newcastle disease

Newcastle disease Clinical slides Dr. Zaid Yaseen Ibrahim B.V.M.S, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

University of Fallujah College of veterinary medicine Newcastle disease Clinical slides Dr. Zaid Yaseen Ibrahim B.V.M.S, M.Sc You can find all my lectures and presentations in my personal blog at: ( ) and you can contact

  1. University of Fallujah College of veterinary medicine Newcastle disease Clinical slides Dr. Zaid Yaseen Ibrahim B.V.M.S, M.Sc You can find all my lectures and presentations in my personal blog at: ( ) and you can contact me by E.mail: ( ) The latest editing on this document was done on July 3, 2019

  2. Birds appear depressed and lethargic with ruffled feathers

  3. Newcastle disease. Facial edema and conjunctivitis with ocular exsudate.

  4. Hemorrhage of the lymphoid tissue of the lower eyelid.

  5. Facial edema associated with periocular swelling.

  6. Clinical aspects of encephalitis found in Newcastle disease. Nervous disorders result in torticollis.

  7. Diarrhea, pasting of feces on and around the cloaca.

  8. Newcastle disease (velogenic). Hemorrhagic tracheitis.

  9. Soft-shelled, roughened and deformed eggs.

  10. Velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease. Many of the eggs shown here are rough, misshapen, and thin-shelled. These findings are often present in viscerotropic velogenic Newcastle and infectious bronchitis infections, where fever stalls the normal movement of the egg through the oviduct, causing deformed and defective shells.

  11. Ovaries of infected hens are often shrunken. The stigmata may be hemorrhagic. The stigmata appears as a constriction, cutting down into the ovum.

  12. Some ovaries have ova with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.

  13. Enlarged, mottled spleen with pinpoint areas of necrosis

  14. A variable degree of hemorrhage in cecal tonsils is frequently observed in Newcastle disease. This lesion can be seen without opening the ceca.

  15. Hemorrhage in the proventriculus is a frequent lesion of velogenic strains of ND. But it may be absent. Hemorrhagic lesions can also be observed in the gizzard

  16. Within this segment of the duodenum there is a discrete, purple, slightly swollen focus within the wall. The lesion is being viewed through the intact serosa. The discrete nature of the lesion suggests that it is affecting one of the lymphoid aggregates present in the intestinal submucosa.


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