New Life Stories Limited No November r 20 2017 17
Table of Contents What we do Mission, Objective Why we do Situational Analysis How we do • Operating Model • Program Curriculum • Theory-of-Change Model 2
what do we do?
New Life Stories what we do We support child with a fair start in life by being being more school-ready. We support mothers to be resilient & engaged mothers 4
New Life Stories what we do W e support families to break the cycle of incarceration Together, mother and child are able to re-write new stories of their lives 5
why are we doing this?
Situational Analysis why we do “The odds of offending for children with incarcerated parents are on average 2.5 times higher than for those with parents who are not offenders” - Dr Sytske Besemer of the University of California, Berkeley 7
Situational Analysis why we do The children we support experience at least 3 -4 of following Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES):
Situational Analysis why we do Young children experience separation anxiety and development regression when their parents are incarceration. Research report, on parent-child separation (Johnston,1995) on prevention of intergenerational offending found the following progression: Parent-Child Separation • 2-6 years: Separation anxiety, developmental regression, impaired development of initiative • 7-10 years: Developmental regression and poor self-concept • 11-14 years: Child rejecting the limits of behaviours • 15-18 years: Early termination of the dependency relationship between parent and child 11
ACES and Parental Incarceration USA
Situational Analysis why we do Studies have shown that children who experienced 3 to 4 ACES will have a few of the following effects as adults :
… how we address the situation to help mother and child re-write their life stories New Life Stories Early Reader Beyond the Walls Love Without Walls Out-Care Program In-Care Program After Care Program Mot other er Befrien ende der & Mot other er Together… Creating New Life Stories 15
why reading?
Stories are the oldest communication form
We encounter stories on a daily basis Fictional stories • Novels • Soap operas • Plays • Films News stories • TV news • Newspapers • Online Personal stories • Conversations • Social media
We think in stories Personal stories make up 65% of our conversations
Stories connect with our emotions Good stories touch us emotionally
Our brains are hardwired for stories… We absorb stories more than other kinds of information
how do we do this?
New Life Stories how we do Operating Model Ment ntor Learni ning ng Mot other er Frie iends nds Care-gi giver er Care-Giv Giver ers Suppor port Age e 3 to 6 Counsel sellors s & Befrien ende der Age e 8 & above ve Suppor port t 24
how do we harness synergy & mobilise the community?
Collaborative Value Chain Child Family Community Society at Large
HOW DOES IT WORK? Singapore Prison Service Your incarcerated loved one requests support for you and your family. Yellow Ribbon Community Project We visit you to understand how we can help your family by offering services. Family Service Centre We work with you to manage your family’s challenges and provide community aid to meet your immediate needs. Direct Services Agencies We offer free programmes to help your children and family. Tuition & Bonding & Parenting Skills & MentorshipProgramme Education Support Enrichment Activities Support Groups for Caregivers
Tailored Model to District 1 S P S MODEL 1 *Brief clients and obtain consent S A N A C C S S 2 1 C a s e w o rk & P ro gb y C a s e w o rk b y F S C s + P ro g ra m m eb y C N M o d e l S in g le C N a g e n c y T a m p in e s T a m p in e s T o a P a y o h T a m a n W e s t C o a s t M a c P h e rs o n T e c k G h e e M a rs ilin g W o o d g ro v e E a s t W e s t E a s t J u ro n g R e fe rra l T h e F e iY u e C a re C a re T h e S B L F a m ily S a lv a tio n C a re R o ta ry C o m m u n ity C h e n g S a n C a re C o rn e r C o rn e r V is io n F S C S e rv ic e s A rm y C o rn e r F S C F S C W o o d la n d s T a m p in e s / a t S S O W o o d la n d s C a s e w o rk M W S T a m p @T J T h e L ife C o m m u n ity T a s e k IS C O S C N C N C N C a re S a lv a tio n (F o C ) J u ro n g (F G P ) A g e n c y A g e n c y A g e n c y C o m m u n ity A rm y (K iP ) C h ild re n & ’ K (d lu b ) *P re -re le a s e in m a te s w ith a d d ic tio n is s u e s w o u ld b e re fe rre d to P ro je c t S A F E F a m ily P ro g ra m m e N e w L ife S to rie s : T o c o n d u c t re a d in g p ro g ra m m e s b y b e frie n d e rs fo r c h ild re n a g e d 3 -6 y rso ld a n d p ro v id e m o n th ly p ro g re s s re p o rts to re s p e c tiv e a g e n c ie s
MACPHERSON REFERRAL Yellow Ribbon Community Project (YRCP) Also supported by People’s Association CASEWORK + CHILDREN & FAMILY PROGRAMME d’Klub • Tuition • Family bonding • Child mentoring session and children programme outing involving character- • Manage family building challenges • Home visits New Life Stories Reading programmes for children aged 3-6 years old
TAMPINES EAST REFERRAL Yellow Ribbon Community Project (YRCP) CASEWORK Care Corner Tampines Family Service Centre/ Methodist Welfare Services Family Service Centre CHILDREN & FAMILY PROGRAMME Friends of Children • • Academic support / I Coach Regular food rations • U Home visits / Counselling / Tuition Programme LCSS In-house Guidance • Program Activities / Outings • • Birthday celebrations Financial / Bursary / Referral • Befriender for employment New Life Stories Reading programmes for children aged 3-6 years old
SEMBAWA NG REFERRAL Yellow Ribbon Community Project (YRCP) CASEWORK Family Service Centre CHILDREN & FAMILY PROGRAMME MENDAKI • • Play Therapy Parenting New Life Stories Reading programmes for children aged 3-6 years old
New Life Stories how we do In-Home & Experiential for Children 24 Months Reading with the child Experiential Learning Once a week, 1 hour Educational field trips for per session children in the program 33
New Life Stories how we do In-Prison Mother Program 24 Months Activities Modular Audio Reading Forgiveness Parenting Resilience Write a Story to the child Planning Communication Skills 35
how we measure our outcomes?
Our Theory of Change Model Output Outcome -Impact Input Activities Participants Frequency Short term Medium term Long term What we do What the Who we What the What the What we How many medium reach short term ultimate Invest times term results results are impact is Conduct Staff are workshops Participants Volunteers Frequency Deliver Learning Conditions Action Clients services, Situations Time Length of time Awareness Social Agencies Behaviour Develop Needs Money curricula, Knowledge Economic Decision- Practice product, makers Symptoms vs Research Attitude Civic Decision- problems Train Customers making Materials Skills Environment Provide Opinions Policies Equipment Counseling Aspirations Social Action Technology Assess Motivation Partners Facilitate External Situations Assumptions 37
New Life Stories how we do Outcome Indicators Mother Child Both Measurable Increase in child’s self - Preserve and strengthen Outcomes Increased sense of confidence mother/child relationship responsibility in mothers Increase pro-social skills Increase in child’s and Increase mothers’ mother’s communication skills resilience level Increase in reading level Reduction in recidivism Academic progression Sustained reintegration Reduced risk of dropping Upward social Long Term with family out of school mobility of family Impact Sustained employment Reduced risk of youth becoming involved in the juvenile justice system Sustained reintegration with Academic progression society 38
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