slide 6 / 57 3 The atomic number represents the following: 4 The isotope of carbon consists of: Protons Neutrons (A) 6 6 (B) 6 7 The number of protons in the atom A (C) 6 8 The number of neutrons in the atom B (D) 6 14 (E) 6 12 The total number of protons and neutrons in the C atom The total number of electrons and neutrons in D the atom The total number of protons and electrons in the E atom

  2. Slide 7 / 57 Slide 8 / 57 5 The isotope of uranium consists of: 6 When an electron is emitted by an unstable Protons Neutrons nucleus the atomic mass number is: (A) 92 143 (B) 92 146 (C) 92 144 Increased by 1 A (D) 92 145 B Increased by 2 (E) 92 238 Decreased by 1 C Decreased by 2 D Doesn’t change E Slide 9 / 57 Slide 10 / 57 7 When a positron is emitted by an unstable nucleus 8 When an α- particle is emitted by an unstable the atomic mass number is: nucleus the atomic mass number is: Increased by 1 Increased by 1 A A Increased by 2 Increased by 2 B B Decreased by 1 Decreased by 1 C C D Decreased by 2 D Decreased by 2 Doesn’t change Doesn’t change E E Slide 11 / 57 Slide 12 / 57 9 When free protons and neutrons join to form a 10 Which of the following statements about the mass nucleus the energy is: of separated nucleons and the mass of the nucleus they form is correct: A Absorb The mass of separated nucleons is greater than Destroyed A B the nucleus mass Created C The mass of separated nucleons is less that the B Stays the same nucleus mass D Released The mass of separated nucleons is equal to the E C nucleus mass The mass of separated nucleons is greater than D the nucleus mass only for light nuclei The mass of separated nucleons is greater than E the nucleus mass only for heavy nuclei

  3. Slide 13 / 57 Slide 14 / 57 11 Which of the following is the defect mass of a 12 Which of the following is the binding energy? nucleus? (M – nucleus’s mass, mp – proton’s mass, mn – neutron’s mass) E = hf A E = mgh B Δm = Nm n + Zm p + M A E = 1/2mv 2 C Δm = Nm n - Zm p – M B E = qV D Δm = Nm n - Zm p – M C E = Δmc 2 E D Δm = Nm n + Zm p – M Δm = M - Nm n + Zm p E Slide 15 / 57 Slide 16 / 57 13 Which of the following is the correct product of the 14 Which of the following is the correct product of α – decay: ? the β-–decay: ? A A B B C C D D E E Slide 17 / 57 Slide 18 / 57 16 Which of the following statements is not TRUE about α- radiation? A It is produced by unstable nuclei It can penetrate a piece of paper B It can ionize gasses C It can be deflected by a magnetic field D It is a short wavelength electromagnetic photon E

  4. Slide 19 / 57 Slide 20 / 57 17 Which of the following statements is not TRUE 18 If the half-life time of a radioactive material is 2 about γ-radiation days, how much of the material will be left after 6 days? It is produced by unstable nuclei A 1/2 A B It can penetrate several centimeters of lead B 1/4 It can ionize gasses C C 1/6 It can be deflected by a magnetic field D D 1/8 It is a short wavelength electromagnetic photon E 1/16 E Slide 21 / 57 Slide 22 / 57 19 In an experiment with a radioactive material a 20 The nuclear reaction occurs physics student conducted two measurements. spontaneously. If M x , M Y , and M Z are the masses Initially, it was measured 120 g of the material and of the three particles, which of the following after a certain time the amount of the radioactive relation ships is true? material was reduced to 7.5 g. If the half-life time of the material is 20 min, what is the elapsed time between the two measurements? M x < M y - M z A B M x < M y + M z 20 min A M x > M y + M z C B 40 min D M x - M y < M z 60 min C M x - M z < M y E 80 min D 100 min E Slide 23 / 57 Slide 24 / 57 21 The half-life of is 24 days. If 8 kilogram of 22 Cobalt 60 is a radioactive source with a half-life of this isotope is present initially, what amount about 5 years. After how many years will the remains after 72 days? activity of a new sample of cobalt 60 be decreased to 1/8 its original value? A 2 kg A 2.5 years 1 kg B B 5 years 5 kg C C 10 years 4 kg D 15 years D E 0.5 kg 25 years E

