newmarket level crossing

Newmarket Level Crossing Community Liaison Group 21 st August 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Newmarket Level Crossing Community Liaison Group 21 st August 2017 Agenda 1. Introductions and housekeeping 2. Update on Programme 2. Update on Design 3. Construction Staging 4. Consent Management Plans 5. Communications and Feedback 5.

  1. Newmarket Level Crossing Community Liaison Group 21 st August 2017

  2. Agenda 1. Introductions and housekeeping 2. Update on Programme 2. Update on Design 3. Construction Staging 4. Consent Management Plans 5. Communications and Feedback 5. Questions/Discussion 2

  3. Programme 2017 - 2018 Late August Issue of construction tender October Construction commences 18-19 November Weekend works during rail shutdown 27 December – 7 January Christmas works during rail shutdown 27 – 29 January Auckland Anniversary works during rail shutdown March 2018 Completion of bridge and road works 30 March – 2 April Easter works to relocate rail signals April 2018 Opening of new road and bridge section, closure of crossing May 2018 Removal of final crossing infrastructure and KiwiRail signalling commissioning Second half 2018 Cowie St road and footpath renewals work 3

  4. Design Status • Detailed design of the road and bridge structure is now almost complete, undergoing external peer review and internal AT reviews. • Key deadlines for community feedback: • Mana Whenua artist designs to be approved by Mana Whenua at hui 13 th September • Design for entrance to Newmarket Park to be presented to Waitematā Local Board at 29 th August workshop. Both these items will be discussed shortly in this presentation, and we invite your feedback on these two areas to inform decision making. 4

  5. Design Plan View 5

  6. 6

  7. Traffic Calming Update • One chicane at end of Cowie Street and two along new road length above top of Newmarket Park (combined with stormwater tree pits). • Request at May 2017 community liaison group meeting to investigate alternatives to chicanes, similar to Auckland War Memorial Museum. • Domain has speed tables and speed humps in approach roads, textured surfacing alone is only used on level areas. This would not satisfy the requirements of AT or the project’s road safety auditor. • Project has considered speed tables as an alternative, but chicanes preferred during the road safety reviews as more desirable for this environment. • It remains AT’s view that the current design is appropriate for achieving the project's safety objectives. 7

  8. Retaining the Level Crossing Several community members have requested that pedestrian access from Sarawia Street to Laxon Terrace be retained via either a level crossing or dedicated footbridge/subway. Pedestrian Crossing Remains • This was considered early in the project (2012-13) and discussed with KiwiRail. • Any form of level crossing means that waiting 6 car trains still block access at Newmarket Station, and KiwiRail do not consider the safety risks sufficiently reduced that they could relax the current safety restrictions. Dedicated Footbridge or Subway • All options historically considered included pedestrian access from Parnell Road to Laxon Terrace, either at Cowie Street or Sarawia Street. • The Cowie Street road and bridge option includes pedestrian access, albeit this is a longer journey for those travelling from Sarawia Street to Newmarket Park or Laxon Terrace to Parnell Road. • 2012 cost estimates for a dedicated footbridge connecting Sarawia Street and Laxon Terrace were $2.9M. a significant and costly item, and costs for a pedestrian subway would be of a similar order. For this reason, the project is not proposing to construct a second Parnell Road pedestrian access. 8

  9. Lighting Design • Directed LED street lights, located on the footpath side of the road. • Total of 8 streetlights spaced along the length of the road, meeting AT roading standards to achieve crime deterrence outcomes. • Considering additional localised downlighting to highlight footpath patterning around observation area. • When Cowie St works take place second half of 2018, a further 3 streetlights will be added along the length of Cowie St to supplement existing lighting levels. 9

