Maritza Delgado, Alexander Himmel, Deywis Moreno. Nov. 19 , 2018 1
Introduction Dynamic Range Goal: Find the maximum number of true photons with different time windows and quantum efficiency. Data generated by module, based on Sample: Beam Neutrinos prodgenie_nu_dune10kt_1x2x6_323_20171227T183346_merged1.root The first step was to identify the maximum number of true photons by each Optical Detector per event from PhotonsLite. 2
The second step was to do each histogram of maximum number of true photons, considering: Different time Windows: + 1ns + 6ns + 12ns + 1µs + 3µs The scale factors calculation with the quantum efficiency of each effective detector areas of 15, 30, 45, and 60 cm 2 . The third step was to determine the maximum number of true photons in the scale ADC (10 ADC/PE). The last step was to identify 99% of the events, and fraction of saturated events . 3
The scale factor was determined using the effective detector areas and QE values. Area ( cm 2 ) QE QE/4 /0.03 15 0,01063 0,088583 30 0,021231 0,176925 45 0,031847 0,265392 60 0,042462 0,35385 *One Optical Detector have 4 Channels. *0.03 is the ScintPreScale 4 parameter
99% ( 3µs ) TIME 1ns 6ns 12 ns 1µs 3µs Maximum Photons (ADC) 11563 66600 95000 228000 332500 Max Photons 99% (ADC) 1562 9000 12500 30000 43750 5
99% ( 3µs ) TIME 1ns 6ns 12 ns 1µs 3µs Maximum Photons (ADC) 23125 133000 185000 456000 647500 Max Photons 99% (ADC) 3125 17500 25000 60000 87500 6
99% ( 3µs ) TIME 1ns 6ns 12 ns 1µs 3µs Maximum Photons 35150 199500 277500 678000 971250 Max Photons 99% 4625 26250 37500 92500 131250 7
99% ( 3µs ) TIME 1ns 6ns 12 ns 1µs 3µs Maximum Photons (ADC) 45950 266000 370000 906500 1295000 Max Photons 99% (ADC) 6250 35000 50000 123500 175000 8
Saturated events 1ns 6ns 12ns 1us 3us 12bits= 4096 >12bits 0.2% 3.3% 6% 19% 23% 14 bits = 16384 >14bits 0% 0.3% 0.5% 2.5% 5% 16 bits = 65536 18bits = 262144 >16bits 0% 0.06% 0.06% 0.3% 0.3% >18bits 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.06% 9
Saturated events 1ns 6ns 12ns 1us 3us 12bits= 4096 14 bits = 16384 >12bits 0.4% 10% 13% 28% 34% 16 bits = 65536 >14bits 0.06% 1% 2% 8% 13.4% 18bits = 262144 >16bits 0% 0.06% 0.2% 1% 1.8% >18bits 0% 0% 0% 0.06% 0.1% 10
Saturated events 1ns 6ns 12ns 1us 3us 12bits= 4096 14 bits = 16384 >12bits 1.3% 15% 20% 38% 42% 16 bits = 65536 >14bits 0.06% 2.2% 4% 14% 19% 18bits = 262144 >16bits 0% 0.18% 0.3% 1.9% 3.3% >18bits 0% 0% 0.06% 0.1% 0.3% 11
Saturated events 1ns 6ns 12ns 1us 3us 12bits= 4096 >12bits 1.8% 19.4% 24% 42.2% 48.5% 14 bits = 16384 16 bits = 65536 >14bits 0.2% 3.5% 6.2% 18.8% 23.4% 18bits = 262144 >16bits 0% 0.3% 0.5% 2.8% 5.2% >18bits 0% 0% 0.06% 0.3% 0.35% 12
Conclusions. + It is important to analyze how many true photons arrive at the optical detector in different time windows, and to control a possible saturation of the electronics. + Physics requirements: dynamic range needs to be sufficiently high that no more than 10% of events have channels which saturate. * The digitalization (6ns , 12ns) need 14 bits of dynamic range. * The integration electronics (1µs, 3µs) need 16 bits of dynamic range. + Next step is to identify if is possible reconstruct energy with saturating Channels. 13
Esp Especially ly to to Al Alex ex Hi Himmel el and and Dew ewis Mor Moreno. 14
0.2% Saturated events in 16 bits. 15
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