mod p points on shimura varieties of parahoric level

Mod p points on Shimura varieties of parahoric level Pol van Hoften - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mod p points on Shimura varieties of parahoric level Pol van Hoften Kings College London May 30 2020 Structure of the talk Structure of the talk Introduction to the Langlands-Rapoport conjecture and a quick survey of previous work

  1. Mod p points on Shimura varieties of parahoric level Pol van Hoften King’s College London May 30 2020

  2. Structure of the talk

  3. Structure of the talk Introduction to the Langlands-Rapoport conjecture and a quick survey of previous work

  4. Structure of the talk Introduction to the Langlands-Rapoport conjecture and a quick survey of previous work Statement of the main results

  5. Structure of the talk Introduction to the Langlands-Rapoport conjecture and a quick survey of previous work Statement of the main results Idea of the proof

  6. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture I

  7. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture I Langlands and Rapoport conjectured the existence of integral models of Shimura varieties with good properties.

  8. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture I Langlands and Rapoport conjectured the existence of integral models of Shimura varieties with good properties. For example the the modular curve Y 0 ( N ) has a smooth integral model over Z ( p ) with p ∤ N , using the moduli interpretation in terms of families of elliptic curves.

  9. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture I Langlands and Rapoport conjectured the existence of integral models of Shimura varieties with good properties. For example the the modular curve Y 0 ( N ) has a smooth integral model over Z ( p ) with p ∤ N , using the moduli interpretation in terms of families of elliptic curves. The modular curve Y 0 ( Np ) also has an integral model over Z ( p ) with p ∤ N , but it is no longer smooth.

  10. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture I Langlands and Rapoport conjectured the existence of integral models of Shimura varieties with good properties. For example the the modular curve Y 0 ( N ) has a smooth integral model over Z ( p ) with p ∤ N , using the moduli interpretation in terms of families of elliptic curves. The modular curve Y 0 ( Np ) also has an integral model over Z ( p ) with p ∤ N , but it is no longer smooth. Understanding these integral models has interesting applications, e.g. construction of Galois representations (Deligne, Langlands), Ribet’s proof of the ǫ -conjecture.

  11. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture II

  12. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture II Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum, i.e., G is a reductive group over Q and X is a Hermitian symmetric domain with an action of G ( R )

  13. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture II Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum, i.e., G is a reductive group over Q and X is a Hermitian symmetric domain with an action of G ( R ) Let p be a prime number, K p ⊂ G ( A p f ) be a compact open subgroup and K p ⊂ G ( Q p ) a parahoric subgroup and let K = K p K p ⊂ G ( A f ) .

  14. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture II Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum, i.e., G is a reductive group over Q and X is a Hermitian symmetric domain with an action of G ( R ) Let p be a prime number, K p ⊂ G ( A p f ) be a compact open subgroup and K p ⊂ G ( Q p ) a parahoric subgroup and let K = K p K p ⊂ G ( A f ) . Let Sh K ( G , X ) be the associated Shimura variety, which is an algebraic variety over a number field E , the reflex field.

  15. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture II Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum, i.e., G is a reductive group over Q and X is a Hermitian symmetric domain with an action of G ( R ) Let p be a prime number, K p ⊂ G ( A p f ) be a compact open subgroup and K p ⊂ G ( Q p ) a parahoric subgroup and let K = K p K p ⊂ G ( A f ) . Let Sh K ( G , X ) be the associated Shimura variety, which is an algebraic variety over a number field E , the reflex field. If v | p is a place of E , then the conjecture predicts that there should be a ‘good’ integral model S K ( G , X ) over O E ( v ) .

  16. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture II Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum, i.e., G is a reductive group over Q and X is a Hermitian symmetric domain with an action of G ( R ) Let p be a prime number, K p ⊂ G ( A p f ) be a compact open subgroup and K p ⊂ G ( Q p ) a parahoric subgroup and let K = K p K p ⊂ G ( A f ) . Let Sh K ( G , X ) be the associated Shimura variety, which is an algebraic variety over a number field E , the reflex field. If v | p is a place of E , then the conjecture predicts that there should be a ‘good’ integral model S K ( G , X ) over O E ( v ) . For example G = GL 2 , X = H ± and K p = GL 2 ( Z p ) or K p = Γ 0 ( p ) , then E = Q and the integral models from the previous slide are ‘good’.

  17. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture III

  18. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture III The conjecture then predicts that there is a partition into ‘isogeny classes’ � S K ( G , X )( F p ) ≃ S φ , (1) φ compatible with the action of prime to p Hecke operators.

