Nivkhs - The northern neighbors - KANEKO Tohru 2007
Where they live: Sakhalin & Low Amur ニ ヴ フ Map by National Organization for the r4esearch and promotion of Ainu Culture Japan
The first report delivered by MAMIYA Rinzo, who visited the Market of Yen Dynasty in 1809 ← Cover of an illustrated book by SEKIYA 2005
間宮林蔵の描いた トゥル Tyl (Santangoe) illustrated by MAMIYA
Stone-Poles of EIHEIJI-Temple, now in the Museum of Vladivostok
People in Village KALMA viewed from the KALMA shore on Amur in dense smoke of forest fire
Cunner Taksami, Prof. of North Faculty of Gelzen Uni. in St. Petersberg, was born in KAL’MA. He met an old friend in the main street of the village, the wife of the old teacher in the village. She is a Hanti, a long way from her home.
Every year breaks a forest fire in Siberia, so is in the Amur district, too. People lives in tents on the shore in order to get out from the village in danger.
Gisha, the head of the old family CHIDA, makes sashimi in the morning .
The Amur is dirty with heavy-metallic and radio-active dust. Most fishes have tails bent. The Minamata-disease is not yet reported, though. The economy is collapsed. No hope from the Government, nor for our future life. Cto delat’?! cto mozdna!? (what to do, what possible!)
Early in the morning we shipped off in dense fog of forest fire
Taksami in boat in a dog-coat
Grisha and Stepan shipped back to the village. We managed to reach Nikola- evsk on foot. Do svidaniya, my friends. The situation won’t be better. But pray, go ahead with not so much wotka!
2. Kal’ma prim-school burned down in summer 1999
School Museum on the second floor, a lot of pictures by the children
Rare books on Nivkh, fast all text- books of the language. Burned out in the fire in 1999.
Nivkh kalendar
Wall-paper in Nivkh language
The village created many famous national heroes. The pictures of Taksami and Puxta are on the wall. カリマ出身の偉い人たちがニヴフの英雄として顕彰された。タクサミしもプフタ
3 . Friends in Nikolaevsk na Amure House of Northern Peoples 北方民族文化会館
Maria Nikolaevna PUXTA(† 2005) Galina Derebmyanova LOK At the House of Northern Peoples In Summer 1996
“ELPR” was a national project of Japanese linguists with the task to describe and sustain the endangered languages on the Pacific Rim (1999-2004). The project published a series. “The Nivkh-Russian Converstaion & Daily Life Thesaurus” 1995/2002 by M.N.PUXTA is one of the volumes.
Mrs Kanzinko, the director of the House of the Northern Poeples
Young Nivkhs dance a traditional repertoire at Summer Festival of Northern Indegenous Peoples in Nikolaevsk District 1997
Mrs Puxta and Mr Taksami in 1996
Taksami made a lecture in a village meeting of Innokencefka near Nikolaevsk
Nivkhs of the village
4. Memory on Lidia Derenyanovna Kimova ( † 2004)
“The Tumi in Winter”(1990) by Lidia Kimova
A traditional winter house, a model, in Museum in Nogliki グリキ博物館蔵
Nataria Deremyanova, the sister of Lidia, plays Tunrung a Nivkh traditional instrument
Tunrung made by Lidia Kimova
Galina and Lidia
(a jounalist, reporter of the Newspaper “Nivkh Shula, the youngest sister of Lidia Dif”)
5. How to make a MOS Vera Hain (Nekrasovka) a mos
Orong (a vessel for grinding inner skin of salmon, to get gelatine), with two Pukhs (grinder)standing in it
Grinding to get gelatine from salmon skin
Orong of Mrs Hain
Add milk and stir to make the base of mos
Put berries into the milk base and make it cool, when the gelatin gets hard, the mos is ready.
6 . Bladimir Mikhailovich SANGI
The young SANGI and his first book (1961)
Protest against Sakhalin I & II
Sangi as pedagogue writes many text- books and dictionar- ies of Sakhlin dialect of Nivkh language. His literature makes blossoms in the mind of Nivkh children, his poems are hummed in the mouth on the way to school.
7. Textbooks of Nivkh language Text in latin character ( 1926ー1936 )
“Nivkh Letters”by Taksami, Puxta and Wingun 1991
The back cover of the “Nivkh Letters” 1991
“Nivkh Letters” 1991 and “Raduga”1992 (for middle class, by S.F Pol’eteva)
Nivkh Dif a monthly newspaper in Nivkh language
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