next steps for housing in scotland investment delivery

Next steps for housing in Scotland: investment, delivery and meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Next steps for housing in Scotland: investment, delivery and meeting housing needs Involving Communities in Planning 7 th December 2017 Betty Stevenson Convenor of Edinburgh Tenants Federation Why involve communities? Right to Adequate Housing

  1. Next steps for housing in Scotland: investment, delivery and meeting housing needs Involving Communities in Planning 7 th December 2017 Betty Stevenson Convenor of Edinburgh Tenants Federation

  2. Why involve communities?

  3. Right to Adequate Housing  Security of tenure  Habitable  Available Services  Location  Affordable  Accessible  Culturally appropriate

  4. Having a say

  5. What works?

  6. Connect with us We would love to connect with people interested in our work. Facebook and Twitter Edinburgh Tenants Federation


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