SAINT SAINT Februa February 2, 2020 ry 2, 2020 N E W S MATTHEW MATTHEW PARISH FAMILY PARISH FAMILY StMatthewNor StMatthewNorwal walk.or .org The Pr The Presentation o esentation of the Lor the Lord d Christ Came for All. You are loved by Him and Welcomed Here. The Very Reverend Monsignor Walter C. Orlowski, VF, KCHS Dean and Pastor 216 Scribner Avenue Norwalk, Connec�cut 06854 email: StMa�; phone: (203) 838-3788; fax: (203) 838-8195 website: StMa� I Facebook: StMa�hewNorwalk Twi�er: StMa�hewNorwlk I Instagram: StMa�hewChurchNorwalk
February February 2, 2020 2, 2020 - 2 - 2 - The Feast of the P - The Feast of the Presentation of the L esentation of the Lord rd This This Week at S eek at St. Matthew . Matthew... ... MON 7:00am Blessing of Throats (no Mass) Pastor: Msgr. Walter C. Orlowski 03 9:00am Mass with Blessing of Throats 203-838-3788, ext. 101; StMa� 12:10pm Mass with Blessing of Throats Parochial Vicar: Fr. Sunil Pereira 4:15pm Religious Educa�on - 7:15pm 203-838-3788, ext. 114; 6:30pm Mass with Blessing of Throats Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Sally Norcross 7:30pm Fitness Group 203-838-3788, ext. 118; SNorcross@StMa� TUES 9:00am Mass Parish Administra�on 04 9:30am Walking with Purpose Office : 203-838-3788; ext. 101; fax: 203-838-8195 12:10pm Mass email: StMa� 4:15pm Religious Educa�on - 7:15pm website: StMa� 7:00pm Reconcilia�on through 8pm Registra�on Forms: in the Office & online 9:00am Mass WED Business Manager : Steve Bucke�, 203-838-3788 05 9:30am Food Pantry through 12pm ext. 103; SBucke�@StMa� 12:10pm Mass 4:00pm Feeding His Flock Hot Meal Deliveries The Church is open daily: 9am-4pm 7:30pm Walking with Purpose The Chapel is open daily: 7am-7pm Office is open M-Th: 9am-4pm; Fri: 9am-1pm 9:00am Mass THUR 06 12:10pm Mass 4:00pm Choir Rehearsals through 8pm WEEKEND MASSES ARE IN CHURCH 6:30pm Fitness Group Saturday: 4pm Vigil Sunday: 7:30am; 9am: 10:30am; 12noon; 5pm FRI 9:00am Mass 07 12:10pm Mass DAILY MASSES ARE IN CHAPEL Adora�on begins a�er 12:10pm Mass - 7pm From Jan. 3 - Feb. 25 Monday: 12:10pm and 6:30pm Parish Nurses Blood Pressure Readings a�er Masses SAT Tuesday-Friday: 9am and 12:10pm 08 3:15pm Confession through 4pm 4:00pm Vigil Mass MONTHLY AT ST. MATTHEW 1st Weekend: Rosary prayed before Masses SUN 7:30am Mass 1st Tuesday: Confession in the Church: 7-8pm 09 9:00am Mass, followed by Gr. 8 Class 1st Friday: Adora�on a�er 12:10pm Mass - 6:30pm 10:15am Pre-K - K Class 2nd Weekend a�er Masses: Blood Pressure Screenings 10:30am Mass 3rd Sunday a�er 12pm Mass: Bap�sm Workshop 10:30am RCIA 11:30am Catholic Daughters Mee�ng HOLY EUCHARIST 12:00pm Mass If someone is ill, homebound or hospitalized, 5:00pm Mass, followed by Confirma�on Class and would like Communion, please call Sr. Sally Norcross, ext.118 CONFESSION Daily Masses Pr Pre-Bapti e-Baptism W m Workshop rkshop Daily Masses Saturday, 3:15-4:00pm First Tuesday, 7-8pm; or by appointment (ext. 101) Daily Mass Schedule ANOINTING through Feb. 25 To receive the Sacrament of Anoin�ng: ext. 118. (day before Ash Wednesday) BAPTISMS Pre-Bap�sm Workshops are held with Msgr. Walter Monday on the 3rd Sunday a�er 12noon Mass. All are welcome. Contact Lorraine DeRosa: 12:10 pm Sunday, Feb. 16 , 1pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 6:30 pm Do you have a baby or young child Janet Mitchell, ext. 107; StMa� Tuesday-Friday who hasn’t been Bap�zed? Come CONFIRMATION 9:00 am meet Msgr. for this one-�me work- Liz Reid, ext. 107; email: StMa� 12:10 pm shop! No registra�on needed. YOUTH MINISTRY ext. 107; StMa� Pr Presentation o esentation of the Lor the Lord - P - Pope Francis pe Francis MARRIAGE: