nicta advanced course theorem proving principles

NICTA Advanced Course Theorem Proving Principles, Techniques, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NICTA Advanced Course Theorem Proving Principles, Techniques, Applications Gerwin Klein Formal Methods 1 O RGANISATORIALS When Mon 14:00 15:30 Wed 10:30 12:00 7 weeks ends Mon, 20.9.2004 Exceptions Mon 6.9., 13.9., 20.9. at

  1. NICTA Advanced Course Theorem Proving Principles, Techniques, Applications Gerwin Klein Formal Methods 1

  2. O RGANISATORIALS When Mon 14:00 – 15:30 Wed 10:30 – 12:00 7 weeks ends Mon, 20.9.2004 Exceptions Mon 6.9., 13.9., 20.9. at 15:00 – 16:30 Web page:˜kleing/teaching/thprv-04/ free – no credits – no assigments O RGANISATORIALS 2

  3. W HAT YOU WILL LEARN ➜ how to use a theorem prover W HAT YOU WILL LEARN 3

  4. W HAT YOU WILL LEARN ➜ how to use a theorem prover ➜ background, how it works W HAT YOU WILL LEARN 3- A

  5. W HAT YOU WILL LEARN ➜ how to use a theorem prover ➜ background, how it works ➜ how to prove and specify W HAT YOU WILL LEARN 3- B

  6. W HAT YOU WILL LEARN ➜ how to use a theorem prover ➜ background, how it works ➜ how to prove and specify Health Warning Theorem Proving is addictive W HAT YOU WILL LEARN 3- C

  7. W HAT YOU WILL NOT LEARN ➜ semantics / model theory W HAT YOU WILL NOT LEARN 4

  8. W HAT YOU WILL NOT LEARN ➜ semantics / model theory ➜ soundness / completeness proofs W HAT YOU WILL NOT LEARN 4- A

  9. W HAT YOU WILL NOT LEARN ➜ semantics / model theory ➜ soundness / completeness proofs ➜ decision procedures W HAT YOU WILL NOT LEARN 4- B

  10. C ONTENT ➜ Intro & motivation, getting started with Isabelle (today) C ONTENT 5

  11. C ONTENT ➜ Intro & motivation, getting started with Isabelle (today) ➜ Foundations & Principles • Lambda Calculus • Higher Order Logic, natural deduction • Term rewriting C ONTENT 5- A

  12. C ONTENT ➜ Intro & motivation, getting started with Isabelle (today) ➜ Foundations & Principles • Lambda Calculus • Higher Order Logic, natural deduction • Term rewriting ➜ Proof & Specification Techniques • Datatypes, recursion, induction • Inductively defined sets, rule induction • Calculational reasoning, mathematics style proofs • Hoare logic, proofs about programs C ONTENT 5- B

  13. C REDITS material (in part) shamelessly stolen from Tobias Nipkow, Larry Paulson, Markus Wenzel David Basin, Burkhardt Wolff Don’t blame them, errors are mine C REDITS 6

  14. W HAT IS A PROOF ? to prove W HAT IS A PROOF ? 7

  15. W HAT IS A PROOF ? to prove (Marriam-Webster) ➜ from Latin probare (test, approve, prove) W HAT IS A PROOF ? 7- A

  16. W HAT IS A PROOF ? to prove (Marriam-Webster) ➜ from Latin probare (test, approve, prove) ➜ to learn or find out by experience (archaic) W HAT IS A PROOF ? 7- B

  17. W HAT IS A PROOF ? to prove (Marriam-Webster) ➜ from Latin probare (test, approve, prove) ➜ to learn or find out by experience (archaic) ➜ to establish the existence, truth, or validity of (by evidence or logic) prove a theorem, the charges were never proved in court W HAT IS A PROOF ? 7- C

  18. W HAT IS A PROOF ? to prove (Marriam-Webster) ➜ from Latin probare (test, approve, prove) ➜ to learn or find out by experience (archaic) ➜ to establish the existence, truth, or validity of (by evidence or logic) prove a theorem, the charges were never proved in court pops up everywhere ➜ politics (weapons of mass destruction) ➜ courts (beyond reasonable doubt) ➜ religion (god exists) ➜ science (cold fusion works) W HAT IS A PROOF ? 7- D

  19. W HAT IS A MATHEMATICAL PROOF ? In mathematics, a proof is a demonstration that, given certain axioms, some statement of interest is necessarily true. (Wikipedia) √ Example: 2 is not rational. Proof: W HAT IS A MATHEMATICAL PROOF ? 8

  20. W HAT IS A MATHEMATICAL PROOF ? In mathematics, a proof is a demonstration that, given certain axioms, some statement of interest is necessarily true. (Wikipedia) √ Example: 2 is not rational. Proof: assume there is r ∈ Q such that r 2 = 2 . Hence there are mutually prime p and q with r = p q . Thus 2 q 2 = p 2 , i.e. p 2 is divisible by 2 . 2 is prime, hence it also divides p , i.e. p = 2 s . Substituting this into 2 q 2 = p 2 and dividing by 2 gives q 2 = 2 s 2 . Hence, q is also divisible by 2 . Contradiction. Qed. W HAT IS A MATHEMATICAL PROOF ? 8- A

  21. N ICE , BUT .. ➜ still not rigorous enough for some • what are the rules? • what are the axioms? • how big can the steps be? • what is obvious or trivial? ➜ informal language, easy to get wrong ➜ easy to miss something, easy to cheat N ICE , BUT .. 9

