multi turn response selection for chatbots with deep

Multi-Turn Response Selection for Chatbots with Deep Attention - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Multi-Turn Response Selection for Chatbots with Deep Attention Matching Network , , , ,

  1. Multi-Turn Response Selection for Chatbots with Deep Attention Matching Network π‘Œπ‘—π‘π‘œπ‘•π‘§π‘π‘œπ‘• π‘Žβ„Žπ‘π‘£ βˆ— , 𝑀𝑣 𝑀𝑗 βˆ— , πΈπ‘π‘¦π‘—π‘π‘œπ‘• πΈπ‘π‘œπ‘• , 𝑍𝑗 𝑀𝑗𝑣 , π‘π‘—π‘œπ‘• π·β„Žπ‘“π‘œ , π‘‹π‘π‘§π‘œπ‘“ π‘Œπ‘—π‘œ π‘Žβ„Žπ‘π‘ , πΈπ‘—π‘π‘œβ„Žπ‘π‘— 𝑍𝑣 and 𝐼𝑣𝑏 𝑋𝑣 Baidu – Natural Language Processing

  2. Background β€’ Naturally and consistently converse with human-beings on open-domain topics. β€’ Data-driven β€’ Retrieval-based method β€’ Generation-based method β€’ System ensemble Chatbots

  3. Context-Response Matching xt 𝒅 Cont ontext π‘ž(𝑗𝑑_𝑕𝑝𝑝𝑒|𝑑, 𝑠) ponse 𝒔 Respons

  4. Retrieval-based Chatbot xt 𝒅 Cont ontext Response 𝑠 Response 𝑠 A A input Response 𝑠 Response 𝑠 B C Search Rank Retrieval System Response 𝑠 Response 𝑠 D B Response 𝑠 Response 𝑠 C D Dialogue Corpus π‘ž(𝑗𝑑_𝑕𝑝𝑝𝑒|𝑑, 𝑠) An information retrieval approach to short text conversation. Ji et al., 2014

  5. Adversarial Dialogue Generation Dialogue π‘ž(𝑗𝑑_𝑕𝑝𝑝𝑒|𝑑, 𝑠) Corpus Real Conversation Sampled <c, r> Discriminator Generator 𝐻(𝑠 βˆ— |𝑑) Adversarial Learning for Neural Dialogue Generation. Li et al., EMNLP-2017

  6. Challenges Cha hallenge nges β€’ Detecting truly matched segment pairs across context and response. β€’ Segment pairs could be matched at different granularities. β€’ Segment pairs, across context and response, could be matched because of textual relevance or semantic dependency.

  7. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance as I don’t know the debian package manager

  8. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? Matchi hing w ng with s h sur urface t text xt Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance as I don’t know the debian package manager

  9. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Matchi hing w ng with de h depe pende ndenc ncy Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance as I don’t know the debian package manager

  10. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance as I don’t know the debian package manager

  11. Motivation Previ vious ous w wor orks ks Use GRU/LSTM to encode segments and match context with response only considering textual relevance. Mot otiva vation on β€’ Self-Attent Se ntion on : Using intra-attention of utterance/response to gradually construct multi-grained semantic representations. β€’ Cros oss-Attent ntion on : Using attention across context and response to match with dependency information.

  12. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance as I don’t know the debian package manager

  13. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance as I don’t know the debian package manager

  14. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance as I don’t know the debian package manager

  15. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance as I don’t know the debian package manager

  16. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance as I don’t know the debian package manager

  17. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance as I don’t know the debian package manager

  18. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? dkpg + ` dkpg ``it” Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance it + + ` ``dpkg dpkg” as I don’t know the debian package manager

  19. Conversation Context Speaker A: Hi I am looking to see what packages are installed on my system, I don’t see a path, is the list being held somewhere else? dkpg + ` dkpg ``it” Speaker B: Try dpkg - get-selections Speaker A: What is that like? A database for packages instead of a flat file structure? Speaker B: dpkg is the debian package manager - get-selections simply shows you what packages are handed by it Response of Speaker A: No clue what do you need it for, its just reassurance it + + ` ``dpkg dpkg” as I don’t know the debian package manager

  20. Input nput Attentive Module Q = [ e 0 , ..., e n Q βˆ’ 1 ] K = [ e 0 , ..., e n K βˆ’ 1 ] V = [ e 0 , ..., e n V βˆ’ 1 ] Attent ntive veModul odule(Q,K ,K,V ,V) V att = softmax ( Q Β· K T Sum um & Nor orm β€’ ) V √ d k β€’ Fe Feed-For orward Q att = LayerNorm ( V att + Q ) β€’ Sum um & Nor orm FFN ( Q att ) = max (0 , Q att W 1 + b 1 ) W 2 + b 2 Weight ghted d Sum um Attent ntion on β€’ LayerNorm ( FFN ( Q att ) + Q att ) query que ke key va value ue Sum ummary β€’ Capture structures across Q and K-V β€’ Composite semantic representations of captured structures with input embedding Attention is All You Need. Vaswani et al., NIPS-2017

  21. 𝒗 𝟐 𝒗 𝒋 𝒗 𝒐 𝒔 Wor ord Embe beddi dding ng


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