  5. Slide 25 / 57 Slide 26 / 57 23 A free proton (m p = 1.007825 U) captures a neutron 24 When the nuclear reaction takes place, which of (m n = 1.008665 U) and forms a deuterium (m d = the following true about the reaction? 2.014102 U). Which of the following is true about I. The energy is conserved the mass of deuterium? II. The electric charge is conserved III. The mass is conserved IV. The number of nucleons is conserved. Less than 1.007825 U + 1.008662 U A A I and II only Greater than 1.007825 U + 1.008662 U B B I, II, and III only Less than 1.007825 U - 1.008662 U C III only C Less than 1.007825 U + 1.008662 U – 2.014102 U D I, II and IV only D E It is equal to 1.007825 U + 1.008662 U E IV only Slide 27 / 57 Slide 28 / 57 Slide 29 / 57 Slide 30 / 57

  6. Slide 31 / 57 Slide 32 / 57 Slide 33 / 57 Slide 34 / 57 1. Consider the following nuclear fusion reaction that uses deuterium and tritium as fuel. A. Complete the reaction equation. What is the name of the new particle released during the reaction? B. Determine the mass defect of a single reaction, given the Free-Response following information. C. Determine the energy in joules released during a single fusion reaction. D. The United States requires about 1020 J per year to meet its energy needs. How many single reactions would be necessary to provide this magnitude of energy? Slide 35 / 57 Slide 36 / 57 1. Consider the following nuclear fusion reaction that uses 1. Consider the following nuclear fusion reaction that uses deuterium and tritium as fuel. deuterium and tritium as fuel. B. Determine the mass defect of a single reaction, given the following information. A. Complete the reaction equation. What is the name of the new particle released during the reaction?

  7. Slide 37 / 57 Slide 38 / 57 1. Consider the following nuclear fusion reaction that uses 1. Consider the following nuclear fusion reaction that uses deuterium and tritium as fuel. deuterium and tritium as fuel. C. Determine the energy in joules released during a single D. The United States requires about 1020 J per year to meet its fusion reaction. energy needs. How many single reactions would be necessary to provide this magnitude of energy? Slide 39 / 57 Slide 40 / 57 2. Two radioactive isotopes are placed in a 1. Consider the following nuclear fusion reaction that uses metal container, which is then sealed. The deuterium and tritium as fuel. graph represents the number of remaining radioactive nuclei n 1 and n 2 as a function of time. A. Complete the reaction equation. What is the name of the new A. From the graph, determine the half- particle released during the reaction? life of isotope 1 and the half-life of isotope 2. B. Determine the mass defect of a single reaction, given the B. At time t = 5 years, which isotope is decaying at the greater following information. rate? Explain your reasoning. C. What type of radiation (alpha, beta, or gamma) would be most likely to escape through the container walls? C. Determine the energy in joules released during a single fusion reaction. D. What characteristics of the type of radiation named in part (c) distinguish it from the other two? D. The United States requires about 1020 J per year to meet its E. After many years, when the container is removed, it is found to energy needs. How many single reactions would be necessary contain helium gas, and the total mass of the contents is found to to provide this magnitude of energy? have decreased. Explain each of these two observations. Slide 41 / 57 Slide 42 / 57 2. Two radioactive isotopes are placed in a 2. Two radioactive isotopes are placed in a metal container, which is then sealed. The metal container, which is then sealed. The graph represents the number of remaining graph represents the number of remaining radioactive nuclei n 1 and n 2 as a function radioactive nuclei n 1 and n 2 as a function of time. of time. A. From the graph, determine the half- B. At time t = 5 years, which isotope is life of isotope 1 and the half-life of decaying at the greater rate? Explain isotope 2. your reasoning.

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