newtonian emotion system

Newtonian Emotion System Introduction Psychology Plutchik - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Newtonian Emotion System V. Lungu Newtonian Emotion System Introduction Psychology Plutchik Valentin Lungu Lazarus Perception Newtonian University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Emotion Concepts Laws Gravity

  1. Newtonian Emotion System V. Lungu Newtonian Emotion System Introduction Psychology Plutchik Valentin Lungu Lazarus Perception Newtonian University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Emotion Concepts Laws Gravity Architecture Fourth International Workshop on Learning Multi-Agent Systems Technology and Semantics Personality (MASTS 2012) Motivation Conclusion Future work 24.09.2012

  2. Outline 1 Introduction Newtonian Emotion System 2 Psychology V. Lungu Plutchik Lazarus Introduction Perception Psychology Plutchik 3 Newtonian Emotion Lazarus Perception Concepts Newtonian Emotion Laws Concepts Gravity Laws Gravity 4 Architecture Architecture Learning Learning Personality Motivation Personality Conclusion Motivation Future work 5 Conclusion Future work

  3. Outline 1 Introduction Newtonian Emotion System 2 Psychology V. Lungu Plutchik Lazarus Introduction Perception Psychology Plutchik 3 Newtonian Emotion Lazarus Perception Concepts Newtonian Emotion Laws Concepts Gravity Laws Gravity 4 Architecture Architecture Learning Learning Personality Motivation Personality Conclusion Motivation Future work 5 Conclusion Future work

  4. Introduction Newtonian Emotions are an important part of human communication Emotion (absence is noted and bothersome) System Goal: create believable intelligent artificial characters V. Lungu capable of displaying affective behavior We attempt to provide artificial characters with an Introduction emotional layer serving adaptive ends Psychology Influence agent behavior by establishing the importance of Plutchik events and by influencing knowledge processing Lazarus Provide the agent with an emotional state that it will be Perception able to express. Newtonian Emotion Application: virtual characters in role-playing games Concepts Laws Gravity Architecture Learning Personality Motivation Conclusion Future work Figure : Basic emotions

  5. Outline 1 Introduction Newtonian Emotion System 2 Psychology V. Lungu Plutchik Lazarus Introduction Perception Psychology Plutchik 3 Newtonian Emotion Lazarus Perception Concepts Newtonian Emotion Laws Concepts Gravity Laws Gravity 4 Architecture Architecture Learning Learning Personality Motivation Personality Conclusion Motivation Future work 5 Conclusion Future work

  6. Plutchik Newtonian Emotion System V. Lungu Introduction Psychology Plutchik Lazarus Perception Newtonian Emotion Concepts Laws Gravity Architecture Learning Personality Motivation Conclusion Future work Figure : Plutchik’s wheel of emotions

  7. Lazarus Newtonian Emotion System V. Lungu Introduction Psychology Plutchik Lazarus Perception Newtonian Emotion Concepts Laws Gravity Architecture Figure : Lazarus’ emotion synthesis model Learning Personality Motivation Conclusion Future work

  8. Perception Newtonian Emotion System V. Lungu Emotions influence how we process and store information Introduction (critical tool for adaptation and survival). Psychology Plutchik Lazarus Attention narrowing Perception Newtonian Events and objects that hold a high level of emotional arousal Emotion Concepts for the subject are more likely to be processed in conditions of Laws Gravity limited attention, and, emotions are used in the prioritized Architecture processing of such stimuli. Learning Personality Motivation Conclusion Future work

  9. Outline 1 Introduction Newtonian Emotion System 2 Psychology V. Lungu Plutchik Lazarus Introduction Perception Psychology Plutchik 3 Newtonian Emotion Lazarus Perception Concepts Newtonian Emotion Laws Concepts Gravity Laws Gravity 4 Architecture Architecture Learning Learning Personality Motivation Personality Conclusion Motivation Future work 5 Conclusion Future work

