model driven development of self adaptive applications

Model-Driven Development of Self-Adaptive Applications for Mobile - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Model-Driven Development of Self-Adaptive Applications for Mobile Devices Kurt Geihs, Arnor Solberg, Roland Reichle, Svein Hallsteinsen Mohammad U. Khan SINTEF ICT, Strindveien 4, University of Kassel 34121 Kassel, Germany NO-7465

  1. Model-Driven Development of Self-Adaptive Applications for Mobile Devices Kurt Geihs, Arnor Solberg, Roland Reichle, Svein Hallsteinsen Mohammad U. Khan SINTEF ICT, Strindveien 4, University of Kassel 34121 Kassel, Germany NO-7465 Trondheim, Norway +49 561 804 6275 +47 73 59 3010 Brussels September 27, 2005 Slide 1

  2. Motivation • Computing is going mobile, ubiquitous, service oriented • Mobile use means dynamic variation in user needs and available computing and communication resources • Applications must adapt to such changes in order to sustain availability, usability and usefulness Brussels September 27, 2005 Slide 2

  3. Madam Objectives • Provide support for the development of applications that adapt dynamically to changes in context (at launch time and during use) Brussels September 27, 2005 Slide 3

  4. Approach Architects, application developers develop - Application reference architecture Design Models - Notation extensions Application use & (UML profile) developers refine - Modeling tool I mplement - Transformation tool Components Types Application (MOFscript, based on EMF) & Plans components retrieves Distributed MADAM runtime - Middleware Application Adaptation models instance builds, Middleware builds & - context monitoring maintains adapts - context reasoning & uses provides monitors service to - adaptation reasoning & decision making Context - (re)configuration - application launch needs Distributed and initial adaptation computing noise position battery Mobile user infrastructue Brussels September 27, 2005 Slide 4

  5. Properties and utility Dynamically changing env. Influence Influence Properties Describe Needs Offer Needs Offer Execution Application env Provides Executes Mobile service to in user Utility Brussels September 27, 2005 Slide 5

  6. Conceptual model Interface * * Property Port Entity def type type * * * * implements implements * connected to * has has Property Port Entity annotation * 1 * 1 use * * influence use User use Software environment User * * component entity * * * * influence Resource * use * * * Brussels September 27, 2005 Slide 6

  7. Results • Developed UML profile specialising and extending UML composite structures • Plugged it into UML modelling tool supporting profiling • Developing transformation tool based on MOF-script • Will be used for pilot application development in Madam Brussels September 27, 2005 Slide 7

  8. Thank you! Questions? More information: Brussels September 27, 2005 Slide 8

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