my experience with organizational capacity building for

My Experience with Organizational Capacity Building for Evaluation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

My Experience with Organizational Capacity Building for Evaluation Diane Trunk Los Angeles Center for Law & Justice (LACLJ) Ag Agenda Intro and Background General Info re Evaluation Capacity Building Action Steps for Evaluation

  1. My Experience with Organizational Capacity Building for Evaluation Diane Trunk Los Angeles Center for Law & Justice (LACLJ)

  2. Ag Agenda • Intro and Background • General Info re Evaluation Capacity Building • Action Steps for Evaluation and Insights from our Experience

  3. Where We Started . . . Me LACLJ • Lawyer – civil litigation • Legal Aid w/ MSW background • Experience in evaluating one • Committed to Evaluation in program at another org Strategic Plan • Presenter at State Bar and Judicial • Shriver Civil Gideon research Council events re Evaluation subject • New managing attorney • “Case, client and time management” database system • What’s a logic model? meant for for-profit law firms • New executive director • What is an outcome?

  4. Collect, Ask Analyze and Meaningful Interpret Questions Data Use Findings for Decision-making and Action

  5. Ac Action Steps for Evaluation • Determine available organizational resources • Create an evaluation workgroup • Create a program logic model • Develop meaningful evaluation questions • Write an evaluation plan • Choose appropriate data collection instruments • Collect credible and reliable data • Analyze the data and draw conclusions • Communicate the learning

  6. Ac Action Steps for Evaluation • Determine available organizational resources • Create an evaluation workgroup • Create a program logic model • Develop meaningful evaluation questions • Write an evaluation plan • Choose appropriate data collection instruments • Collect credible and reliable data • Analyze the data and draw conclusions • Communicate the learning

  7. Who are your Organizational Members? • Doubters: see little value in evaluation • Proctors: feel that evaluation is best done by other people • Practitioners: have and use the level of evaluation skills expected and needed by the organization • Specialists: can teach about and coordinate program evaluations • Scholars: develop considerable expertise in evaluation and actively share their expertise outside their organization

  8. Ac Action Steps for Evaluation • Determine available organizational resources • Create an evaluation workgroup • Create a program logic model • Develop meaningful evaluation questions • Write an evaluation plan • Choose appropriate data collection instruments • Collect credible and reliable data • Analyze the data and draw conclusions • Communicate the learning

  9. Ac Action Steps for Evaluation • Determine available organizational resources • Create an evaluation workgroup • Create a program logic model • Develop meaningful evaluation questions • Write an evaluation plan • Choose appropriate data collection instruments • Collect credible and reliable data • Analyze the data and draw conclusions • Communicate the learning

  10. Logic Model Summary Intrapersonal Cognitive and Legal & Orders Well- Emotional Interpersonal Supportive Referrals Being Social Changes Services Safety Plans Changes


  12. Ac Action Steps for Evaluation • Determine available organizational resources • Create an evaluation workgroup • Create a program logic model • Develop meaningful evaluation questions • Write an evaluation plan • Choose appropriate data collection instruments • Collect credible and reliable data • Analyze the data and draw conclusions • Communicate the learning

  13. Ac Action Steps for Evaluation • Determine available organizational resources • Create an evaluation workgroup • Create a program logic model • Develop meaningful evaluation questions • Write an evaluation plan • Choose appropriate data collection instruments • Collect credible and reliable data • Analyze the data and draw conclusions • Communicate the learning

  14. Ac Action Steps for Evaluation • Determine available organizational resources • Create an evaluation workgroup • Create a program logic model • Develop meaningful evaluation questions • Write an evaluation plan • Choose appropriate data collection instruments • Collect credible and reliable data • Analyze the data and draw conclusions • Communicate the learning

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  16. Ac Action Steps for Evaluation • Determine available organizational resources • Create an evaluation workgroup • Create a program logic model • Develop meaningful evaluation questions • Write an evaluation plan • Choose appropriate data collection instruments • Collect credible and reliable data • Analyze the data and draw conclusions • Communicate the learning

  17. Look at Your Data Integrity • Specific Data Problems • Check boxes vs. drop downs • Defaults • Text fields vs. lookups • Outdated answer options Strategic Data Analytics 18

  18. Ac Action Steps for Evaluation • Determine available organizational resources • Create an evaluation workgroup • Create a program logic model • Develop meaningful evaluation questions • Write an evaluation plan • Choose appropriate data collection instruments • Collect credible and reliable data • Analyze the data and draw conclusions • Communicate the learning

  19. Closed Extended Services Matters And Exit Interviews Client has related open matter 19% Exit completed 53% Client did not reply to our attempts to contact them 26%

  20. Ac Action Steps for Evaluation • Determine available organizational resources • Create an evaluation workgroup • Create a program logic model • Develop meaningful evaluation questions • Write an evaluation plan • Choose appropriate data collection instruments • Collect credible and reliable data • Analyze the data and draw conclusions • Communicate the learning

  21. Clients Report Improved Satisfaction with Specific Areas +23% My emotional well-being My physical well-being +17% My sense of safety +23% My financial situation My housing situation +21% My ability to co-parent 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Intake Exit

  22. ASSM: Average Percent Change in Different Populations Job Readiness Employment Income Housing Food Health/Disability Transportation Health Care Social Relations Community Inv Mental Health All DV Survivors All Immigrants Undoc Life Skills Safety 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

  23. Re Resources I’ve Found Helpful . . . • “You are Already an Evaluator” video by Changing River Consulting • Jones, Sheri Chaney (2014) Impact & Excellence . • Evergreen, Stephanie (2018) Presenting Data Effectively 2 nd Ed. (and her blog) • The work of Dr. Cris M. Sullivan and • American Evaluation Association: • CDC: • The work of Hallie Preskill – evaluation capacity building expert


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