next level property management

Next Level Property Management 1. Your attitude / your belief / your - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Next Level Property Management 1. Your attitude / your belief / your focus 2. Innovating your processes (getting back to basics & embracing tech) 3. Improving the client experience / client journey 4. Challenge your assumptions 5.

  1. Next Level Property Management 1. Your attitude / your belief / your focus 2. Innovating your processes (getting back to basics & embracing tech) 3. Improving the client experience / client journey 4. Challenge your assumptions 5. Experience providers 6. Education yourself and your landlords and tenants 7. WORLD CLASS 8. Client / customer loyalty programs

  2. The most dangerous phrase in the language is “we’ve always done it this way” Rear Admiral Grace Hopper

  3. how much you know until they know how much you care

  4. would you hire you?

  5. Getting back to basics • Definition of Innovating: • Real Estate is a People Business People buy People • • Get back to basics technology is an efficiency supplement to our experience offering

  6. Innovating your processes

  7. Innovating your processes

  8. Innovating your processes

  9. Innovating your processes

  10. 1. Biggest disruption in our industry is the perception of the consumer 2. Taxi industry was disrupted not because of technology but because there was a better customer experience that came along 3. Never forget, people always remember how you have made them feel 4. The better you teach / the more you will grow / list / lease / PM of attraction Experience Providers + Educators

  11. Apps you should embrace for Property Management 2018 and beyond CamToPlan

  12. 10 Tips to remember that will raise your property management game 1. Challenge the assumption 2. Remember the Client Experience / Journey how is the client going to feel 3. Call a Landlord/Tenant every day client nurture 4. Care & connect; realise that more is achieved from being human than being an agent. 5. Thoughts + Beliefs = Behaviour

  13. 10 Tips to remember that will raise your property management game 6. You manage People & Experiences not Property 7. Educate your clients answer the questions they have 8. Embrace video 9. Be an amazing story teller 10. Accountability is never to a number, accountability is always to a person

  14. so much of affecting change - Simon Sinek


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