morphology within the multi layered annotation scenario

Morphology within the Multi-Layered Annotation Scenario of the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Morphology within the Multi-Layered Annotation Scenario of the Prague Dependency Treebank Magda Sev c kov a Charles University in Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics SFCM 2015,

  1. Morphology within the Multi-Layered Annotation Scenario of the Prague Dependency Treebank Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Charles University in Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics SFCM 2015, September 16–17, 2015

  2. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions Outline Introduction 1 Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank 2 PDT in a nutshell Morphological layer Tectogrammatical layer Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech 3 Developing taggers Named entity recognition Derivational morphology Conclusions 4 Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  3. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions Introduction: Treebanks without morphology? 83 treebanks for 51 languages (Zeman 2015) from coarse-grained part-of-speech information to detailed description of morphological categories according to the theoretical approach (and Penn Treebank morphological richness of the language) Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  4. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions Introduction: Treebanks without morphology? 83 treebanks for 51 languages (Zeman 2015) from coarse-grained part-of-speech information to detailed description of morphological categories according to the theoretical approach (and TIGER treebank morphological richness of the language) Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  5. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions Introduction: Treebanks without morphology? 83 treebanks for 51 languages (Zeman 2015) from coarse-grained part-of-speech information to detailed description of morphological categories according to the theoretical approach (and morphological richness of the language) T¨ uBa-D/Z Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  6. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions Introduction: Treebanks without morphology? 83 treebanks for 51 languages (Zeman 2015) from coarse-grained part-of-speech information to detailed description of morphological categories according to the theoretical approach (and BulTreeBank morphological richness of the language) Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  7. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions Introduction: Morphology in recent treebanking projects HamleDT (HArmonized Multi-LanguagE Dependency Treebank) 42 treebanks for 36 languages in version 3.0 (August 18, 2015) surface-syntactic annotation based on Stanford Dependencies (de Marneffe et al. 2014) Interset interlingua for morphological features (Zeman 2008) Universal Dependencies 34 languages in version 1.1 (May 15, 2015) Universal Dependencies standard based on Stanford Dep. “interlingua” based on Zeman’s Interset and Google universal part-of-speech tags (Petrov et al. 2012) Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  8. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions Introduction: Interset interlingua for morphological tagsets converting tagsets into interlingua (and/or into other tagsets) comparing tagsets ( ) Penn treebank tagset: 48 tags for English SynTagRus tagset: 376 tags for Russian Hajiˇ c’s tagset for Czech (PDT): 4,294 tags vs. 846 tags for Czech assigned by the ajka tagger Interset Penn pos=”noun”, subpos=”prop”, number=”plu” NNPS pos=”verb”, verbform=”inf” VB PDT Interset NNFP1- - - - -A- - - - pos=”noun”, negativeness=”pos”, gender=”fem”, number=”plu”, case=”nom” VB-P- - -3P-AA- - - pos=”verb”, negativeness=”pos”, number=”plu”, person=”3”, verbform=”fin”, mood=”ind”, tense=”pres”, voice=”act” Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  9. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions Introduction: Morphological richness (HamleDT) [Zeman 2015] Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  10. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions Introduction: How rich is Czech? rich inflectional and derivational morphology in Czech agent ‘agent’ agent ( agenta ( | agentu ( | agentovi ( | agente ( agentem ( agenti ( | agentov´ e ( | agent˚ u ( agent˚ um ( agenty ( | agentech ( Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  11. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions Introduction: How rich is Czech? rich inflectional and derivational morphology in Czech agent ‘agent’ agent ( agenta ( | agent ‘agent’ agentu ( | agentovi ( | > agent˚ uv ‘agent’s’ agente ( > agentka ‘female agent’ agentem ( > agentsk´ y ‘agency’ agenti ( | > superagent ‘superagent’ agentov´ e ( | ... agent˚ u ( agent˚ um ( agenty ( | agentech ( Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  12. Introduction Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Conclusions zv´ at ‘to invite’ ind.pres.act.: zvu, zveˇ s, zve; zveme, zvete, zvou ind.pret.act.: zval(a) jsem, zval(a) jsi, zval(a); zvali/y jsme, zvali/y jste, zvali/y ind.fut.act.: budu zv´ at, budeˇ s zv´ at, bude zv´ at; budeme zv´ at, budete zv´ at, budou zv´ at ind.pres.pass.: jsem zv´ an(a), jsi zv´ an(a), je zv´ an(a); jsme zv´ ani/y, jste zv´ ani/y, jsou zv´ ani/y ind.pret.pass.: byl(a) jsem zv´ an(a), byl(a) jsi zv´ an(a), byl(a) zv´ an(a); byli/y jsme zv´ ani/y, ... ind.fut.pass.: budu zv´ an(a), budeˇ s zv´ an(a), bude zv´ an(a); budeme zv´ ani/y, ... cond.pres.act.: zval(a) bych, zval(a) bys, zval(a) by; zvali/y bychom, ... cond.pres.pass.: byl(a) bych zv´ an(a), byl(a) bys zv´ an(a), byl(a) zv´ an(a); byli/y by zv´ ani/y, ... ... Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  13. Introduction PDT in a nutshell Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Morphological layer Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Tectogrammatical layer Conclusions Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank: Form and meaning multiple annotation layers morphology as a separate layer of annotation lemma and positional (POS+) tag (Hajiˇ c 2004) agentu ‘(to an) agent’ agent NNMS3- - - - -A- - -1 byli jste zv´ ani ‘(you) were invited’ b´ yt VpMP- - -XR-AA- - - b´ yt VB-P- - -2P-AA- - - zv´ at VsMP- - -XX-AP- - - Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  14. Introduction PDT in a nutshell Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Morphological layer Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Tectogrammatical layer Conclusions Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank: Form and meaning multiple annotation layers morphology as a separate layer of annotation lemma and positional (POS+) tag (Hajiˇ c 2004) meanings expressed by morphological categories captured at the tectogrammatical layer grammateme attributes agentu ‘(to an) agent’ agentu ‘(to an) agent’ agent NNMS3- - - - -A- - -1 one entity byli jste zv´ ani ‘(you) were invited’ byli jste zv´ ani ‘(you) were invited’ b´ yt VpMP- - -XR-AA- - - past event b´ yt VB-P- - -2P-AA- - - zv´ at VsMP- - -XX-AP- - - Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT

  15. Introduction PDT in a nutshell Morphology in Prague Dependency Treebank Morphological layer Praguian morphology in NLP of Czech Tectogrammatical layer Conclusions Prague Dependency Treebank – a short history theoretically rooted in Functional Generative Description (Sgall 1967, Sgall et al. 1986) language system decomposed in multiple layers relation of form and function between neighboring layers unambiguity and self-containedness of the sentence representation at each layer annotation of Prague Dependency Treebank started in the late 1990s PDT 1.0 (2001): morphological and analytical annotation PDT 2.0 (2006): plus tectogrammatical annotation PDT 2.5 (2011) PDT 3.0 (2013) Magda ˇ Sevˇ c´ ıkov´ a Morphology within the Annotation Scenario of PDT


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