Move2Perform Allison Behnke MS LAT ATC Jason Viel MS LAT ATC What is Move2Perform • Move2Perform is a movement measurement and analysis tool that identifies deficits and risk of injury • Has been adopted by the US military and professional sports teams internationally • Incorporates The Functional Movement Systems (FMS) and Y-Balance Screens
Benefits of M2P • Provide evidence based care • Clear decision for return to sport/work/activity • Increase referrals to your practice with valuable reports • Prevent sport injuries using a validated injury prediction algorithm • Clear documentation for medical necessity of rehabilitation • Decrease injury rates and promote your practice through pre-participation physicals, wellness, and occupational screens • Objective reports for you, your clients, and your referral sources • Easily administered with a laptop computer and portable test kits • Easily test groups and determine overall deficits Why M2P? • Recent evidence has demonstrated that risk for future injury remains even with pain-free status 1 • Many decisions are based on opinion rather than evidence-based tests 1 • M2P allows us to make confident, evidence based return to activity/sport and discharge decisions while managing & categorizing injury risk 1 • Computer program synthesizes results from proven and popular tests (e.g. Y Balance Test, Functional Movement Screen, Hop Testing) to calculate client’s musculoskeletal status specific to the individual’s age, gender, and sport/activity 1 • Only system that has been validated in peer-reviewed literature allowing you to provide the best care for your clients 2
What tests/screens can you use with M2P? Functional Movement Screen • Identifies limitations or asymmetries in fundamental movement patterns • Provide observable performance of basic locomotor, manipulative & stabilizing movements • Places individual in extreme positions where weaknesses/imbalances are noticeable
Deep Squat Score of 3 Upper torso is parallel with tibia or toward vertical| Femur below horizontal Knees are aligned over feet| Dowel aligned over feet Screens hips, shoulders, knees, spine & ankles Deep Squat Score of 2 Upper torso is parallel with tibia or toward vertical| Femur is below horizontal Knees are aligned over feet| Dowel is aligned over feet| Heels are elevated
Deep Squat Score of 1 Tibia and upper torso are not parallel| Femur is not below horizontal Knees are not aligned over feet| Lumbar flexion is noted The athlete receives a score of zero if pain is associated with any portion of Hurdle Step Score of 3 Hips, knees and ankles remain aligned in the sagittal plane Minimal to no movement is noted in lumbar spine| Dowel and hurdle remain parallel
Hurdle Step Score of 2 Alignment is lost between hips, knees and ankles| Movement is noted in lumbar spine Dowel and hurdle do not remain parallel Hurdle Step Score of 1 Contact between foot and hurdle occurs| Loss of balance is noted
In-Line Lunge Score of 3 Dowel contacts maintained| Dowel remains vertical| No torso movement noted Dowel and feet remain in sagittal plane| Knee touches board behind heel of front foot In-Line Lunge Score of 2 Dowel contacts not maintained|Dowel does not remain vertical | Movement noted in torso Dowel and feet do not remain in sagittal plane| Knee does not touch behind heel of front foot
In-Line Lunge Score of 1 Loss of balance is noted Shoulder Mobility Scoring Hands are within 1 hand breadth = 3 Hands are within 1.5 Hand breadth = 2 Hands are not within 1.5 hand breadths = 1 Clearing test bilaterally if Pain score as 0
Active Straight Leg Raise Scoring 3 Vertical line of the malleolus resides between mid- thigh and ASIS the non-moving limb remains in neutral position 2 Vertical line of the malleolus resides between mid- thigh and joint line the non-moving limb remains in neutral position 1 Vertical line of the malleolus resides below joint line The non-moving limb remains in neutral position Trunk Stability Push-up Scoring 3 The body lifts as a unit with no lag in the spine Men perform a repetition with thumbs aligned with the top of the head Women perform a repetition with thumbs aligned with the chin 2 The body lifts as a unit with no lag in the spine Men perform a repetition with thumbs aligned with the chin Women with thumbs aligned with the clavicle
Trunk Stability Push-Up Scoring 1 Men are unable to perform a repetition with hands aligned with the chin Women unable with thumbs aligned with the clavicle Clearing Test Spinal extension is cleared by performing a press- up in the pushup position. If there is pain associated with this motion, give a zero and perform a more thorough evaluation or refer out. If the individual does receive a positive score, document both scores for future reference. Rotary Stability Score of 3 Performs a correct unilateral repetition
Rotary Stability Score of 2 Performs a correct diagonal repetition Rotary Stability Score of 1 Inability to perform a diagonal repetition
Spinal Flexion Clearing Test Spinal flexion can be cleared by first assuming a quadruped position, then rocking back and touching the buttocks to the heels and the chest to the thighs. The hands should remain in front of the body, reaching out as far as possible. If there is pain associated with this motion, give a zero and perform a more thorough evaluation or refer out. If the individual receives a positive score, document both scores for future reference. Y-Balance Test • Tests ability to demonstrate functional symmetry • Measures pre & post rehabilitation performance, dynamic balance, and return to sport readiness
Y-Balance Test Lower Extremity • Based off of Star Excursion Balance Test • Identifies chronic ankle & ACL instability • Each direction performed 3 times Y-Balance Test Upper Extremity • Tests upper quarter mobility and stability of both reach and stance arm • Goal is to maintain push-up position • Client performs all right reaches then left • 3 trials
Sample Reports Sample Reports
Sample Reports Sample Reports
Thank you!! References • 1. • 2. Lehr ME 1 , Plisky PJ, Butler RJ, Fink ML, Kiesel KB, Underwood FB. Field-expedient screening and injury risk algorithm categories as predictors of noncontact lower extremity injury. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2013 Aug;23(4):e225-32
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