
Morogoro Email: Presen entat atio ion to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

By Rom oman anus C. Isheng hengoma ma Collage of Forestry, wildlife and Tourism Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro Email: Presen entat atio ion to 2nd nd TTC TCS Bioma omass s Worksho kshop p 22

  1. By Rom oman anus C. Isheng hengoma ma Collage of Forestry, wildlife and Tourism Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro Email: Presen entat atio ion to 2nd nd TTC TCS Bioma omass s Worksho kshop p 22 22nd d Novem ember ber 201 016 Dar es es Salaa laam

  2.  Introdu duction ion ◦ En Energ rgy and d develop lopment ment  Energy gy sit itua uation tion in in Ta Tanzani ania a ◦ Fuelw lwood od ◦ Ch Charc rcoal al  Charcoal al produc uction tion  Charcoal al transpor sportati ation  Wh Whole lesal sale e and re retail il  Chall lleng enges es  Poli licy is issues ues  Th The way forw rwar ard d

  3. INT NTRO RODUC UCTIO TION  Information is available from several sources SUA TaTEDO UDSM MEM RESEARCH MNRT Confirm the importance WORLD BANK TFCG & MJUMITA REA, FAO WWF

  4.  Energy gy is needed ed to fuel eco conom omic c growth th and development. elopment.  Pov overty rty has a b bearing ing to the typ ype(s) s) and quanti ntities ties of en ener ergy y co consume sumed. d.  Develope eloped d eco conom omies es co consum sume more e energy gy per ca capita ta and have ve ca capaci city ty to deve velop lop new sources rces or sec ecure re imports. orts.  Poor or co countri ntries es have ve limite ited d ca capaci city. ty.

  5. GDP (perca GDP (per capita ta in US $) 2016 16 pita in 120,000 country US $) Rank 105,829 1 Luxembourg 105,829 100,000 8 United States 57,294 37,304 25 Japan Malaysia 9,546 66 80,000 China 8,261 75 133 Nigeria 2,260 57,294 60,000 1,522 148 Kenya Tanzania 960 160 37,304 40,000 183 Mozambique 419 20,000 9,546 8,261 2,260 1,522 960 419 0

  6. Energy rgy used per capit ita a 2014(kg 4(kg of oil Energy equival ivalen ent t ) country used 7310 Luxembourg 6916 United States 7310 3570 Japan 6916 3020 Malaysia Series1 2226 China 773 Nigeria 492 Kenya 470 Tanzania 3570 407 Mozambique 3020 2226 773 492 470 407

  7. GDP GDP (per capita ta in US $)2016 016 (perca pita in 120,000 105,829 country US $) Rank 100,000 Luxembourg 105,829 1 80,000 United States 57,294 8 57,294 37,304 Japan 25 60,000 Malaysia 9,546 66 37,304 40,000 China 8,261 75 20,000 9,546 8,261 Nigeria 2,260 133 2,260 1,522 960 419 0 1,522 Kenya 148 Tanzania 960 160 Mozambique 419 183 Energ rgy y used ed per r capit ita 2014 14 7310 8000 6916 (kg of oil l equi uivalent ent /year ear ) 7000 6000 5000 3570 4000 3020 3000 2226 2000 773 492 470 407 1000 0

  8. Carbon bon dioxi xide de emission sion in metric ic CO2 emissio tons/c s/capit apita a in 2013 country n 18.2 Luxembourg 20 16.4 United States 18.2 18 9.8 Japan 16.4 16 8 Malaysia 7.6 14 China 0.6 Nigeria 12 9.8 0.3 Kenya 10 8 0.2 Tanzania 7.6 8 0.2 Mozambique 6 4 2 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.2 0

  9.  In Tanzani ania a like e most st deve velopi loping ng co countri ntries, es, solid d biomass mass en ener ergy gy in form rm of wood d fuel el (fuel el wood d & & ch charcoa coal) l) domina minates tes as a s source rce of energy gy  In 2013, wo wood d fuel acc ccoun unte ted d for about t 90% of the tota tal l national onal energy gy co consum sumpti ption on with h 2% from m elect ctrici icity ty an and 8% 8% from m pet etrole oleum um produc ducts. ts. Petroleum, Eletricity 2% Gas 8% Biomass source 90%  In 2015 bioma omass ss energy gy was repor orted ted at 85% of the total al energy gy co consumpti sumption. on.

