nsf and arctic oceans science nsf and arctic oceans

NSF and Arctic Oceans science NSF and Arctic Oceans science Simon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NSF and Arctic Oceans science NSF and Arctic Oceans science Simon Stephenson Simon Stephenson NSF Division of Arctic Sciences NSF Division of Arctic Sciences Drivers Drivers Following NSF strategic plan format Following NSF strategic

  1. NSF and Arctic Oceans science NSF and Arctic Oceans science Simon Stephenson Simon Stephenson NSF Division of Arctic Sciences NSF Division of Arctic Sciences

  2. Drivers Drivers � Following NSF strategic plan format Following NSF strategic plan format � � Discovery Discovery � � Learning Learning � � Research Infrastructure Research Infrastructure � � Stewardship Stewardship �

  3. Discovery Discovery � Healthy foundational research in Healthy foundational research in � the social and natural sciences the social and natural sciences concerning elements of the Arctic concerning elements of the Arctic system. system. � Thematic (next slide) Thematic (next slide) � � Arctic system and its global linkages Arctic system and its global linkages � � Modeling and synthesis Modeling and synthesis � � Global context and connections Global context and connections �

  4. Discovery (continued) Discovery (continued) � Thematic Thematic � � Bering Sea studies Bering Sea studies – – strengthening the social science strengthening the social science � component component � Abrupt climate change Abrupt climate change � � Glacier & sea Glacier & sea- -level level � � Ocean acidification Ocean acidification � � A warming tundra/permafrost and the carbon cycle A warming tundra/permafrost and the carbon cycle � � Sustainability, adaptation & resilience Sustainability, adaptation & resilience � � Black carbon Black carbon � � Sea Sea- -ice vulnerability ice vulnerability � � Human eco Human eco- -dynamics dynamics �

  5. Discovery (continued) Discovery (continued) � Thematic Thematic � � Bering Sea studies Bering Sea studies – – strengthening the social science strengthening the social science � component component � Abrupt climate change Abrupt climate change � � Glacier & sea Glacier & sea- -level level � � Ocean acidification Ocean acidification � � A warming tundra/permafrost and the carbon cycle A warming tundra/permafrost and the carbon cycle � � Sustainability, adaptation & resilience Sustainability, adaptation & resilience � � Black carbon Black carbon � � Sea Sea- -ice vulnerability ice vulnerability � � Human eco Human eco- -dynamics dynamics �

  6. Learning Learning � Maintain the scope established during the Maintain the scope established during the � International Polar Year (2007 – – 2009) 2009) International Polar Year (2007 � Main vehicle will be climate change education Main vehicle will be climate change education � in the next year or so. in the next year or so. � K K- -12 12 � � Undergraduate Undergraduate – – post post- -doc doc � � Informal education, outreach & media Informal education, outreach & media � � Broadening participation Broadening participation �

  7. Research Infrastructure Research Infrastructure � Arctic Observing Network Arctic Observing Network � � Cyberinfrastructure Cyberinfrastructure � � Next generation instrumentation Next generation instrumentation � � Logistics Logistics � � Greenland enterprise modeling Greenland enterprise modeling � � Increase energy efficiency Increase energy efficiency �

  8. Stewardship Stewardship � Conducting a dialogue with Arctic residents, Conducting a dialogue with Arctic residents, � priorities and participation priorities and participation � Support for research community planning and Support for research community planning and � dialogue dialogue

  9. Fourth IPY Observatories Fourth IPY Observatories A Sense of Scale A Sense of Scale

  10. Glaciers and Sea- -level level Glaciers and Sea The Polar Earth Observing Network is an Arctic and Antarctic network of GPS stations that measures crustal uplift and accumulation of the world’s major ice sheets. Data complements satellite measurements of ice-sheet dynamics

  11. The Arctic Observing Network The Arctic Observing Network The AON Network measurement locations on a polar projection as of the end of 2009. Observation sites, moorings, and the general region of drifting buoys are assigned a symbol unique to each investigator. A system of atmospheric, land- and ocean-based environmental measurements contributing to the interagency U.S. government initiative--the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)

  12. Bering Sea Ecosystem Study Bering Sea Ecosystem Study The Bering Ecosystem Study (BEST), is a partnership between NSF and the North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) to support a comprehensive and vertically integrated investigation of the Bering Sea ecosystem during 2007-2012.

  13. A Movement to a New Arctic Ecology? Zina Zina Deretsky retsky / Nat National onal Sci Scienc nce F e Foundation tion A project partly funded by NSF is published in this weeks Science . The research indicates that a section of the Arctic Ocean seafloor that stores vast amounts of methane is showing signs of instability and increased venting of the powerful greenhouse gas.

  14. Ocean Acidification Jeremy Mathis takes samples Research indicates that ocean acidification is likely more severe and is happening more rapidly in Alaska than in tropical waters. NSF has issued a cross-directorate solicitation to help understand the processes and effects of ocean acidification, including acidification of Acidification affects creatures like this sea the Arctic Ocean. butterfly on which salmon feed. http://www.sfos.uaf.edu/newsletter/fall09/ocean_acidification.html

  15. The Arctic as a contributor to Global Processes NSF’s Freshwater Switchyard of the Arctic Ocean project studies outflows of Russian and U.S. Rivers and how an increasing southward flow of “light” arctic water might influence the sinking of North Atlantic waters that drive the global ocean circulation.

  16. RV Sikuliaq RV Sikuliaq NSF is funding the NSF is funding the construction of the Arctic construction of the Arctic Region Research Vessel, Region Research Vessel, now named Sikuliaq Sikuliaq , an , an now named Inupiaq word that means Inupiaq word that means “young sea ice. young sea ice.” ” NSF will NSF will “ own the ship, the own the ship, the University of Alaska University of Alaska Fairbanks will operate it. Fairbanks will operate it. Scheduled for completion in Scheduled for completion in 2012, the 254- -foot foot 2012, the 254 Sikuliaq will be one of will be one of Sikuliaq the most advanced the most advanced university research university research vessels in the world, vessels in the world, capable of breaking ice capable of breaking ice up to 2.5 feet thick. up to 2.5 feet thick.

  17. Emerging National Ocean Policy Emerging National Ocean Policy � Ecosystem Ecosystem- -based management based management � � Coastal and marine spatial planning Coastal and marine spatial planning � � Inform decisions and improve understanding Inform decisions and improve understanding � � Coordinate support Coordinate support � � Resiliency and adaption ot climate change and ocean Resiliency and adaption ot climate change and ocean � acidification acidification � Regional ecosystem protection and restoration Regional ecosystem protection and restoration � � Water quality and sustainable practices Water quality and sustainable practices � � Changing conditions in the Arctic Changing conditions in the Arctic � � Ocean, Coastal and Great lakes observation, Mapping Ocean, Coastal and Great lakes observation, Mapping � and infrastructure and infrastructure From draft document released public comment

  18. Emerging National Ocean Policy Emerging National Ocean Policy � Ecosystem Ecosystem- -based management based management � � Coastal and marine spatial planning Coastal and marine spatial planning � � Inform decisions and improve understanding Inform decisions and improve understanding � � Coordinate support Coordinate support � � Resiliency and adaption of climate change and ocean Resiliency and adaption of climate change and ocean � acidification acidification � Regional ecosystem protection and restoration Regional ecosystem protection and restoration � � Water quality and sustainable practices Water quality and sustainable practices � � Changing conditions in the Arctic Changing conditions in the Arctic � � Ocean, Coastal and Great lakes observation, Mapping Ocean, Coastal and Great lakes observation, Mapping � and infrastructure and infrastructure From draft document released public comment


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