music from handel s messiah then shall the eyes of the

Music: from Handel's Messiah: "Then shall the eyes of the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Music: from Handel's Messiah: "Then shall the eyes of the blind" (Recit.) and "He shall feed his flock" (Aria) Jesus Healing the Man with Leprosy Two Figures Kneeling and Embracing https://images.squarespace-

  1. Music: from Handel's Messiah: "Then shall the eyes of the blind" (Recit.) and "He shall feed his flock" (Aria)

  2. Jesus Healing the Man with Leprosy Two Figures Kneeling and Embracing https://images.squarespace- B610NW4B21XJR3BG1H21/?content-type=image%2Fpng

  3. Lust of possession worketh desolations; There is no meekness in the powers of earth; Led by no star, the rulers of the nations Still fail to bring us to the blissful birth: Thy kingdom come, O Lord, thy will be done. How shall we love thee, holy hidden Being, If we love not the world which thou has made? Bind us in thine own love for better seeing Thy Word made flesh, and in a manger laid: Thy kingdom come, O Lord, thy will be done. Laurence Housman (1865-1959) Text of Hymn #573

  4. - BSO2BS1TteksufSiW4WQHaE8&exph=534&expw=800&q=4+Little+Girls+Birmingham+Church+Bombing+Funeral&selectedindex=2&a jaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,2,6&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dccid_b6uyACYi*mid_7A6644D782C2F830D454E1ABD4AD015BE1DD7A E0*simid_608047959742349926*thid_OIP.b6uyACYiYI!_!_GLF4UfjPxwHaFM&iss=VSI


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