  10.  Major jor sour ource ce of of dome omestic ic ener energy gy in in rur rural al area areas (mo (more re tha than 70 70% of of the the Tanzan nzanians) ians)  Also used ed in in peri-urb urban an areas eas  Respirat iratory ory diseas ases es  Low thermal mal efficiency iency of of 10 10% (3 stones) es)  Eff fficienc iciency can can be be imp improve roved to to 20 20% or or more

  11.  Fuel wood d is impo portant tant source rce of energy y for fish h drying, ng, brick ck burning ning, tobacco cco curing, ng, tea drying ing local l brewing, ing, school ools, s, bakerie ries, s, hospita pitals, ls, prisons ons, , etc. This situatio ation n will not change ge abruptl uptly

  12. Tanzania zania Tobacc acco productio ction, n, Tons 140000 120000 100000 80000 Tons 60000 40000 20000 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Year

  13.  Over Over 2.3 mill million ion to tonne nnes of of ch charcoal rcoal were were consu consumed med in in 2012 2012, predicte cted to to double ble by by 2030 2030 (URT, 2015 2015b).  Ch Charcoal rcoal is is taken taken fo for grante ranted becaus because ther there are re so so many many pro producers, ducers, can can be be purcha purchased ed everywher everywhere in in urban urban are reas, as, it it is is alway lways th there ere (unl (unlike ike keros kerosen ene, LPG PG and and elec lectricit ricity), y), bec ecause ause everyone everyone has has th the appl appliances iances to to use use it it  Used Used by by majo majorit rity (househ (households lds, poli policy cy makers makers, fro from local local restaurants aurants to to expatr tria iate te deve velopm lopmen ent partne tners rs )  Is Is a mass massive ive industry, industry, provi providing ding livel livelihoods ihoods for for thousan thousands ds of of people peop le eg eg ch charcoal rcoal prod roducers, ucers, tr transporters ansporters, tr trader aders along along the the supp supply ly cha chain in (gen enerat rates es at at least US US$ 1 billion ion per annum) um)  Over Over 300 300,000 000 ru rura ral famil families ies (ov (over er 1 mill million ion rur rural al peop people) le) depend nd on on ch charcoa coal producti duction on.

  14. Char harcoa coal productio duction  Rur ural al earnings arnings from rom ch charcoal rcoal are re gr grea eater er th than an tho those from from co coffe fee, e, tea ea, co cotton, ton, sugar ar, ca cashews, hews, et etc  To To pro produce duce one one ton ton of of ch charc arcoal al in in the the tradit traditional ional ki kiln ln, 10 10 - 12 12 tons ns of of wood are used  Woo Wood contained contained 583 83 ha ha of of fo forest est were were requir equired ed da daily ily in in 2012 2012 and is is in in most st ca cases harve rvested sted illegall ally  Unfo fortunatel tunately ch charcoal rcoal produce ducers are not organized nized  Also lso, charcoa charcoal is is ineff ineffici icien ently tly pro produced duced & us used ed but but also unsustainabl ustainably mana anaged ged

  15. Ch Char arcoal coal tran anspor sportation tation  Thous ousands ands of p people e engag age e in transpor porting ting charco arcoal al from rural al produc ucers ers to u urban an users rs  Bicyc ycles les, , motorcycles cycles, trucks cks, , priva ivate te , STK K vehic hicle les s , tr tractors tors, , etc tc are used

  16.  Charcoa coal l is produce uced d and trans nspor ported ted some metimes times many y kilome ometers ters from m urban n ce centre res  Production usually located close to access roads  Transported on a return trip, after delivery upcountry Sources of Charcoal for Dar es salaam (2008, Malimbwi and Zahabu,)

  17. Wholes lesali aling ng and retailing …  Produce uced d in rural ral areas as and consumed sumed in cities es & t towns.  There ere are many charc arcoal oal wholesa esalers lers and retaile ilers rs in urban an Tanzan nzania ia (inc nclud luding ing home e delivery very)

  18.  Charcoal coal is mainly ly used d in urba ban n areas, prima maril rily y by y urban an househol seholds, ds, restaurants, aurants, hotels els.  The urban n popul ulation ation is incr creasi asing ng annuall ually y Urban population in Tanzania % of Urban population in Tanzania 14000 30 25 12000 Urban population(x 1000) 20 10000 % 15 8000 10 6000 5 4000 0 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2000 Year 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Year

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