new elementary school guaranteed maximum price

New Elementary School Guaranteed Maximum Price Recommendation to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New Elementary School Guaranteed Maximum Price Recommendation to Coppell ISD Board of Trustees March 26, 2018 Empowering Educational Excellence Number of Subcontractor Bids Received 230 !! We are very confident we received the best pricing

  1. New Elementary School Guaranteed Maximum Price Recommendation to Coppell ISD Board of Trustees March 26, 2018 Empowering Educational Excellence

  2. Number of Subcontractor Bids Received 230 !! • We are very confident we received the best pricing possible given the number of bids received per trade. • The timing of the bidding was crucial. Empowering Educational Excellence

  3. Construction Cost versus Budget Total budgeted dollars for project (Including contingency) $31,625,000 Less total needed for architectural and material testing (7% of GMP) $2,068,582 Less total proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) $29,551,178 Project Under Budget $5,240 *$862,000 included in GMP as contingency will only be spent if absolutely necessary Empowering Educational Excellence

  4. Hurdles to Overcome Items we did not account for when 2016 bond committee convened in 2015 Storm shelter requirement (additional cost - 7,000 sq ft @$200) $1,400,000 Additional pier depth (72 foot deep piers versus 35 foot) $ 500,000 *Additional square footage (10,000 sq ft @ $275) $2,750,000 Total unexpected additional costs included in GMP $4,650,000 * Additional square footage was added based upon demographers long-term enrollment projections. Total comfortable enrollment for campus at 110,000 sq ft total is 868 students. Empowering Educational Excellence


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