  10. Access to Newmarket Park 10

  11. Newmarket Park Access – Plan View 11

  12. Mana Whenua Art Integration • AT is partnered with Iwi and has consulted with Mana Whenua throughout the project • Two artists are preparing designs for the project: • Ted Ngataki, Ngāti Tamaoho • Tina Pihema, Ngāti Whātua o Orākei • Themes adopted: • Awa and Maunga (water and mountains) linked by footpath and handrail patterns • Te Ti Tu Tahi (Cabbage Trees) patterning under bridge • Pa-style lookout expressed through handrail design • Proposals developed for the following: • Concrete patterning on the bridge abutments visible from passing trains • Decorative fencing design at observation point and potentially running length down to Newmarket Park entrance • Sandblasted footpath patterning, focused on observation point and/or path adjacent to Newmarket Park entrance. 12

  13. Park entrance: Pou, seating, footpath patterning Observation area: handrail design, footpath patterning Abutments: patterning on concrete panels 13

  14. Concrete Abutment Retaining Walls • 2m x 2m concrete panels beneath bridge • Options to include pigment in concrete for a colour effect. • Design incorporates a stylised cabbage tree motif. 14

  15. Fencing Design • 1.4m in height rising to 2.4m at points to emulate a pa-style lookout effect • Patterning reference to local maunga and awa themes • Possibility of downlighting at points along the journey. 15

  16. Footpath Patterning Investigating options to add colour to sandblasted patterning on the footpath near the entrance to Newmarket Park and at the observation area overlooking the park. 16

  17. Management Plans Draft management plan drafts will be loaded onto the website for comment by interested parties in the next few days, to be finalised by the Contractor following tender award: • Construction Environment Management Plan • Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan • Urban Design and Landscape Plan • Construction Traffic Management Plan These drafts have been recently shared with Cowie St Residents Association and Laxon Terrace Youngs Lane Residents Group contacts. We are seeking feedback on these initial management plans by Monday 4 th September 2017. The following management plans will follow soon after: • Vegetation Management Plan • Ecological Management Plan • Construction Communication and Consultation Plan All plans will be found at 17

  18. Management of Construction Effects • Pedestrian access to/from Newmarket Park to be retained via short section of temporary footpath, traffic management in place when vehicles or construction activity occurring nearby. • Site will be fenced off from adjoining public walkways/footpaths • Strict limits on contractor on-street parking, avoidance of heavy vehicle movements during busy periods • Monitoring of temporary lighting to minimise light spill and neighbour annoyance. • Working hours 7:30am – 6:30pm in most instances • Minimal noisy night works, exception is essential ‘block of line’ works of short duration and timing identified in advance • Condition surveys on dwellings within 20m of the works designation, pre-construction and again within 6 months of project completion. • Maintaining of remaining parking area and access to 9 Cowie Street during construction • Tree protection and arborist oversight on any work in proximity to retained trees 18

  19. Construction Access 19

  20. Construction Yards 20

  21. Project Communications • A finalised version of the Pre-Construction Communication Plan will be available shortly. The draft Plan is currently available, and feedback on this was sought at the May 2017 CLG. • Next CLG in October 2017, after award of the construction contract. This meeting will introduce the Contractor team, and discuss the details of the construction staging. • We will hold regular CLG throughout the construction period, and a Construction Communication and Consultation Plan will detail how we will keep the community informed during construction and respond to feedback or complaints. • Email mailing list for those wishing to receive regular updates on the project – please remember to enter your details if you haven’t previously. • Will regularly update Project FAQ, copies available tonight. 21

  22. Feedback Sought Following tonight’s meeting, AT would like to invite feedback on the following in particular: • The proposed design for the entrance to Newmarket Park from Laxon Terrace by Monday 28 th August 2017 • The proposed Mana Whenua art integration designs by Monday 4 th September 2017 : The initial four consent management plans below by Monday 4 th September • 2017 : • Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) • Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) • Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (CNVMP) • Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) • Any other design or construction concerns/comments by Monday 4 th September 2017 . 22

  23. Project Contacts AT’s communications manager for the Project: Dai Bindoff, AT Senior Communications Advisor 09 448 7110 Community Liaison Group independent facilitator for the Project: Kim Gilkison, Crisp Communications 0212413221 23

  24. Discussion


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