  22. N ICE , BUT .. ➜ still not rigorous enough for some • what are the rules? • what are the axioms? • how big can the steps be? • what is obvious or trivial? ➜ informal language, easy to get wrong ➜ easy to miss something, easy to cheat Theorem. A cat has nine tails. Proof. No cat has eight tails. Since one cat has one more tail than no cat, it must have nine tails. N ICE , BUT .. 9- A

  23. W HAT IS A FORMAL PROOF ? A derivation in a formal calculus W HAT IS A FORMAL PROOF ? 10

  24. W HAT IS A FORMAL PROOF ? A derivation in a formal calculus Example: A ∧ B − → B ∧ A derivable in the following system S ∪ { X } ⊢ Y X ∈ S S ⊢ X (assumption) → Y (impI) Rules: S ⊢ X − S ∪ { X, Y } ⊢ Z S ⊢ X S ⊢ Y S ∪ { X ∧ Y } ⊢ Z (conjE) (conjI) S ⊢ X ∧ Y W HAT IS A FORMAL PROOF ? 10- A

  25. W HAT IS A FORMAL PROOF ? A derivation in a formal calculus Example: A ∧ B − → B ∧ A derivable in the following system S ∪ { X } ⊢ Y X ∈ S S ⊢ X (assumption) → Y (impI) Rules: S ⊢ X − S ∪ { X, Y } ⊢ Z S ⊢ X S ⊢ Y S ∪ { X ∧ Y } ⊢ Z (conjE) (conjI) S ⊢ X ∧ Y Proof: 1. { A, B } ⊢ B (by assumption) 2. { A, B } ⊢ A (by assumption) 3. { A, B } ⊢ B ∧ A (by conjI with 1 and 2) 4. { A ∧ B } ⊢ B ∧ A (by conjE with 3) 5. {} ⊢ A ∧ B − → B ∧ A (by impI with 4) W HAT IS A FORMAL PROOF ? 10- B

  26. W HAT IS A THEOREM PROVER ? Implementation of a formal logic on a computer. ➜ fully automated (propositional logic) ➜ automated, but not necessarily terminating (first order logic) ➜ with automation, but mainly interactive (higher order logic) W HAT IS A THEOREM PROVER ? 11

  27. W HAT IS A THEOREM PROVER ? Implementation of a formal logic on a computer. ➜ fully automated (propositional logic) ➜ automated, but not necessarily terminating (first order logic) ➜ with automation, but mainly interactive (higher order logic) ➜ based on rules and axioms ➜ can deliver proofs W HAT IS A THEOREM PROVER ? 11- A

  28. W HAT IS A THEOREM PROVER ? Implementation of a formal logic on a computer. ➜ fully automated (propositional logic) ➜ automated, but not necessarily terminating (first order logic) ➜ with automation, but mainly interactive (higher order logic) ➜ based on rules and axioms ➜ can deliver proofs There are other (algorithmic) verifi cation tools: ➜ model checking, static analysis, ... ➜ usually do not deliver proofs W HAT IS A THEOREM PROVER ? 11- B

  29. W HY THEOREM PROVING ? ➜ Analysing systems/programs thoroughly W HY THEOREM PROVING ? 12

  30. W HY THEOREM PROVING ? ➜ Analysing systems/programs thoroughly ➜ Finding design and specification errors early W HY THEOREM PROVING ? 12- A

  31. W HY THEOREM PROVING ? ➜ Analysing systems/programs thoroughly ➜ Finding design and specification errors early ➜ High assurance (mathematical, machine checked proof) W HY THEOREM PROVING ? 12- B

  32. W HY THEOREM PROVING ? ➜ Analysing systems/programs thoroughly ➜ Finding design and specification errors early ➜ High assurance (mathematical, machine checked proof) ➜ it’s not always easy ➜ it’s fun W HY THEOREM PROVING ? 12- C

  33. Main theorem proving system for this course: Isabelle ∀ = α λ β → 13

  34. W HAT IS I SABELLE ? A generic interactive proof assistant W HAT IS I SABELLE ? 14

  35. W HAT IS I SABELLE ? A generic interactive proof assistant ➜ generic: not specialised to one particular logic (two large developments: HOL and ZF, will mainly use HOL) W HAT IS I SABELLE ? 14- A

  36. W HAT IS I SABELLE ? A generic interactive proof assistant ➜ generic: not specialised to one particular logic (two large developments: HOL and ZF, will mainly use HOL) ➜ interactive: more than just yes/no, you can interactively guide the system W HAT IS I SABELLE ? 14- B

  37. W HAT IS I SABELLE ? A generic interactive proof assistant ➜ generic: not specialised to one particular logic (two large developments: HOL and ZF, will mainly use HOL) ➜ interactive: more than just yes/no, you can interactively guide the system ➜ proof assistant: helps to explore, find, and maintain proofs W HAT IS I SABELLE ? 14- C

  38. W HY I SABELLE ? ➜ free ➜ widely used system ➜ active development ➜ high expressiveness and automation ➜ reasonably easy to use W HY I SABELLE ? 15

  39. W HY I SABELLE ? ➜ free ➜ widely used system ➜ active development ➜ high expressiveness and automation ➜ reasonably easy to use ➜ (and because I know it best ;-)) W HY I SABELLE ? 15- A

  40. W HY I SABELLE ? ➜ free ➜ widely used system ➜ active development ➜ high expressiveness and automation ➜ reasonably easy to use ➜ (and because I know it best ;-)) We will see other systems, too: HOL4, Coq, Waldmeister W HY I SABELLE ? 15- B

  41. If I prove it on the computer, it is correct, right? 16



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