moving ihls forward development of a long range plan

Moving IHLS Forward: Development of a Long Range Plan October 27, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Moving IHLS Forward: Development of a Long Range Plan October 27, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting Year One v Merger Transition Board v Initial strategic plan adopted March 2011 v Designed to establish good foundation v Never

  1. Moving IHLS Forward: Development of a Long Range Plan October 27, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting

  2. Year One v Merger Transition Board v Initial strategic plan adopted March 2011 v Designed to establish good foundation v Never intended as permanent v Strategic directions, goals and objectives serve as FY2012 plan of service 2

  3. Mission Statement The Illinois Heartland Library System is a community of multitype libraries developing partnerships and sharing resources in pursuit of excellent service. 3

  4. Vision We envision a future where all libraries & information partners collaborate to provide accessible & innovative services. 4

  5. Values We value-- v Open access and sharing of resources. v Cooperation, collaboration and contribution among members & information partners. v Quality customer services v Honest and open communications among stakeholders. v Respect and integrity in all interactions. v The diversity of our members and their communities. v Fiscal stability and accountability. v The protection of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy. v Innovation and creativity. v Literacy 5

  6. Operational Assumptions The overall priority for services and programs that are financed through funding from the Illinois General Assembly through the Secretary of State’s grant program will be the shared catalogs, resource sharing and delivery. 6

  7. Plan for the Future In addition the following assumptions will ensure that Illinois Heartland Library System will have a reliable operational structure. • Operate a financially sustainable and efficient organization. • Leverage the resources – material, personnel and fiscal – of the members and partners. • Develop partnerships with relevant organizations and information agencies. • Monitor trends and create opportunities for innovative services. • Ensure good communications among member libraries and partners. 7

  8. New Plan for IHLS v Three years of stability, innovation and growth v Pat Wagner board retreat v Long Range Planning Committee v Planning proposals v Nancy Bolt and Associates (NB&A) selected 8

  9. NB&A Process Activity Dates v Board & executive staff v November – December, surveys 2014 v Quick Start meeting v January, 2015 v Focus groups v March, 2015 v Member and staff surveys v March – April, 2015 v Board retreat v July, 2015 v Member feedback v May, 2015 – present v Board consideration and v July, 2015 -- present approval 9

  10. Core Statements v DRAFT Mission, Vision & v Refined DRAFT Mission, Values: Vision & Values: v Developed at Quick Start v Accepted by July retreat Meeting participants v Refined by member input v July retreat adds draft at Focus Groups and goals through Member Survey feedback 10

  11. Final Draft Mission To support member libraries of all types providing quality library services. Illinois Heartland Library System facilitates access to shared resources, advocates for libraries, promotes innovation and develops community partnerships. 11

  12. Final Draft Vision IHLS empowers libraries to embrace innovation & collaboration 12

  13. Final Draft Values IHLS staff & board commit to the following values in the management & operation of IHLS: v Innovation & leadership v We are innovative and creative and exercise leadership in developing programs and services that meet the needs of IHLS diverse multi-type libraries. v Engagement v We engage members & draw on their expertise in the development & improvement of programs & services. 13

  14. Values, cont. v Integrity and Respect v We operate IHLS ethically with accountability and transparency. v Our diverse staff works together with trust & respect for our individual talents in order to provide the best service possible v Collaboration v We value collaboration among members with other library organizations & community partners. v Communication v We practice clear & open communication with members, staff and other stakeholders. 14

  15. Draft Goals GOAL 1: Resource Sharing v IHLS facilitates, supports and promotes resource sharing to assist member libraries of all types to be of service to their users. Goal 2: Member Engagement & Networking v IHLS communicates with & engages member libraries of all types and promotes member networking to assist libraries in improving their services. Goal 3: Consulting & CE v IHLS provides information and assistance to member libraries of all types through consulting & continuing education to improve the expertise of their staff. 15

  16. Goals, cont. Goal 4: Leadership & Innovation v IHLS provides leadership & embraces innovation to assist member libraries of all types to better serve their users. Goal 5: Advocacy v IHLS advocates for the role of libraries and library staff to build strong libraries and strong communities. Goal 6: Stewardship & Sustainability v IHLS stewards its resources to ensure maximum benefit to member libraries of all types and to taxpayers. 16

  17. Member Feedback Reveals IHLS Challenges… Ø Service to multi-type membership Ø Resource sharing landscape in IHLS Ø Communication Ø Member awareness of services Ø Member engagement Ø Consulting and Continuing Education Ø Advocacy 17

  18. And Current IHLS Environment v Survey reveals value of services to members v Fiscal challenges v Improvements needed v Leadership or innovation? 18

  19. Draft Goals v Consider environment and challenges moving forward v Strategic initiatives + activities are proactive approach v Initiatives and activities developed by staff v Incorporated as appropriate into plans of service 19

  20. Put It All Together Possible Strategic Activities Goal v Resource Sharing v Continue with Dream Grants v Virtual SHARE Catalog v SMART Delivery System- wide v Expand Member Day to v Member Engagement & regional locations Networking v Communications assessment 20

  21. Possible Strategic Activities Goal v Consulting & CE v Embedded consultant(s) v CE needs assessment for members v Leadership & Innovation v Provide leadership training for members and staff v Look for cooperative projects that improve services and lower costs 21

  22. Possible Strategic Activities Goal v Advocacy v IHLS advocacy forum v Advocacy webinar training for members v Stewardship & v IHLS capital needs Sustainability assessment v Prioritize services in alignment with IHLS revenue 22

  23. What’s next?? v Consider member feedback v Any additional comments, edits v Motion to approve? 23

  24. Thank You!! Long Range Planning Committee Members: § Nancy Huntley (Chair) § Karen Bounds § Gary Denue § Sarah Isaacs § George Trammell 24


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