Nic Gibson 16/09/2013 15:17 Nic Gibson 16/09/2013 15:17 Nic Background Simple text is a solved problem Gibson Complex texts and workflows are hard . 34% of students use online texts, up from 20% three years ago*. Textbooks are one of the hard bits. Vocational publishing — far smaller number of students use digital formats — how many trainee mechanics use an iPad? BISG Student Surveys file:///Users/nicg/Dropbox/Public/nicg.html#d12e95 Page 1 of 6 file:///Users/nicg/Dropbox/Public/nicg.html#d12e95 Page 2 of 6
Nic Gibson 16/09/2013 15:17 Nic Gibson 16/09/2013 15:17 Authoring Editing Authors write linearly XML early works as long as the process of They don't think about structure formatting is simple Processing (complex text) needs structure Authors and editors like Word; the problems are There are times when XML authoring is the right ours not theirs answer, just not many of them Change control and version control are di ff erent XML early is probably better, it doesn't break things. authoring Complex titles often iterate over page layout Authors think about executive summaries, — single source requires a restart abstracts, etc file:///Users/nicg/Dropbox/Public/nicg.html#d12e95 Page 3 of 6 file:///Users/nicg/Dropbox/Public/nicg.html#d12e95 Page 4 of 6
Nic Gibson 16/09/2013 15:17 Nic Gibson 16/09/2013 15:17 # Industry Issues Get publishers more involved in the tech - two big publishers are W3C members. Publishers outsource rather than understand. Only a small group of people in a publisher care about this. publishing geek / xml / xslt / workflow / evangelism file:///Users/nicg/Dropbox/Public/nicg.html#d12e95 Page 5 of 6 file:///Users/nicg/Dropbox/Public/nicg.html#d12e95 Page 6 of 6