  10. Newtonian emotion space Definition Newtonian Emotion Position specifies the intersection of an emotional state with System each of the four axes V. Lungu Definition Distance ( || � p 2 − � p 1 || ) measures the distance between two Introduction emotional positions Psychology Definition Plutchik v = � p 2 − � p 1 Velocity ( � ) represents the magnitude and direction t Lazarus of an emotion’s change of position within the emotion space Perception over a unit of time Newtonian Definition Emotion a = � v 2 − � v 1 Concepts Acceleration ( � ) represents the magnitude and t Laws direction of an emotion’s change of velocity within the emotion Gravity space over a unit of time Architecture Definition Learning Mass represents an emotional state’s tendency to maintain a Personality constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force; Motivation quantitative measure of an emotional object’s resistance to the Conclusion change of its velocity Future work Definition Force ( � F = m · � a ) is an external influence that causes an emotional state to undergo a change in direction and/or velocity

  11. Laws of emotion dynamics Newtonian Theorem Emotion System The velocity of an emotional state remains constant unless it is V. Lungu acted upon by an external force. Introduction Psychology Theorem Plutchik Lazarus The acceleration � a of a body is parallel and directly Perception proportional to the net force � Newtonian F and inversely proportional to Emotion the mass m: � F = m · � a Concepts Laws Gravity Architecture Learning Personality Motivation Conclusion Future work

  12. Emotion center and gravity Newtonian Emotion System Emotion center V. Lungu Represents the agent’s neutral emotion state. Introduction Psychology The agent’s state is drawn to this point in emotion space. Plutchik Lazarus Emotion mass influences the speed with which states Perception change. Newtonian Emotion Concepts Laws Gravity Emotion gravity Architecture Learning Personality � p − � c Motivation � G = m · c || · k g , Conclusion || � p − � Future work

  13. Outline 1 Introduction Newtonian Emotion System 2 Psychology V. Lungu Plutchik Lazarus Introduction Perception Psychology Plutchik 3 Newtonian Emotion Lazarus Perception Concepts Newtonian Emotion Laws Concepts Gravity Laws Gravity 4 Architecture Architecture Learning Learning Personality Motivation Personality Conclusion Motivation Future work 5 Conclusion Future work

  14. Architecture Newtonian Emotion System V. Lungu Introduction Psychology Plutchik Lazarus Perception Newtonian Emotion Concepts Laws Gravity Architecture Learning Personality Motivation Conclusion Future work Figure : Emotion system architecture

  15. Action Newtonian Emotion System V. Lungu Introduction The action whose emotion vector most closely matches the Psychology agent’s current state is selected to be carried out. Plutchik Lazarus Conflict resolution Perception Newtonian Emotion e agent · e i Concepts arg min arccos Laws || e agent || · || e i || Gravity i ∈{ conflictset } Architecture Learning Personality Motivation Conclusion Future work

  16. Learning Newtonian Emotion System V. Lungu The appraisal and conflict set modules use machine learning techniques Introduction Psychology Plug-and-play model where the technique can be replaced Plutchik (hidden markov models, neural nets, q-learning) Lazarus Perception Both modules attempt to predict emotional feedback Newtonian Emotion received from the environment Concepts Laws Goal of the appraisal module: to better label events for Gravity Architecture the perception module Learning Personality Goal of the conflict set module: to settle conflicts between Motivation competing actions (lowest emotional distance) Conclusion Future work

  17. Parameters Newtonian Emotion System V. Lungu Center Introduction Character’s basic disposition Psychology Plutchik Lazarus Perception Mass Newtonian Emotion Character’s resistance to change Concepts Laws Gravity Personality Architecture Learning The personality filter skews a character’s perception Personality Motivation Conclusion Future work

  18. Motivation Newtonian Emotion Emotions motivate character behavior System V. Lungu emotional impact measures the stress that a certain action will cause on the agent’s current state Introduction Psychology tensor product between the current gravity and the Plutchik feedback force Lazarus Perception Newtonian Emotion Metrics Concepts Laws Gravity Gain - measures the effect on the Joy and Trust axes Architecture Risk - represents the effect on the Fear and Surprise axes Learning Personality Motivation Conclusion Impact = Gain Future work Risk

  19. Outline 1 Introduction Newtonian Emotion System 2 Psychology V. Lungu Plutchik Lazarus Introduction Perception Psychology Plutchik 3 Newtonian Emotion Lazarus Perception Concepts Newtonian Emotion Laws Concepts Gravity Laws Gravity 4 Architecture Architecture Learning Learning Personality Motivation Personality Conclusion Motivation Future work 5 Conclusion Future work


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