neighbourhood planning

Neighbourhood Planning Rowena Tyler - Community Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL S TORRINGTON , S ULLINGTON AND W ASHINGTON N EIGHBOURHOOD P LAN Thursday 21 st November An introduction to Neighbourhood Planning Rowena Tyler - Community Development Officer Action in rural Sussex What is


  2. An introduction to Neighbourhood Planning Rowena Tyler - Community Development Officer Action in rural Sussex

  3. What is Neighbourhood Planning? • A new way for communities to decide the future of the places where they live and work. • To choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built • To have their say on what those new buildings should look like • To grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. 3 3

  4. NP and the Planning System Neighbourhood Plans Must: • Be in accord with the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) • Conform with the Local Planning Authority (LPA) Local Plan • Pass an independent Examination and be voted in at referendum 4

  5. NP and the Community • NP group led by Parish or Town Council • Everyone can be involved – indeed this is essential • Support from DCLG, LPA with documentation and funding • Developers will have to take notice of the NP 5

  6. Neighbourhood Planning 5 Stage Process 5 NP 4 Community Referendum 3 Independent Check 2 Preparing your Plan 1 Agreeing The Neighbourhood 14

  7. Preparing the Plan  Set up Steering Group and Focus Groups  Gather recent evidence – HNS; VDS; CLP (???)  Invite the community to have their say  Invite the Community – yes, again!  Collect all statistical and demographic info about the area Outcome: State of the Parish Report/Planning Workshop

  8. Preparing the Plan Pre - Submission State of Parish Report  Work with Developers, LPA, Stakeholders  Identify sites and type of development  Set down infrastructure needs  Write the policies OUTCOME: Pre – Submission Plan

  9. Recap - Benefits of Compiling a Neighbourhood Plan • Communities can say where new houses, businesses and shops should go and what they should look like • Potential gains under Community Infrastructure Levy and Community Rights • A material consideration for planning applications – Legal Force 9 9

  10. Next Steps – How can you be involved? • Join one of the focus groups • Help with consultation events – hosting, attending, being creative • Promote the Neighbourhood Plan to everyone in your network Storrington, Sullington, Washington Together - it’s your Neighbourhood Plan.


  12. Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL This evening’s Overview 1 • Why do a Neighbourhood Plan? 2 • Why do a joint plan? 3 • Will the 2 parishes lose their identity? 4 • Composition of the Steering Group.

  13. Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL What has been done so far? • Area established – awaiting HDC confirmation. • Terms of Reference signed between two parishes. • Agreement for the provision of Services established and signed with AiRS. • SSPC has done Parish Design Statement, Action Plan and Housing Needs Survey. • Washington PC has a Design Statement and are in the process of completing a Housing Needs Survey. • Grants applied for.

  14. Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL The Five Focus Groups: • Economy &Business (Patrick Heeley, Washington) • Transport & Accessibility (Glenn Donnelly, Storrington & Sullington) • Community Facilities (Christine Beglan, Washington) • Environment/Heritage/Local Knowledge (Lisa Wheatley, Storrington & Sullington) • Planning & Infrastructure (Lesley Britt, Washington)

  15. Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Economy & Business • How should business develop in this area? • Relationship between projected housing numbers/population and future business development. • Retail offer – define needs/gaps in market, avoid over-provision of categories. • Role of industrial/business parks (Water Lane, Rock Business Park, others?)

  16. Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Economy & Business Continued/…. • Information gathering (e.g. business survey, vacancy & floor space survey, employment needs, land values). • Preparing key questions to include in the NP public questionnaire. • Focus group members – especially welcome if you own or manage a business, or retired from. Or work in the local business sector/have a keen interest in the local economy.

  17. Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Transport/Accessibility Areas to look at: • Buses and routes. • Trains and access links. • Storrington Community Minibus Scheme. • Taxis. • Better access for pavements/footpaths/bridleways to ensure that there is access for all users. • Hospital transport and issues/accessibility. • Cycle routes and issues/safety aspects. • Car parking and information/access.

  18. Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Community Facilities A community cannot expand and grow by simply building more houses, we also need : • Schools . We have three excellent schools to be proud of although only two are actually within this cluster. All are fully subscribed so where will new children go? • Doctors. Our two GP practices do excellent work, but demands for services are expanding all the time. Should we be thinking of a medical super centre? • Libraries. What impact has the Kindle phenomenon had on Library usage?

  19. Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Community Facilities Continued/…. • Sports. New suggestions to improve existing facilities and/or create new ones. • Teenager Options. What can we do to give our young people more activities and social interaction? • Village Halls. Are we making the best use of these facilities. If you have views and/or expert knowledge in any of these areas, please join this focus group and share your ideas for the future.

  20. Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Environment/Heritage/Local Knowledge Areas to look at: • Air Quality. • Ponds, rivers and water courses. • Listed buildings and places of interest. • Open spaces. • South Downs National Park. • Local historical knowledge.

  21. Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Planning/Infrastructure • What are our infrastructure priorities? • The Community Infrastructure Levy. • What development is necessary to achieve the priorities? • What type of development do we want and where? • Areas for protection.

  22. Q UESTIONS ? Storrington, Sullington and Washington Neighbourhood Plan WASHINGTON PARISH COUNCIL


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