modelling of transition bends possible approaches for

Modelling of Transition Bends Possible approaches for railML 2.x and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Modelling of Transition Bends Possible approaches for railML 2.x and 3.0 Christian Rahmig conference in Paris > 08 October 2014 > Slide 1 Overview Problem: Modelling curves Alignment element Transition Bend Examples from

  1. Modelling of Transition Bends Possible approaches for railML 2.x and 3.0 Christian Rahmig conference in Paris > 08 October 2014 > Slide 1

  2. Overview Problem: Modelling curves Alignment element Transition Bend Examples from Europe: ProRail, ÖBB, SBB, RFF Modelling in railML 2.x Option 1: Describing the radiusChange element Option 2: The transitionLength attribute Example Conclusion Outlook: Modelling in railML 3.0 Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 2 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  3. Problem Modelling of Curves (1/3) BE = x 2 Option 1: cicular arc with designed radius and set border points b = x 2 – x 1 R R+f For R = 450 m: f = 5.9 m b = 706.86 m ∆ x1 = 0 m ∆ x2 = 5.9 m ∆ y1 = 0 m ∆ y2 = 5.9 m ∆ R = 0 m ∆ b ≅ 2.04 m x 1 = BA R+f Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 3 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  4. Problem Modelling of Curves (2/3) BE = x 2 Option 2: cicular arc with designed radius and adapated border b = x 2 – x 1 points R R R+f For R = 450 m: f = 5.9 m b = 718.66 m ∆ x1 = 0 m ∆ x2 = 5.9 m ∆ y1 = 5.9 m ∆ y2 = 0 m ∆ R = 0 m R ∆ b ≅ 9.76 m x 1 = BA R+f Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 4 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  5. Problem Modelling of Curves (3/3) BE = x 2 Option 3: cicular arc with adapted radius and set border points b = x 2 – x 1 R+f R+f For R = 450 m: f = 5.9 m b = 716.17 m ∆ x1 = 0 m ∆ x2 = 0 m ∆ y1 = 0 m ∆ y2 = 0 m ∆ R = 5.9 m ∆ b ≅ 7.3 m x 1 = BA R+f Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 5 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  6. Alignment element Transition Bend (1/2) k = 1000 / r e.g. clothoid: linear k UE > 0 increasing curvature k x = k UE * s x / |s UE – s UA | dk = const. case 1: Connection between straight k UA = 0 line and circular arc s s x s UA s UE k = 1000 / r k UE k x = k UE * s x / |s UE – s UA | k UA case 2: Connection between two circular arcs with different radii s s x s UA s UE Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 6 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  7. Alignment element Transition Bend (2/2) UA = x 2 UE There are no errors of the radius or the border point positions b = x 2 – x 1 R+f R For R = 450 m: f = 5.9 m b = 708.9 m ∆ x1 = 0 m ∆ x2 = 0 m ∆ y1 = 0 m ∆ y2 = 0 m UE ∆ R = 0 m ∆ b ≅ 0 m x 1 = UA R+f Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 7 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  8. Examples from Europe (1/4) ProRail (x,y) 1 (x,y) 2 type r 1 r 2 Type: Cubic parabola Clothoide Source: Dirk Kes Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 8 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  9. Examples from Europe (2/4) ÖBB s t s 1 s 2 type k 1 k 2 Type: Clothoide Wiener Bogen BLOSS-Bogen Alternative transition bend Source: Andreas Pinzenöhler Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 9 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  10. Examples from Europe (3/4) SBB s 1 s 2 type r 1 r 2 Type: Clothoide Source: Thomas Kauer Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 10 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  11. Examples from Europe (4/4) RFF s 1 s 2 type Type: Clothoide Doucine Source: Gilles Dessagne Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 11 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  12. Infrastructure id [GenericID] name [GenericName] description [ElementDescription] version [RailMLVersion] xml:base [anyURI] timetableRef [GenericRef] rollingstockRef [GenericRef] Modelling in railML 2.x 0..1 Tracks 0..n Track id [GenericID] name [GenericName] Two possible approaches using the radiusChange element description [ElementDescription] type [TrackType] = {mainTrack, secondaryTrack, connectingTrack, sidingTrack, stationTrack} mainDir [DirValidity] = {none, up, down, both, unknown} infraAttrGroupRef [GenericRef] 0..1 TrackElements 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 SpeedChanges GradientChanges RadiusChanges ElectrificationChanges AxleWeightChanges GaugeChanges GeoMappings Tunnels Bridges LevelCrossings 