Modeling and Simulation of Human Choices: from Utility Theory to Applications Prof. Michel Bierlaire Director – Transportation Center Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland
Introduction : Science Fiction Psyc Psychohistory hohistory: B : Bra ranc nch of h of mathe thematic tics whic s which de h deals ls with the with the re reactions of hum tions of human conglom onglomera rate tes to fixe s to fixed d soc socia ial a l and e nd econom onomic ic stim stimuli. Enc uli. Encyc yclope lopedia dia Ga Gala lactic tica, 1 , 116th Edition th Edition (1 (1020 F.E.) F.E.)
Introduction: Prof. McFadden La Laure ureate te of The of The B Bank nk of of Swe Swede den Prize n Prize in Ec in Econom onomic ic Sc Scie ienc nces in Me s in Memory of ory of Alfre lfred N d Nobe obel 2 l 2000 Owns a Owns a fa farm rm a and vine nd vineya yard in rd in Napa pa Va Valle lley y “ Fa Farm rm work work c cle lears the rs the m mind, ind, and the nd the vine vineya yard is a rd is a gre great t pla place to prove to prove the theore orems ” ”
Introduction : marketing Pre Predic diction of tion of mark rket sha t share res s Choic hoice of bra of brand nd Choic hoice of produc of product t fe feature tures s Choic hoice of re of reta tail il store store Etc Etc. .
Introduction : transportation demand analysis Choic hoice of m of mode ode Choic hoice of pa of path th Choic hoice of of de destina stination tion Choic hoice of pa of park rking ing Choic hoice of of de depa parture rture tim time
Framework Data Model Simulation
Data: questionaires Data ta a about the bout the re responde spondent nt Choic hoice da data ta Reve veale led d pre prefe fere renc nces s Sta State ted pre d prefe fere renc nces
Data: smartphones GSM, GPS GSM, GPS Accele lerom romete ter r WiFi WiFi Blue luetooth tooth Ambie bient sound nt sound And m nd more ore... ...
Data: scanner data Deta taile iled purc d purcha hase se inform information tion Pe Persona rsonalize lized d
Data: eye tracking Whe Where re do pe do people ople look look? Use sed in m d in mark rketing ting re rese searc rch h Use sed in driving d in driving sa safe fety re ty rese searc rch h R Rele leva vant for nt for pe pede destria strian m n mode odels ls
Model : assumptions Hom omo e o econom onomic icus us Rationa tionality lity Utility the tility theory ory Ea Each a h alte lterna rnative tive is is assoc ssocia iate ted with a d with a utility utility The The a alte lterna rnative tive with the with the la large rgest utility is c st utility is chose hosen n
Model : assumptions Strong Strong assum ssumptions ptions Unc ncerta rtainty a inty and nd irra irrationa tionality m lity must ust be c be capture ptured d Random ndom utility utility mode odels ls La Late tent va nt varia riable bles s
Model : features Disa isaggre ggrega gate te – – mark rket se t segm gments nts Qua Quantita ntitative tive a and nd qua qualita litative tive va varia riable bles s Can ha n handle ndle subje subjectivity - tivity - attitude ttitudes- s- pe perc rceptions ptions
Application : simulation of market shares Polic Policy va y varia riable bles s (e (e.g. pric .g. price) ) Nonline onlinear e r effe ffect t
Application : market segmentation Ma Mark rket sha t share res pe s per r se segm gment nt Gra Granula nularity rity de depe pends on the nds on the da data ta a ava vaila ilability bility
Application : simulation of revenues Conc oncept of optim pt of optimal l pric price Can be n be se segm gment nt spe specific ific
Application : pedestrian walking behavior Choic hoice of the of the ne next xt ste step p Collision a ollision avoida voidanc nce Le Leade der followe r follower r
Application : pedestrian simulation
Application : pedestrian simulation
Applications: route choice Com omple plex proble x problem Num umbe ber of pa r of paths is ths is huge huge High le igh leve vel of l of ove overla rlapping pping Shorte Shortest pa st path not th not be beha haviora viorally lly meaningful ningful
Application : electric vehicles Ma Mark rket sha t share res s Hypothe ypothetic tical l choic hoice Im Importa portanc nce of of attitude ttitude towa toward the rd the environm nvironment nt
Application : facial expression recognition Autom utomatic tic ide identific ntification of the tion of the emotion otion Pote Potentia ntially lly diffe differe rent a nt across ross culture ultures s Require quires a s adva dvanc nced im image ge proc processing ssing algorithm lgorithms s
Application : demand-supply interactions Reve venue nue mana nage gement nt Ma Mark rket e t equilibrium quilibrium Com ombina bination of tion of ope opera rations tions re rese searc rch a h and nd de demand m nd mode odels ls
Conclusion Disc iscre rete te c choic hoice m mode odels ls Adva dvanc nced a d and ope nd opera rationa tional l Accom omoda odate te m mode odern da rn data ta sourc sources s Wide Wide ra range nge of a of applic pplications tions Com omple plex m x mode odels re ls require quires sim s simula ulation tools tion tools
Short course : Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Demand and Market Shares Janua nuary 2 ry 29- Fe - Februa bruary 2 ry 2, , 2012 2012 Ec Ecole ole Polyte Polytechnique hnique Fé Fédé déra rale le de de La Lausa usanne nne Prof. B Prof. Ben-A n-Akiva iva (MIT) – (MIT) – Prof. Bie Prof. B ierla rlaire ire (EPFL) (EPFL) tra transp-or.e nsp-or.epfl.c h/dc dca
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