new horizons for a digitally enabled engagement of the

New horizons for a digitally-enabled engagement of the Maltese - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New horizons for a digitally-enabled engagement of the Maltese diaspora EDWIN B ORG -M A NC H & A LEXA NDER B ORG Point of departure: two pain points The Maltese diaspora The feeling of a temporally and spatially distant

  1. New horizons for a digitally-enabled engagement of the Maltese diaspora EDWIN B ORG -M A NC HÉ & A LEXA NDER B ORG

  2. Point of departure: two “pain points”  The Maltese diaspora  The feeling of a temporally and spatially distant homeland The “inalienable sense of imagined, partial, or nostalgic belonging in a place that is not here, while going about the business of building a life here” (Lauren  Integration with the host country leading to… Wagner, Feeling Diasporic , Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 2012) disconnectedness, disengagement, and ultimately nostalgia  For those in the homeland  A microstate competing with giants  The constant strive for niche markets  The realities of being a tiny market and a minority language

  3. What if we had to view…  The diaspora as an extension of the domestic market?  In areas of market failure such as books, film- making, creative arts…  The diaspora as part of one larger Maltese talent pool?  Hard-to-find specialisation and expertise, entrepreneurs, angel investors…

  4. The underlying rationale  Maltese Living Abroad + Malta = 0.9M pop.  163,000 2 nd & subs gen. in AU (Cauchi, 2014) Institutionally , what are  418,000 1-2-3 gen. in CA, AU, NZ, UK, US (Borg we doing to connect with & Borg, 2010) each other in today’s  Maltese diaspora concentrated in world’s most globalised, interconnected world of today? advanced economies  How many have graduated, specialised, become entrepreneurs in these countries?

  5. Two instruments available  Constitution of Malta: Section 20A, Chapter II - Declaration of Principles:  “The State shall facilitate the participation of Maltese citizens who live abroad in the political , social , economic and cultural life of Malta”  Digital Malta –  Encourages an entrepreneurial and innovative mindset  Empowers citizens  Brings government closer to citizens through technology

  6. Relevant actions in Digital Malta Homeland to diaspora: A3 – Empower the elderly A10 – Developing online content A11 – Maltese language tools A26 – Transacting with government A36 – Accessing health records A40 – Accessing notarial deeds A33 – eDemocracy Diaspora to homeland: A16 – Supporting entrepreneurship A17 – Attracting investment in ICT, stepping stone to EMEA markets A20 – Seed funding/internationalisation A22 – eCommerce markets

  7. A vision enabled by digital technologies Facilitating, strengthening, cultivating participation in the political , social , economic and cultural life in Malta Political Maltese citizens worldwide voting electronically and participating in relevant decision making Social Enhance interconnectedness & world view among Maltese citizens worldwide Economic Widen the Maltese pool of talent, expertise and experience, enabling diaspora entrepreneurs Cultural Widen the market potential of Maltese language products & services, perpetuate Maltese culture

  8. Develop relationship as a two-way street Extend participation to and by the diaspora through business, cultural & social engagement Improve sustainability of Maltese art, language & culture products; harness talent and expertise via professional networks and business ventures

  9. Recommendations Give consideration to relevant Digital Malta actions 1. enabling concepts and ideas that apply to the diaspora Consider bilateral arrangements with other EU Member 2. States to better service diaspora citizens Consider the diaspora as an extension of the domestic 3. market for Maltese culture & language (apps, YouTube) Promote student internships, research collaboration and 4. staff exchanges focusing on smart specialisation areas Carry out an inventory of diaspora skills, experience and 5. expertise Re-assess the role of embassies and consulates to focus 6. more on business networks and trust relationships

  10. Thank you Paper presented at the 4 th Convention of Maltese Living Abroad Valletta, Malta, 20-23 April 2015  Edwin Borg-Manché, Dip. Bus. (Deakin), LL.D (Malta); Member, Council for Maltese Living Abroad; Honorary Consul of Malta in Victoria, Australia; Vice President, Maltese Community Council of Victoria, Inc.  Alexander Borg, MSc. (Derby); Manager, MITA Innovation Hub at SmartCity Malta; co-author of Digital Malta – National Digital Strategy 2014-2020


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