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MPRESS MPRESS and the role of and the role of MetaData in Math - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MPRESS MPRESS and the role of and the role of MetaData in Math in Math- -Net Net MetaData y Roland Schwnzl y Content Content y MPRESS - history/present y Organizational Structure of Math-Net y Services

  1. MPRESS MPRESS and the role of and the role of MetaData in Math in Math- -Net Net MetaData y Roland Schwänzl y

  2. Content Content y MPRESS - history/present y Organizational Structure of Math-Net y Services in Math-Net y Underlying infrastructure y Last Years Work y Issues

  3. ...where it started ...where it started y 1992-1995 DMV Projekt Fachinformation (database MATH) y 1995 Software test y Harvest - [IETF-RD] y distributed sources, agent y replicable y clusters

  4. html Meta Meta Tag Tag html y MathN Broker Harvesting Mathematics Judith Plümer, Roland Schwänzl Euromath Bulletin 2 No.1 1996

  5. DublinCore and Warwick Framework and Warwick Framework DublinCore y 1996 AK - Technik DMV y AK - Inhalt DMV y Warwick Container interpreted as DublinCore with Qualifiers

  6. MetaData creation tool MetaData creation tool y MMM y also used in PhysNet (mediated by IuK)

  7. 1996

  8. DC.subject MathDMV.KEYWORDS DC.subject (type=topic) MathDMV.SUBJECT DC.subject (scheme=msc91, type=primary) MathDMV.PCLASS DC.subject (scheme=msc91, type=secondary) MathDMV.SCLASS DC.subject (scheme=pacs) MathDMV.PACS DC.subject (scheme=cr) MathDMV.CR DC.description (scheme=url, type=abstract) MathDMV.ABSTRACT DC.description (scheme=url, type=x-notes) MathDMV.NOTES

  9. Dublin Core Core 4 4 Dublin y Canberra, March 1997 y DC accepts qualifiers

  10. MathNet Project 1997 1997- -1998 1998 MathNet Project y ZIB Berlin y TU Chemnitz y U Halle y U Kaiserslautern y U Köln y TU München y U Osnabrück y U Paderborn y U Rostok distributed system: nodes: Math-Dept´s y

  11. AK Meta IuK IuK AK Meta y Osnabrück, 1997 y

  12. y Feb 1998

  13. MetaData Vocabulary MetaData Vocabulary y Math-Net Page: names Genre´s of objects y Preprints y Persons y Events y Projects y Software y MetaData vocabularies based on DC y more qualifiers y more services

  14. IMU IMU CEIC Workshop y y ZIB Berlin, Nov 1998 y D.Morrison/Physics e-print: LANL

  15. y y

  16. MPRESS today today MPRESS y about 40 000 papers y about 110 sources, gatherers, brokers

  17. Internationalization of Math- -Net Net Internationalization of Math y International Mathematical Union y IMU Charta May 2000 y IMU Committee on Electronic Information and Communication y y Math-Net Technical Advisory Board,

  18. MetaData architecture? ? MetaData architecture y diverse object types y coverage of dc15 y object linking y transition between services (texts and facts) y internationalization (label) y deficits with HTML Meta y (grouping problems, 1:1) y terms & conditions y annotation of MetaData y semantic network

  19. Carmen Project 1999 - 2002 y MetaData x document/service description x formal identification x authentication x terms and conditions/archiving x linking y Heterogeneity y Retrieval y Sustainability y

  20. y Digitale Signaturen & Metamaker mit Dokumentenupload für ein verteiltes Informationssystem TU München, U Oldenburg y Metadaten für Terms & Conditions/Metadaten für Archivierung SUB Göttingen, TU München, Springer-Verlag y Persistent Identifiers & Metadata Management in Science UB Oldenburg, Deutsche Bibliothek, FIZ Karlsruhe y Metadata based Indexing of Scientific Resources U Osnabrück, Springer-Verlag, UB Osnabrück y A Document Referencing and Linking System U Dortmund, ZIB Berlin, UOsnabrück y Fachübergreifende Informationssysteme U Oldenburg, UOsnabrück y Heterogenitätsbehandlung IZ Soz - U Koblenz, U Osnabrück y Konkordanz von Klassifikationen und Thesauri UB Regensburg CARMEN CARMEN IZ Soz - U Koblenz,Deutsche Bibliothek

  21. RDF - - W3C W3C Rec Rec 22 Feb 1999 22 Feb 1999 RDF y assertions: has Author alpha P S O

  22. Why RDF Why RDF y Container: Bag, Seq, Alt y Repeate y Reification y Labeled directed graphs - not just trees y subClasses, subProperties: prepares for higher layers y Extensability

  23. RDF: machine understandable semantics RDF: machine understandable semantics y Part of semantic web initiative W3 y Capability to encode semantic nets on the web y Why use a standard...why not proprietory solutions: y Worldwide System, Costs for tool development, interoperability with/of independently operated resources.

  24. Use of RDF Use of RDF y Exists embedding of Qualified DublinCore y Open for special needs, extensions: eventually implements the DC Warwick Framework. y Simple way of integrating distributed sources of classification/thesauri like structured vocabularies y Mathematical Resources.... y We don´t know all - can name a few Classes y Extensability

  25. MetaData in Math in Math- -Net Net MetaData y RDFS/XML Namespaces y ApplicationProfiles: Abstraction of MetaData y ( y MetaData creation Tools for specific object types: y Preprints (Version 3.0), Persons, y Institutions (Math-Net Page) y (

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