nevada governor s workforce

Nevada Governors Workforce Development Board Strategic Planning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Nevada Governors Workforce Development Board Strategic Planning Retreat February 6 th , 2019 Geoff King , Senior Policy Analyst, National Governors Association Dana Westgren , Policy Analyst, National Governors Association The e Nat atio

  1. Nevada Governor’s Workforce Development Board Strategic Planning Retreat February 6 th , 2019 Geoff King , Senior Policy Analyst, National Governors Association Dana Westgren , Policy Analyst, National Governors Association

  2. The e Nat atio ional nal Govern vernors ors As Asso soci ciation ation Foundin nding The May 1908 meeting of President Theodore Roosevelt and governors led to the creation of the National Governors Association. What t We Do The National Governors Association (NGA) is the bipartisan organization of the nation’s governors. Through NGA, governors share best practices, speak with a collective voice on national policy and develop innovative solutions that improve state government and support the principles of federalism.

  3. The e NGA A Cen enter ter for r Be Best t Prac acti tices ces Policy cy Areas: s: • Ec Economi nomic c Opport rtuni nity ty • Education • Environment, Energy, & Transportation • Health • Homeland Security & Public Safety Servi rvice ces: s: • National Meeting of Governors • In-State Assistance • Multi-State Policy Academies • Research & Published Reports

  4. Pres esentatio entation n Ove verv rview iew I. Why are I. e high gh-per performi orming ng boards ds impo portant? tant? II. What II. t are e th the e el elem ements ents and d exa xamples ples of a high gh- performi pe orming ng board? d?

  5. Fram aming ng th the e Chal allenge enge Two Related Problems Many individuals lack the training and education necessary to obtain middle-class jobs Businesses have trouble finding the skilled workers they need to be competitive in the global economy

  6. • How will technology impact jobs? Technology • How will skill requirements change in the economy? Skills • How is the nature of work changing? Work Demographics • How is the face of the workforce changing?

  7. Expe pend ndit itures ures on Ed n Educ ucation ation an and S d Skil ills s Trai aini ning ng, by Age ge an and d Sour urce ce $ per capita (2017) Chart from Council of Economic Advisers. Data sources: OECD, U.S. Census Bureau, BEA, BLS, Association for Talent Development (2017), Carnevale et al. (2015), CEA Calculations.

  8. To Sum ummar ariz ize Solving lving th thes ese ch chal allen lenges ges wi will ll req equire uire sta tate e syst stems ems th that at al align n education, ucation, workf kfor orce ce tr trai aining, ing, an and econ conomic mic develop elopmen ment t to ach chieve e desired ired results ults for far more e individu ividuals als, , emplo loyer ers, s, and sta tate e ec economies. onomies.

  9. Pres esentatio entation n Ove verv rview iew I. Why are I. e high gh-per performi orming ng boards ds impo portant? tant? II. What II. t are e th the e el elem ements ents and d exa xamples ples of a high gh- performing pe orming bo board? d?

  10. What at is a H a High-Perform Performing ing Bo Boar ard? d? A Mo A Model el of Sy System stem Lea eadershi ership Outcomes: Build Communicate Strategic a Vision • Workforce System Success: Partnerships  Meeting the Needs of Business  Meeting the Needs of Workers Keep the System • Policy Development Accountable • Policy & Resource Alignment • WIOA Compliance

  11. Partne Par ners help p set et and d comm mmun unica icate the e vision on Build Communicate Strategic a Vision Partnerships The e vision on inform orms s what t Par Partne ners align with h the e system m is held ld account ountability ability meas asures ures account ountable able for, , and an and make e changes nges Keep the System account ountability ability system m based ed on data Accountable comm mmun unica icates es if a vision ion is achieved

  12. Commun unic icate ate a V a Visi sion on In Principle… In Practice… Washing hington ton: • Steering committee articulated a clear  Set a vision that is vision of success from business and inspirational, aspirational, labor. • Identified four strategic priorities for and concise; the entire system to focus ongoing work.  Focus on two or three key Vi Virg rginia: nia: issues to realize the vision; • Created board strategic plan with and concise, governor-aligned vision and priorities. • Communicates strategies in context  Use a common language to of key challenges and identifies communicate the vision. necessary partners for implementation.

  13. Bu Build Str trategi ategic c Par artners tnership hips In Principle… In Practice… North th Carol olina: na: State career pathways initiative •  Recognize that change established with required education, business, and local board partners. takes time; Local flexibility in focus areas and • implementation, but state quality  Have a clear decision standards and approval process. making process among Colo lorad rado: o: partners; and Developed talent pipeline report • identifying all aspects of creating a skilled workforce, updated annually  Empower board members to since 2014. serve as ambassadors for • Collaborate with broad range of agencies and external partners to the system. implement recommendations with ongoing board support.

  14. Kee eep th the e System stem Ac Accountab ountable le In Principle… In Practice… Illinois nois: • Developed board strategic plan  Set measurable goals communicating key priorities and empowering committees and task forces to related to your state’s act on them. vision; Established metrics to measure success • and promote continuous improvement on all priorities with university research  Utilize partner feedback to support. evaluate progress; Texas: s: • Provides clear, annual reporting on the elements of the system’s strategic plan.  Develop an evaluation plan • Conducted a long-term evaluation of their for your board that will efforts to track progress. • Institutionalized the workforce system’s assess whether the board is vision into other agencies’ accountability making progress. processes.

  15. Wh What at ar are e yo your ur ta take ke-aways aways?

  16. Commun unic icati ating ng a V a Visi sion on “At the end of one year (or two years or five years), we will ll know w th that t our ur system em chan ange e str trat ategi egies es are e successful if …”

  17. Ac Achievi eving ng Suc uccess ess • Strengths – Wh What is is c curre rrently tly in in pl place e to buil ild d on? Wh What is is worki rking? ng? • Weaknesses – Wh What are t the chall llenge ges s and d barriers to succ ccess? ss? Wh What is is not not worki rking? g? • Benefits – Wh What at ar are e the e ben enef efit its if if suc ucce cess s is is ac achie ieved? ed? • Dangers – Wh What are th e the dan e dange gers or po possibl ible e unin inten ende ded d cons nseq equen uences ces of suc ucce ceed edin ing? g?

  18. Com ommunicating unicating a Vis Visio ion n and d Pr Prio iori rity ty Se Sett tting ing Ac Acti tivity vity

  19. Nex ext t St Step eps

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