  19. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture III The conjecture then predicts that there is a partition into ‘isogeny classes’ � S K ( G , X )( F p ) ≃ S φ , (1) φ compatible with the action of prime to p Hecke operators. Moreover, the S φ ⊂ S K ( G , X )( F p ) have the following description (‘Rapoport-Zink uniformisation’) S φ ≃ I φ ( Q ) \ X p ( φ ) × X p ( φ ) / K p (2)

  20. The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture III The conjecture then predicts that there is a partition into ‘isogeny classes’ � S K ( G , X )( F p ) ≃ S φ , (1) φ compatible with the action of prime to p Hecke operators. Moreover, the S φ ⊂ S K ( G , X )( F p ) have the following description (‘Rapoport-Zink uniformisation’) S φ ≃ I φ ( Q ) \ X p ( φ ) × X p ( φ ) / K p (2) Here X p ( φ ) is an affine Deligne-Lusztig variety of level K p .

  21. Previous Work Kottwitz (1992) proved closely related results for PEL type Shimura varieties of type A and C, at primes p > 2 with K p hyperspecial.

  22. Previous Work Kottwitz (1992) proved closely related results for PEL type Shimura varieties of type A and C, at primes p > 2 with K p hyperspecial. Theorem (Kisin, 2008 and 2013) Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum of abelian type, let p > 2 and suppose that G Q p is unramified and that K p is hyperspecial. Then the Langlands-Rapoport conjecture ∗ holds for ( G , X , p ) .

  23. Previous Work Kottwitz (1992) proved closely related results for PEL type Shimura varieties of type A and C, at primes p > 2 with K p hyperspecial. Theorem (Kisin, 2008 and 2013) Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum of abelian type, let p > 2 and suppose that G Q p is unramified and that K p is hyperspecial. Then the Langlands-Rapoport conjecture ∗ holds for ( G , X , p ) . Theorem (Zhou, 2017) Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum of Hodge type, let p > 2 and suppose that G Q p is residually split, then isogeny classes have Rapoport-Zink uniformisation for arbitrary parahorics K p .

  24. Main Results I Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum of abelian type, let p > 2 and suppose that G Q p is unramified.

  25. Main Results I Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum of abelian type, let p > 2 and suppose that G Q p is unramified. Let K p ⊂ G ( A p f ) be compact open and let K p ⊂ G ( Q p ) be a parahoric subgroup.

  26. Main Results I Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum of abelian type, let p > 2 and suppose that G Q p is unramified. Let K p ⊂ G ( A p f ) be compact open and let K p ⊂ G ( Q p ) be a parahoric subgroup. Theorem 1 (-) The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture ∗ holds for the Kisin-Pappas integral models of Sh K ( G , X ) .

  27. Main Results I Let ( G , X ) be a Shimura datum of abelian type, let p > 2 and suppose that G Q p is unramified. Let K p ⊂ G ( A p f ) be compact open and let K p ⊂ G ( Q p ) be a parahoric subgroup. Theorem 1 (-) The Langlands-Rapoport conjecture ∗ holds for the Kisin-Pappas integral models of Sh K ( G , X ) . Remarks The assumption that G Q p is unramified can be removed for most ( G , X ) , under the assumption that Sh K ( G , X ) is proper and that G is not of type A.

  28. Idea of the proof I

  29. Idea of the proof I Since we know the results at hyperspecial level, it suffices to understand the fibers of the forgetful map.

  30. Idea of the proof I Since we know the results at hyperspecial level, it suffices to understand the fibers of the forgetful map. When G = GL 2 , then the forgetful map has the following description: Y 0 ( Np ) { ( E , α N , H ⊂ E [ p ] } (3) Y 0 ( N ) { ( E , α N }

  31. Idea of the proof I Since we know the results at hyperspecial level, it suffices to understand the fibers of the forgetful map. When G = GL 2 , then the forgetful map has the following description: Y 0 ( Np ) { ( E , α N , H ⊂ E [ p ] } (3) Y 0 ( N ) { ( E , α N } Here E is an elliptic curve, α N is a Γ 0 ( N ) level structure and H ⊂ E [ p ] is a subgroup of order p .

  32. Idea of the proof I Since we know the results at hyperspecial level, it suffices to understand the fibers of the forgetful map. When G = GL 2 , then the forgetful map has the following description: Y 0 ( Np ) { ( E , α N , H ⊂ E [ p ] } (3) Y 0 ( N ) { ( E , α N } Here E is an elliptic curve, α N is a Γ 0 ( N ) level structure and H ⊂ E [ p ] is a subgroup of order p . An elliptic curve over F p has either one or two choices for H , depending on whether it is supersingular or ordinary.


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