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n SpeedChange GradientChange RadiusChange ElectrificationChange AxleWeightChange GaugeChange GeoMapping Tunnel Bridge LevelCrossing id [GenericID] id [GenericID] id [GenericID] id [GenericID] id [GenericID] id [GenericID] id [GenericID] id [GenericID] id [GenericID] id [GenericID] name [GenericName] name [GenericName] name [GenericName] name [GenericName] name [GenericName] name [GenericName] name [GenericName] name [GenericName] name [GenericName] name [GenericName] description description description description description description description description description description [ElementDescription] [ElementDescription] [ElementDescription] [ElementDescription] [ElementDescription] [ElementDescription] [ElementDescription] [ElementDescription] [ElementDescription] [ElementDescription] pos [LengthM] pos [LengthM] pos [LengthM] pos [LengthM] pos [LengthM] pos [LengthM] pos [LengthM] pos [LengthM] pos [LengthM] pos [LengthM] absPos [LengthM] absPos [LengthM] absPos [LengthM] absPos [LengthM] absPos [LengthM] absPos [LengthM] absPos [LengthM] absPos [LengthM] absPos [LengthM] absPos [LengthM] absPosOffset [LengthM] absPosOffset [LengthM] absPosOffset [LengthM] absPosOffset [LengthM] absPosOffset [LengthM] absPosOffset [LengthM] absPosOffset [LengthM] absPosOffset [LengthM] absPosOffset [LengthM] absPosOffset [LengthM] dir [DirValidity] = {none, up, dir [DirValidity] = {none, up, dir [DirValidity] = {none, up, dir [DirValidity] = {none, up, dir [DirValidity] = {none, up, dir [DirValidity] = {none, up, dir [DirValidity] = {none, up, dir [DirValidity] = {none, up, dir [DirValidity] = {none, up, down, both, unknown} down, both, unknown} down, both, unknown} down, both, unknown} down, both, unknown} down, both, unknown} down, both, unknown} down, both, unknown} down, both, unknown} trainCategory [TrainCategory] type [ElectrificationType] = value [LengthMM] = 1435 length [LengthM] length [LengthM] length [LengthM] = 0.000 slope [GradientPromille] radius [RadiusM] value [WeightTons] status [string] transitionLength [LengthM] superelevation [LengthMM] none, {overhead, 3rdRail, meterload crossSection [LengthM] kind [string] angle [AngleDegQuadrant] = transitionRadius [RadiusM] sideRail} [MeterloadTonsPerMeter] kind [TunnelType] = {natural meterload 90 vMax [SpeedKmPerHour] voltage stone, quarryStone, brick, [MeterloadTonsPerMeter] protection [string] = none [ElectrificationVoltage] = concrete} 15000, {600, 750, 1500, 3000, 25000, 50000} frequency [Frequency] = 16.667 0..1 vMax [SpeedKmPerHour] isolatedSection [boolean] = 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 false 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 GeoCoord GeoCoord GeoCoord GeoCoord GeoCoord GeoCoord GeoCoord GeoCoord GeoCoord GeoCoord coord [CoordinateList] coord [CoordinateList] coord [CoordinateList] coord [CoordinateList] coord [CoordinateList] coord [CoordinateList] coord [CoordinateList] coord [CoordinateList] coord [CoordinateList] coord [CoordinateList] extraHeight [double] extraHeight [double] extraHeight [double] extraHeight [double] extraHeight [double] extraHeight [double] extraHeight [double] extraHeight [double] extraHeight [double] extraHeight [double] Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 12 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  13. Modelling in railML 2.x Option 1 – Describing the radiusChange element string Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 13 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  14. Modelling in railML 2.x Option 1 – Describing the radiusChange element Optional attribute description is used for describing the type of the curve: „UA“ – connection between transition bend and straight line (k = 0) or circular arc 1 (k1 < k2) „UA_cubicParabola“ „UA_parabola4“ „UA_clothoide“ „UA_WienerBogen“ „UA_BlossBogen“ „UA_Sinusoide“ „UA_Cosinusoide“ „UA_other“ „UE“ – connection between transition bend and circular arc (k > 0) resp. circular arc 2 (k2 > k1) <empty> - connection between circular arcs with different radii without transition bend Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 14 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014

  15. Modelling in railML 2.x Option 2 – TransitionLength attribute new attribute transitionLength rail:tLengthM optional Modelling of Transition Bends in railML 2.x and railML 3 > Slide 15 conference in Paris > 08 October 2014


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