Lorraine DeRosa email: “The feast of the Presenta�on is a feast day of encounter. The God of MUSIC MINISTRY: Val Wyman, ext. 109 life is to be encountered every day of our lives; not now and then, CONSULTATIONS: Margaret Riobo, 203-846- but every day. To follow Jesus is not a decision taken once and for all, 6685; email: StMa�hewConsulta� it is a daily choice. Above all, The Presenta�on reminds us that we INTERCESSORY PRAYER: Ramona Bouffard: too are called to welcome Jesus who comes to meet us…meaning to StMa� place him at the center, as the bea�ng heart of everything.” Pope Francis
- 3 - The Feast of the Pres - The Feast of the Presentation of the L entation of the Lord rd February 2, 2020 February 2, 2020 - 3 THROATS BL BLESSING OF ESSING OF THRO ASH WEDNESD ASH WEDNESDAY Y FEAST OF ST. BLAISE From Msgr. Walter … I’ll open the Church on Ash Wednesday, Monday, February 3 February 26th, at 6am, and we’ll close at 9pm . We’ll be just like a New York City church, with �mes during the day • to walk in to receive your ashes, light a candle, say a prayer and go about your day (see below)…. Or you can come to one of the Masses and receive your ashes. • And our bus will be on the road - so if you want us to come to your • business to give out ashes to your employees. Takes place in the Church Ash Distribu�on and Masses: February 26th 7am: Blessing of Throats 9am: MASS 6:00 am: Ashes only 2:00 pm: Ashes only with Blessing of Throats 7:00 am: MASS with ashes 12:10pm: MASS 3:00 pm: Ashes only with Blessing of Throats 8:00 am: Ashes only 4:00 pm: MASS with ashes 6:30pm: MASS 9:00 am: MASS with ashes 5:00 pm: Ashes only with Blessing of Throats 10:00 am: Ashes only 6:00 pm: Ashes only 11:00 am: Ashes only 7:00 pm: Ashes only First Tuesday 12:10 pm: MASS with ashes 7:30 pm: MASS with ashes RECONCILIATION 1:00 pm: Ashes only 9:00 pm: Ashes only Tuesday, February 4 OPPORTUNITIES t OPPOR UNITIES to Enrich our LENTEN JOURNEY Enrich our LENTEN JOURNEY 7:00pm-8:00pm May God Bless us in our preparation May God Bless us in our preparation in the Church for the Glori for the Glories of s of Easter! Easter! “ God’s Mercy is free for All are Welcome… All are Welcome… the taking.” Msgr. Walter Daily Mass Daily Mass • Reconciliation conciliation ADORATION ADORA ION • February 7 Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Adoration February 7 • in Chapel in Chapel Stations o ations of the Cr the Cross oss Begins after • Soup & Stations, Soup & Stations, hosted by th hosted by the C e Catholic Dau tholic Daughters hters 12:10pm Mass. Rosary: 6:30pm, Fr. Tom Lynch Presents Fr. Tom Lynch Presents From Ashes to Easter From Ashes to Easter : : • Benediction Hope & Healing, and the Power of Hope & Healing, and the Power of Love Love concludes by 7pm Women’s Scripture Study: Walking with Purpose Women’s Scripture Study: Wal ing with Purpose • day Bus Ash W Ash Wedne dnesday Bus Men’s Scripture Study Men’s Scripture Study • Our Ash Wednesday Bus will be • Family Lenten Mass, Supper, Project Family Lenten Mass, Supper, Project on the road on Feb. 26th to dis- • tribute ashes to local businesses. New Horizons Retreat at St. Birgitta New Horizons Retreat at St. Birgitta • Would you like our bus to visit • Lenten Offering of Faith: Path to Renewal Lenten Offering of Faith: Path to Renewal your loca�on? • your homes) (a six- (a s x-week offer week offering t ng to do in do in your homes) Please contact the Parish Office Easter Bunny Breakfast on Palm Sunday Easter Bunny Breakfast on Palm Sunday with your business name, • address and phone number: (203)838-3788, ext. 101; StMa�
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